23:50 Zyn Evening, Site 17.
23:50 Wogglebug Different IP, I think.
23:50 Wogglebug Also, tehone, how old are you?
23:50 Zyn Is there a question here?
23:51 Wogglebug Not an especially difficult-to-answer one, Zyn.
23:51 Tox|Tab Hostmask is not a match
23:51 Wogglebug I know Tox. I checked.
23:51 Tox|Tab However
23:51 Kalinin joined #site17
23:51 theone im 19 but i have adhd so i am vary easy to fool
23:52 Tox|Tab This site requires proper use of the English language
23:52 Wogglebug Or at least passable usage, really.
23:53 Tox|Tab You don't meet either standard at present.
23:53 theone i haven't bean able to spell my hole life but i have bean learning as i go
23:54 Tox|Tab You've got a ways to go.
23:54 theone i know righting helps me it gives me a reason to learn
23:55 Tox|Tab Well given that you should be a high school graduate judging by your stated age…you should have gotten s fi
23:55 Tox|Tab Gotten a firm grasp of English /well/ before coming here
23:56 theone i can speak beater then i can right
23:56 Tox|Tab Irrelevant.
23:56 theone what are u a darlix
23:57 Tox|Tab I don't even know what that is, except possibly a horrible mangling of 'Dalek'
23:57 Wogglebug Maybe a Derelict?
23:58 Wogglebug A Delphox?
23:58 Wogglebug A Great Dane?
23:58 Tox|Tab Woof
23:58 theone the doctor who monster
23:58 Tox|Tab Dalek. How can you miss it that badly?
23:59 Wogglebug Intentionally, perhaps. Or perhaps not.
23:59 Wogglebug S'hard to say.
23:59 Tox|Tab Either way.
23:59 Wogglebug Is English your first language, theone?
23:59 theone like i sad can't spell vary well
23:59 Zyn Then you won't be able to write SCPs very well.
00:00 Tox|Tab And you'll be torn to ribbons.
00:00 theone and yes born and raised in the us
00:00 Tox|Tab If you're really a high school graduate you'd be able to spell much better
00:01 Tox|Tab Unless the state of education these days is sorrier than I ever thought possible
00:02 Zyn It's best to just state your real age, otherwise people will hold you to higher standards.
00:03 theone i haven't bean capable of spelling correctly since i was in pre school and i was born on 10 11 1994
00:04 Tox|Tab Still calling bull
00:04 Tox|Tab You would have learned spelling through schooling
00:04 Tox|Tab All throughout
00:05 Zyn The fact that you have a registered nick indicates that you should be capable of middle school spelling.
00:07 theone i have learning disability's so its harder for me to spell but i can pot a good story together i have made a few books just haven't had them published
00:07 Tox|Tab Don't care
00:07 Tox|Tab Your learning disability will buy you no clemency
00:08 Tox|Tab You /will/ be held to the same standards, LD or no
00:08 theone okay now that's just unprofessional
00:08 Silberescher "unprofessional"
00:08 Tox|Tab …how so?
00:09 Zyn theone, if you can write a few books, then you can make a wikidot account.
00:09 Tox|Tab Enforcing a uniform set of standards and expecting everyone to conform is unprofessional?
00:09 Tox|Tab Trot that by me again.
00:10 Nusquam quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 25.0.1/20131112160018])
00:11 theone saying you don't care i could be a nice guy if you get to know me but i gess my scp will not get told and he was going to be a grate one
00:11 Tox|Tab One. I doubt it.
00:12 Zyn Hey, Tox, reign it in there.
00:12 Zyn Let's keep this civil.
00:12 Tox|Tab Roger, Zyn, apologies.
00:12 Tox|Tab Salient point is this
00:12 theone the immortal samurai
00:13 Tox|Tab It doesn't matter what learning disabilities you claim to have.
00:13 Zyn theone, this place isn't for discussing potential SCP drafts.
00:13 Tox|Tab You /will/ be held to site standards.
