Haha. I had already messaged him my personal thoughts summarizing the matter before Mann came along to write an official message to him.
Go here, and read through this. The long version if necessary.
This is the license that SCP materials are released under. If you create and release content based upon SCP materials without proper attribution and licensing yourself, you are opening yourself up to potentially be sued by the authors of the original materials.
I STRONGLY suggest that if you intend to proceed with this production that you read, understand, and apply everything contained in the license.
Short version: you have no copyright over anything that you are producing, as you do not own the rights to the material you are making a derivative of. It is legally ok for you to make a derivative, even legal for you to sell it commercially. But you are required by law to release your production under the same license, and you are required to provide attribution(generally in the form of links) to the original works that it was based upon. This includes not just the Containment Breach game, but the written articles that the objects within the Containment Breach game were based upon.
I wish you the best, I am not opposed to seeing something like this be done. But if you're going to do it, do it right
His response:
im sorry but this video is based off scp containment breach the game
…yeah, that's nice and all, but…CC does not work that way. Hopefully he pays more attention to Mann's message.
their latest addition to their facebook page:
If you don`t like the page go away we don`t like you.
We had a problem before and we don`t another. we are trying to make this movie as big as possible but every body has to be an idiot about it. like come on we are just making a starting movie like when you make a game and you send out a beta kinda what we are doing and because we are having problems we decided to make a series on Youtube until the movie is made the series will lead up to the movie and will have some scp interference but will be mostly funny and scary and questions please visit the web sight in 2 weeks or more.
HOPEFULLY the person making these Facebook posts is not the same person who is in charge of this movie production :| actually, scratch that…now i kind of hope they are, because if so then this will probably never actually happen.