The merchant for the first two shirts has provided some form of attribution by linking back to the source without claiming we endorse the product, so that's good. But he needs to inherit the share alike license as well.
The third shirt is for a deleted SCP and has no connection to anything that remains on our wiki except for the tags, so eh. It's pretty cool looking at least.
Sent to MySoti today:
I am a moderator for the SCP Foundation community at, a creative writing site that is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License as described here: following two products are in violation of our license by failing to inherit the same kind of ShareAlike license, although the merchant has at least linked back to the source material for attribution:
I did not see a way to contact the merchant directly regarding this issue, so we would like to ask that these products be removed until such time as they fulfill all of the requirements of our Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
-Josh Sortelli, aka "Sorts"
Moderator, SCP Foundation