Posted the following here:
I'm going to upvote, if only to counteract HyaenaBoy's downvote, which I consider ignorant and borderline "malicious downvoting". Overall, this thing doesn't rub me the wrong way at any point; if it's turning into a cliché, the most that could do is turn my upvote into a novote.
I called her out in a staff post, since calling someone's vote "ignorant", especially when they've clearly explained what they didn't like, is crossing the line, and she's the one using a basis other than the article's content in her voting anyway.
For the record, Hyaenaboy explained his vote (which was a neutral vote, not a downvote, which I checked…) here:
Ethnicity does not equal race. When I saw variety of races, I immediately believe we had found neanderthal ears or something like that. But, that would be an outlier that would exist outside of "normal human DNA".
There are other tone issues that I have trouble believing that scientists would commit, and the last addendum is just completely retarded. No vote for now.
Seeing as she's made some misinformed accusations against authors and other members before (one recent example is here: when she calls something "grossly mathematically inaccurate" when she didn't understand it), if this happens again, I say move right to official warning, then 24 hour ban.