User Nash (a newbie, Nashaniki on the main site) came to #site19 about 10 minutes ago, informing us of what he believes is a case of plagiarism in one of our Tales. Said Tale is The Shakies, allegedly ripping off Neil Gaiman's short story Click-Clack the Rattlebag.
Here is the log. A significant amount of Pokemon-related inanity was cut to make it readable.
Nash I was browsing tales earlier and found this: Which, as I stated in the page discussion, is plagiarism.
Nala Nash: The Shakies [Tale] (rating: +18, 8 revisions, 32 comments) - tags: tale
TroyL : Wait. Who said plagarism?
Nash : Me
Nash : The tale that I linked is plagiarism of neil gaiman's short story for charity, "Click Clack, The Rattlebag"
Dexanote because i used 033 in SCPokemon
GXyon claps.
GXyon Did I mention you're one of my faves, Dex?
TroyL : Nash: Plagaism as in "word for word" or plagarism as in "seems the same."
Nash : Troyl: almost word for word. it's a suuper hard ripoff, as far as I can tell. I checked the post times, and it was well after the publication of the original.
ghostchibi jesus christ
ghostchibi almost word for word?
Nash : Troyl: It's adapted slightly, but still, super close.
Dexanote : can you find us the actual short story?
ghostchibi and by Neil Gaiman?
—>| Magnus (ude.tijn.8B2A4A3F-CRInys|tibbiM#ude.tijn.8B2A4A3F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
TroyL Nash: What collection is it from?
Nash :
Nash : the audible is there for free
TroyL : Dexanote: You busy?
Nash : he did it for a halloween charity, where audible donated based on downloads.
Nash : so seeing a rip off of it really irks me.
Dexanote : Not really no.
Dexanote : What do you need?
TroyL : Can you please compare and contrast and make a post on O5.
TroyL : Thankees.
Nash : Okay, now I can sleep well.
Nash : I'll feel the worst if the poster /was/ neil gaiman all along.
TroyL : Yes, this IS the sort of thing you should bother me with.
Gara : Noted.
jinger : ok.
Nash : Aight. also, that was my very first actually SCP-site post. at all.
Nash : other than the whole intro thing.
TroyL : Anything administrative or having to do with anything on the site: plagarism, linking, hub paging, new tags. all that shit. Throw that at me.
Click-Clack the Rattlebag was a short story adapted to audiobook form by Neil Gaiman for said charity thing this past Hallowe'en. However, Audible no longer carries it. I have found a small audio sample on an unrelated site
here, and am at the time of writing (3:41 AM EST) downloading a torrent file of said story. Once it is finished I will have a proper way to review it. The story is 12 minutes long.
The writer of The Shakies is one milleniumty who, as far as I can tell, only ever contributed that particular Tale to the Site.
The sample provided above indicates that the basic ideas of the stories are similar. A babysitter being asked by their child ward to bring them to bed and tell them a scary story. However, the writing styles are very different.
I'll come back tomorrow to edit this post to give my own verdict on how different they are from one another. I'm posting this here and now because Troy asked me to, and I think it deserves a post.
On a slight tangent, I have gone ahead and tagged The Shakies as a creepypasta, because its a creepypasta.