Major Blackwood
The highlights, in no particular order:
- and further subposts of that: In which passive-aggression and necroing.
- and further subposts of that: In which obliviousness as to his own behavior.
- In which poor, snarky criticism, the response to which prompted:
- In which how was that even remotely warranted
At the very least, we should be keeping an eye out for him. I'm not going to propose disciplinary action at this point, but I would not be strongly opposed if others felt it was warranted.
E: Seems while I was writing this up, Clef posted here. I am assuming that the question of a permaban is in regards to chat, since that thread is in the chat users section. Discussion in staff chat has indicated that it is meant to be about the wiki.
E: Probably worth mentioning in this thread as well that he got a chat ban.
if your reading this your gay