- jg (~iatiran.ukoyust.nabihci.ed.iakes|akhsok#iatiran.ukoyust.nabihci.ed.iakes|akhsok) has joined
<jg> Hi!
<jg> Oh, hold on, wait a sec, I have to fix something
- jg (~iatiran.ukoyust.nabihci.ed.iakes|akhsok#iatiran.ukoyust.nabihci.ed.iakes|akhsok) has left (Leaving)
- jg (~iatiran.ukoyust.nabihci.ed.iakes|akhsok#iatiran.ukoyust.nabihci.ed.iakes|akhsok) has joined
<jg> >:(
<ProcyonLotor> Well, I mean
<ProcyonLotor> What did you expect?
<ProcyonLotor> You've been connected to like three different troll raids in the past
<jg> No, the >:( is because my bouncer isn't configured right
<ProcyonLotor> Oh, okay.
<jg> If I get banned from a channel apparently it spams my client with messages of me trying to rejoin it for a few minutes
<jg> Well, whatever.
<thedeadlymoose> Jg
<thedeadlymoose> Apologies for not thoroughly explaining this, this is a weird time
<thedeadlymoose> But yeah, you can appeal the ban, to me, now, if you wish
<jg> So, okay.
<jg> I dunno if that last line I sent to #site19 went through or not, so at risk of repeating some of it:
<thedeadlymoose> Repeating is fine
<jg> In late 2011 I was a beleaguered high school graduate with no car and no future, pondering painfully with the prospects of perpetual poverty
<thedeadlymoose> I am sympathetic
<thedeadlymoose> Also, the alliteration was impressive
<thedeadlymoose> (That sounds pretty neat)
<thedeadlymoose> You should be aware that, if anything, we have gotten less tolerant of people saying words like "faggot" (research tells me you kicked off a giant argument about that, heh)
<jg> I kicked off a giant argument about a lot of things
<thedeadlymoose> (You can keep going, but I wanted to mention that before I forgot)
<jg> I'm not going to lie, joining #site19 tonight was maybe 70% based on idling and reading things that I found interesting, 20% possibly contributing something, and 10% narcissistic desire to see if people remembered me.
<jg> So this has at least been 10% of a success.
<thedeadlymoose> Most don't, but myself and ProcyonLotor certainly do.
<jg> But, for real, I'm almost totally harmless.
<ProcyonLotor> I'm like rain man with old bans :P
<jg> Well, I guess I have to be, since now I'm a goddamn op in like three channels so I can't just be a huge dick all over the network anymore
<jg> :/
<thedeadlymoose> Are you planning to — well — behave, if allowed back in? Follow the rules as laid out here? http://www.scp-wiki.net/chat-guide
<Alexandra> thedeadlymoose: Chat Guide (Rating:+32, Written by Sophia Light) - http://scp-wiki.net/chat-guide
<jg> I notice someone's removed the part where you weren't allowed to mention politics or religion or whatever
<thedeadlymoose> Yeah.
<jg> I actually don't remember what it said but I remember reading it and thinking "that's a horrible rule. i want to troll the channel that has that rule"
<jg> (In 2012!!!)
<thedeadlymoose> But we do ask that people follow the rules even if they don't agree with them. So, for example, if you think we have more horrible rules, would you troll again?
<jg> No.
- Silber has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<jg> I'm too old for that shit
- Silber (aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop#aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Silber
<thedeadlymoose> Alright. Give us a moment, please.
<jg> I would probably just idle for a few days and then leave and come back a year later.
<thedeadlymoose> That isn't something we'd take into account, but obviously isn't a problem
<thedeadlymoose> Alright. We find your appeal convincing (lol, apologies for how stiff that sounded).
<thedeadlymoose> We'll unban you.
<jg> woo
<thedeadlymoose> We /will/ re-ban you if you cause problems, but that was probably obvious.
<thedeadlymoose> And also, I'm glad in general to hear that someone's life has gotten better
<thedeadlymoose> Give us a second to do the technical stuff
- Servbot has quit (Client exited)
<thedeadlymoose> Done with that. Ah — one last thing. About #ethicscommittee — you're being hit by a channel ban from the channels you used to frequent
<jg> which ones.
<thedeadlymoose> Dunno. They may be set on secret
<thedeadlymoose> Maybe raspberryheaven? Madoka? I recall you being associated with those from skimming our record just now in a very scientific manner
<jg> the ones I recall were #raspberryheaven and #madoka
<jg> #raspberryheaven, of course, being a ten-years-old channel constituting numerous very old members of the internet with a median age of like 29
<thedeadlymoose> I figured.
<jg> Now, of course, I'm not going to pretend I don't remember the reasons it was banned, it was because me and Archduke and mr_vile roamed the network searching for fights and I think it was mr_vile's idea to blame it on #rh to stir up drama
<jg> Well, either that or someone happened to notice we were all in there and assumed we were from there because the actual channels we planned stuff in were secret
<thedeadlymoose> In fairness, several goon channels are blocked because several people did that :P
<ProcyonLotor> The #yospos raid was done with full support of the channel ops, actually
<thedeadlymoose> (I don't recall if it's actually a goon channel or if that's just by reputation)
<jg> Yeah, well, fuck yospos, lol
<thedeadlymoose> yospos is actually still banned from 19
<thedeadlymoose> I'll ask if those channels can be unbanned from EC, but in the interim, you'd need to leave those channels to join, /shrug
<jg> #rh was mostly goons in 2003-2005, then a lot of them got banned for frivolous reasons and since then it's mostly just whoever.
<ProcyonLotor> One of the biggest channels on the network, too, although only one user's ran afoul of it in my experience
<thedeadlymoose> also, lmfao, shows you how old my info is
<jg> YOSPOS is still goons, it's, ugh
<jg> It's one of those channels you add to your ajoin and idle in figuring all that activity must have something decent in it, then a week later you read through all the backlog and it's… not…. good…….
<thedeadlymoose> lol
<jg> At any rate, I'm no longer a chatter of #madoka. But additionally, a INTERNET RELAY CHAT OPERATOR in #raspberryheaven, so I can give you a fairly strong guarantee no trouble will come from it.
<thedeadlymoose> I've never been, but I've heard similar
<jg> *flashes cool-ass badge*
<thedeadlymoose> pfffff
<ProcyonLotor> You know what, I think I might like you. You know how important IRC opping really is :P
<thedeadlymoose> lmfao
<jg> No but it's cool! It's like fifteen years old if you count the time when it was a Direct Connect hub and not an IRC channel
- Servbot (~PI.A0F310EC.E42BA517.79C1E22|33tahCdnA#PI.A0F310EC.E42BA517.79C1E22|33tahCdnA) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to Servbot
<thedeadlymoose> Well clearly, site19 is far superior because people were foolish enough to give us power there
<thedeadlymoose> We've gone ahead and removed those channel bans
<jg> woop
<thedeadlymoose> standard caveats of "if you are messing with us, we can easily put them back", apply, but you know that
<thedeadlymoose> etc etc