This thread is for voting to adopt the policy of consolidating long disc threads, by members of the disc team, when they reach longer than three pages. This would be for when a new incident occurs, if discussion of one incident continues for more than three pages, it would not be stopped, but any new infraction would be posted in a fresh thread. The previous thread would then be locked This summary would appear as such:
Date | Short Description which is also a link to the post/previous thread | Action taken |
2014/29/06 | Roget posted a lewd and didn't even tell us that it was lewd | Roget was informed he was a dumbass and kicked out of #site19 for an hour, the most awful punishment imaginable. |
Entries like these would be made for each disc incident logged in that persons thread, and posted in the OP of the thread followed by description of whatever the latest incident may be. The code for the summary reports looks like this:
||~ Date ||~ Short Description which is also a link to the post/previous thread ||~ Action taken ||
||20XX/XX/XX||Thread Link\Description of the incident|| What the response was (Warning, Ban, Revocation, etc.) ||
So, the following text would be appended to the Disc Team Structure tab on their team hub:
Should a user with repeated behavior incidents or one major incident have discussion lasting longer than three pages, if another infraction occurs the previous behaviors should be consolidated with information about the new incident being posted concurrently.
Please list your vote Y/N in favor of this proposal. Voting will conclude at the end of the week.
||~ Yes ||~ No ||
|| X || X ||
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!