''Ways to kill SCP-682'' threads pop up monthly. Should we put a sticky pointing out that the indestructibility is the point of the SCP and that this topic should be in the discussion page? This might only be a mild annoyance to me, but I wonder if more people think this might be helpful to avoid cluttering 'recent posts'.
Honestly? I doubt it would help. If you're not going to get the theme that 682 will survive, even when the notes on the 682 attempted terminations is that 682 survives, then you'll also not notice a post saying 682 will survive.
I mean, just understanding that this is a fiction site and not an RPG situation is sometimes a stretch (and one of the greatest differences I've found between designing a good opponent in an RPG and designing an SCP).
That would be like getting a bucket to stop a river.
We have a similar problem on the SCP facebook, we made a sticky saying "we are not RP, SCP is not real" etc but it didn't really stop much.
Honestly they don't cause that much of a problem and end up disappearing quickly.
I actually accidentally removed the pinned post (I need to replace it, actually) and noticed that there was absolutely zero difference in the type of message content before and after. So yeah, I don't think anyone really looks at these things.
Eventually it'll get to the point where I can make a copypasta with links to 5 to 7 recent "I have an idea to kill 682!" threads and just start locking the new ones that pop up with a "this way to discuss the lizard, gentlemen, take your pick" note.
Noting that a mainsite-side discussion is up here: http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-5953731/682-sticky-thread
My suggestion: make a non-stickied collective how-to-kill-682 discussion thread, lock everything else, and when new things pop up, lock those and post a link to the collective megathread. I don't want 682 discussion to take up a stickied thread slot (since it's really not important enough to merit it) and if we have all the 682 discussion in one place, maybe newbies will realize how worn-out that topic is.
I don't think this is necessary, unless we can reasonably be able to say that the kind of people who would need such a sticky (IE, not an article or discussion thread) would find it and thus alleviate the issue. Based on anecdotal evidence above, I don't think we can say that.
Aaaand done, per consensus in staff chat and discussion elsewhere. All the threads listed (very helpfully!) by Petrograd have been locked and slapped with a staff notice on the first post. Here's the content for easy mod/admin access in the future:
+++ Staff notice: due to the excessive number of threads about this topic, 682 discussion has been moved to a collective thread. This discussion is now locked; please use the collective thread to continue: http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-5959708/682-destruction-collective-thread
Collective thread is here: http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-5959708/682-destruction-collective-thread I don't think it needs to be stickied, personally, since it's not as important as the other stickied stuff.
I'm thinking that from now on, every time a new 682 thread pops up, we can post that notice and immediately lock that new thread.