I realized yesterday that the main prize of the Art contest from last summer, having the winners displayed on the corresponding hub pages, never actually happened. Zyn and I have been discussing how to implement them, and at her request I'm making this thread to ensure the work gets done and implementation can be discussed.
As part of my usual management of the MTF hub page, I've updated it with the art. The other hubs don't have the winners yet though.
Originally, the winners were supposed to be displayed on the main hubs until January, 1st 2018. However, that was when the art contest was presumed to be finished in September. Roget announced in the discussion thread here that the display time would be extended in light of the delays, though didn't give specifics. How long do you all think is reasonable to display them given that we'll be starting now? Or should they just be displayed indefinitely?
The remaining hubs to be edited are:
- SCP Series 1
- SCP Series 2
- SCP Series 3
- SCP Series 4
- Personnel and Character dossier
- Mobile Task Forces
- Groups of Interest
- Foundation Tales hub
(on an OT note, the judges' comments were also never released.)
edit: As the art is now up, here is a timer to count down until the art will be taken off display.