As of this post, this is literally the only contribution that this user has made to any part of wikidot. The way this is worded sounds… sketchy to me, particularly since it sounds like they're planning on pimping the various SCP stuff ANYWAY and just want one of us there to lend legitimacy. I'm sending them a PM for more details.
Edit: This is what I sent them:
Hi there. I'm one of the Senior Staff and have a few questions for you regarding the Comic Con post you made in the forums.
First, your username and icon obviously seem to imply that you're involved with Valve in some way. Is this the case or are you just a fan of theirs? If you're not representing Valve, what company are you representing?
Second, you imply that the SCP Containment Breach people will be there. You are aware that they are not officially connected to or endorsed by us, yes? We generally like what they've done, but they are an independent project. You would need to contact them separately from us if you want them to hook up with you at CCNY.
Third, what exactly do you mean by "contributing to a booth"?
Thanks for getting back to me.
Giving bearhugs to the unsuspecting since 1872.