Just noticed that there wasn't any documentation on this incident, so I thought I'd save Clef some effort.
This incident when he posted SCP-1359, the "Spam Email". Aside from being just another bad submission, he kept trying to defend it by saying that it was a work in progress and that he wanted help with it. When members tried to point him at the forums, he stated that he couldn't figure out the forums or IRC.
After SCP-1359 was self-deleted, he then created a main-wiki sandbox page, which drew a lot of ire from, well, just about everyone. His response was that supposedly someone had told him to do it.
Once that had been deleted, he then posted the entirety of his draft on the forums: http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-628786/doctor-nulo-s-ideas-in-progress It was at this point that Clef revoked his membership for clearly not having read or understood the rules of either the forums or the required reading before that.
While this was happening, I was also trying to get his attention in private messages, with limited success:
Subject: STOP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:14I suggest you get your ass to IRC immediately so staff can talk to you. If you keep stumbling around on the main site like a headless chicken, you're liable to get banned.
Raven Mackenzie
SCP Wiki Senior Staff
Subject: Re: STOP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:211. Please stop using inappropriate language.
2. I am forgetful, so I am liable to do stupid things, but I will eventually fix my mistakes.
3. I forgot what IRC is.
4. I need to know exactly where (spell it out for me) to put my Sandbox page.
5. Thank you for not being an asshat.
Subject: Re: STOP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:321. This is an adult community where the average author age is over 21. If you can't deal with mature language and topics, then this may not be the community for you.
2. SCP is not very forgiving when it comes to stupid mistakes that anyone who's read the rules should know better than to make. If you can't remember the rules, then re-read them until you can.
3. Go read the Required Reading again, then.
4. I gave you multiple links to the appropriate places with instructions on how to create and get feedback on drafts in a sandbox. If you don't have the patience to do even that, then you're just wasting everyone's time.
5. I am a senior staff member of the SCP Wiki, and I do anything and everything the administration asks. Including, sometimes, taking out the trash.Raven Mackenzie
SCP Wiki Senior Staff
While I was typing up the last one, Clef finally pulled the plug on his membership.
Subject: Removal from SCP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:27Staff Member Raven Mackenzie,
Okay, I'll admit I was a bit of an asshat in my last message, and that I messed up a lot, but BANNING? I just don't understand why I was removed. I fixed all my mistakes, and created a page on the Sandbox. Could Staff please let me back on. I'm new, but I just REALLY want to contribute.
Subject: Re: STOP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:35Thank you for your time. I believe I have rectified my mistakes and I refuse to make these same mistakes again. May the Staff have pity on me.
The following was posted verbatim on orders from Clef:
Subject: Re: Removal from SCP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:35You're not banned. Read the information then reapply, but don't do so until you're sure you know the site rules. Don't send me any more PMs on this matter or I will gut and eat you.
Raven Mackenzie
SCP Wiki Senior Staff
And, of course, he had to get the last word in:
Re: Removal from SCP
Date: 26 Feb 2013, 16:36I know you said "Don't send me any more PMs on this matter or I will gut and eat you.", but I just needed to voice the fact that the SCP application process is cluttered and needs some tidying up. I will reread the Rules and reapply later. Thank you.
Needless to say, I am advocating that we keep a very close eye on him. He is also on IRC as Doctor_Nulo.