Not in trouble, but Zyn noticed earlier today that Lurk has been pushing everyone to talk to him in PMs, which while not against the rules, is kinda weird and made several of us uncomfortable. I sent him this PM:
Hey, I just wanted to reach out to you real quick and congratulate you on your success since joining the site and your willingness to help new members out. It's really unusual quite admirable of you to step up to the plate like that.
The only thing that's been bothering a few of us on staff is that you keep pushing newbies to talk to you in private messages; there's nothing inherently wrong with private messages, but as some of these kids are literally just starting out, it's making some of us slightly uncomfortable that we can't be here in the process of developing an aspiring writer and help correct you in case you're wrong. It's also just generally against the spirit of collaboration when we already have a sophisticated public forum and a well-traveled IRC network with tons of active, helpful people.
Again, we do appreciate the work you do. We just want to see newbies go where everyone else is, rather than being funneled through a single point of contact. :)
Thanks in advance,
Raven Mackenzie
SCP Wiki Senior Staff
He's not in trouble by my book and I'm not advocating action; just leaving this here for records purposes.