I pulled tretter aside in chat to give him a friendly warning, as he'd been getting pretty riled up on feedback.
I first noticed in this idea thread:
Almost final draft, my ass. This needs a lot of help. Let me reiterate that, it needs a lot of help. The idea is completely OTT and not worth pursuing, the tone is bad in places, the grammar needs help, and this sucks. My suggestion is scrap it and start over.
Later on, in a newbie's SCP discussion thread:
What did I fucking tell you in the forums? This is not a good idea. It's an angle that makes you go batshit insane. Why didn't you post the draft to the forums? You posted the idea, yes, but that doesn't give you a free pass to not get feedback.
Here's the chat log:
[23:17] * Aelanna poke
[23:17] * tretter is poked
[23:17] <Aelanna> Hey. Could you dial it back a little when dealing with new kids?
[23:17] <tretter> Is this about 1288?
[23:17] <Aelanna> Not just 1288.
[23:17] <Aelanna> Looking at your recent posts, you're being unnecessarily harsh.
[23:17] <Aelanna> Especially in the forums.
[23:18] <tretter> oh
[23:18] <Aelanna> I realize that I'm not exactly a good role model, but I at least direct my ire at the writing, not the authors. :P
[23:18] <tretter> I try not to be, but sometimes really bad drafts ruffle me up a bit too much
[23:18] <Aelanna> I realize that. I'm in the same boat.
[23:19] <tretter> I'll try to tone it down
[23:19] * Aelanna thumbs up
[23:19] <Aelanna> You're not in trouble, I just wanted to pull you back a step before you did get in trouble :)
[23:19] <tretter> I understand
[23:19] <Aelanna> Remember, we get nine flops for every good egg.
[23:19] <Aelanna> Take the moral high ground and don't let it get to you
[23:20] <Aelanna> Tell them it sucks, but be polite.
[23:20] <tretter> I'll do so
[23:20] <Aelanna> Thanks.
I wouldn't consider him in trouble and I fully believe he'll dial it back as asked, I just wanted to make a note here.