New site member Bolterpyre (account age and site membership 18 days) has recently posted a fair bit of vague critique:
Wow, that's awesome! How did it do that—
You know what, nevermind. I might make myself look like a fool for my comment.
Anyway, is this an SCP or a Tale? It's intriguing. Is this a finished draft already?
This idea awesome! Let me know if you need help. I wanted to assist you about this idea of yours really bad.
The concept behind the Task Force was pretty badass. It's like Halo meets Supernatural. Though I was confused about their role in combat when the Task Force was completely comprised of engineers and non-combat personnel AND I couldn't quite understand why they would be classified as a combat-type MTF when their role is clearly stated "Support."
All in all, your idea is great and I was hoping that if this one gets approved, I would write tales about them. […]
As well as some general not-getting-the-site behavior:
- Posting the same post in a new post and a reply (DrCaroll Junior Staff posted):
- Replying to own post (DrCaroll Junior Staff posted):
- Appears to be asking for feedback on their own ideas in another person’s idea thread: and
- Four drafts in a short period of time:
- Passive-aggressive response directed at the author of low-content feedback:
Thank you to Jazstar for compiling the list above and noting the critique issues.
Keep an eye on.