I can say that I write this with a heavy heart, but I most certainly cannot say that it comes as a surprise to have to do so. We knew this would come, sooner or later. I am, however, shocked to be writing it so late.
My time here has been a whirlwind of different experiences, emotions and people. I came here with great excitement, made my contributions, purposefully ostracized myself, and here we stand at last. Some of my favorite pieces were created for this site. I met my girlfriend of three and a half years in the chat room that I, until tonight, was honored to take charge of. I am even able to call some of you very good friends. I have much to be thankful for. In particular I would like to acknowledge Roget for accepting the thankless task of keeping me abreast of wiki and administrative dealings with his weekly email updates; he did a fine job and I fear that I was not worthy of his efforts. For that, I sincerely apologize. I hope that someone else will be able to make proper use of his talent and dedication.
I won't hide my disappointment that those of you who had grievances were either too afraid or thought too little of me to air them directly; that is a slightly bitter pill to swallow. But despite appearances, I harbor no ill will or grudges; you have your reasons for your actions and I can respect that. Just be very careful with the power you now wield.
As I said earlier, #site19 is where I met my girlfriend. I adore her very much, and the thought of allowing the chat to fall into disuse or ruin does not sit well with me. Try to take care of it for me in my absence. If I don't stay, I might decide to stop in sometime and I'd appreciate it if I still had a place to visit.
As far as my content on the wiki goes, it is yours to do what you please with, so long as I can still be credited for what few things I actually did. Although I dislike the current tone of the wiki, I wish you the best of luck with it.
Thank you for your patience, your time, and above all thank you for your friendship. It has meant very much to me over these past four years.
Good luck, and god bless.