As you may or may not have noticed I've hardly been present or productive these past few weeks, ever since I dove back into the webcomics grind. The good news is that I'm doing great on the comics. The bad news is that it takes up all my time and creative energy, I have nothing left for writing SCPs at the moment, nor do I have the time or energy to carry on my responsibilities as an admin and the head of #site19.
So, with regret, I am stepping down from that role effective immediately. I love you guys and this site more than I can adequately express in a written statement, and I will be checking back in as often as I can, but both for the near and far future I do not expect to be around very much… unless No Scrying crashes and burns like a freight train full of baby orphan seal nuns.
If you guys still need me to crack the DMCA whip I will be happy to do so, and I can be reached through wiki PMs, email or Steam for that.
As for #site19, I have spoken with Waxx and returned ownership of the channel to him for the same reasons he agreed to pass it on to me. He's still very passionate about the chat and there's no one else I'd trust with it more than he.
Thanks for all the fun and support these years, I am very proud to be a part of this collaboration and I wish everyone success.