This guy's been borderline for a while now, so I'm collating the forum threads he's been in for the record.
The first time he shows up. Nothing notable here 'cept for the "Make it quick" thread description which is a personal warning flag, just a guy asking about the viability of a concept.
This one was renamed. Firstly, he posted an entire draft to the forum (which Sorts fixed for him) that involved gratuitous torture of a bird-person in containment. When people called him out on the flaws, he started getting really pissy and emo, finally resulting in the entire thread being Stopped by Clef.
Since his last emo pity party got locked, he tried to start another one with the classic, "okay, fine, since I don't have any good ideas, someone give me an idea". Not only is that in poor taste, he also does the classic "I'm not being emo, I'm just stating how it is" asspull when Kalinin calls him out on his bullshit.
Here, he's posting about another SCP idea based on an existing SCP, despite multiple people having given him advice to slow down, stop trying to force his hand and lurk/read some more.
And here's the actual SCP draft of the idea above, wherein even other newbies tell him to slow it down.
I don't know if I'm actively advocating any action be taken at this point, but he certainly needs to be watched.