00:13 Zyn This is for people to ask staff questions.
00:13 Tox|Tab Proper use of the language, tone, formatting.
00:13 Zyn General chat is in another room. If you really want to write an SCP, you'll need to join the wiki first.
00:14 theone well i was going to join but you heart my feelings ill tack my story elswhere maybe ill mack a book out of it
00:15 Zyn It's your decision.
00:15 Clef l…
00:15 Clef what
00:15 Clef I
00:15 Clef what
00:15 Clef was that?
00:16 theone i like the scp' i thenk they are amazing thing ant the minds that mack them even more so
00:16 Tox|Tab No idea clef
00:16 Clef the minds that mack them
00:16 Clef …
00:16 Tox|Tab Am ded
00:16 Clef like a truck?
00:16 Zyn theone, just so you know, the word "mack" can also refer to kissing.
00:16 Zyn Clef, if you can't be coherent, please take a break from the chat.
00:17 theone ik forgive my miss spell i do get over exsited sometimes
00:18 Zyn You're currently talking to people who have college level or above writing experience. You will be taken as seriously as your writing presents you.
00:18 Tox|Tab No. I don't and won't forgive your misspellings.
00:18 Zyn Tox.
00:18 Zyn Let me deal with this, please.
00:18 Tox|Tab Roger.
00:20 theone i didn't expect you to forgive me i just am looking for ways to use my ideas and to find friends
00:20 Zyn That would be general chat.
00:20 Zyn Thing is, it's best to get accepted onto the main site first before joining general chat.
00:21 Zyn As I've said before, this chatroom is a place for staff to answer questions. If you don't have an account on the mainsite, you don't need to lurk here unless you're waiting for someone to answer something.
00:22 theone i know but i sad ill go right to the big wigs and im not that good with computers my format is pen and paper
00:22 theone dang miss spells
00:23 Zyn What is your question?
00:23 Silberescher quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
00:24 theone i was going to ask if a newcomer like myself would ever have a place in scp given my spelling difficulty's
00:24 Silberescher joined #site17
00:24 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Silberescher
00:25 Tox|Tab If you fix them.
00:25 Zyn It depends on how much effort you put into fixing your spelling.
00:25 Tox|Tab If not? No.
00:25 Zyn Like I said, most people here have college level or above writing experience.
00:26 Zyn Since you're 19, you'll be held to that standard.
00:26 theone ah there in lay's the challenge that's what is what i wanted
00:26 anqxyr quit (Ping timeout)
00:28 theone i say this no challenge no fun
00:28 Tox|Tab Some challenges are…insurmountable.
00:29 Zyn You'd think that if you wanted a challenge, you'd say you were 21.
00:29 theone only to some to me nothing in impossible only improvable
00:32 theone that's why even with my LD as u pot it i still graduated from high school a year before everyone in my school year
00:33 Tox|Tab …
00:33 Zyn So are you in college now?
00:35 theone getting there my family has financial issues so i'm finding it a challenge to get in one
00:36 Zyn I see. Best of luck, then.
00:36 Zyn Have you considered applying for scholarships? Graduating a year early is impressive.
00:37 theone thank you see i'm not as hopeless as i first come off as
00:38 theone i have but we haft to see witch one i apply for cus i do still have a LD
00:41 theone but i am wanting to learn how to spell better then i do now
00:41 anqxyr joined #site17
00:42 Zyn What made you decide to graduate a year early?
00:43 Zyn Also, mind joining #site19 for a moment?
00:43 Zyn This chatroom is for questions, not general chat.
00:46 theone well as u can guess having a LD i was bulled allot so i just worked hard and took the student way out and talk to you later
00:46 Zyn You're free to join #site19 if you want to continue general chat and, as you mentioned, make friends on the site.
00:46 Zyn I would recommend creating a wikidot account and joining the site proper though.
00:47 theone ok thank you but first do you haft to pay to have that
00:48 Zyn No.
00:48 theone ok hop to talk to you later
00:48 theone quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)