Hasn't done anything wrong to my knowledge, but I felt I ought to put this here for the record and potential future reference.
This is the PM they sent me:
Hello, sir,
I'm an aspiring writer, who was hoping to join the SCP site. However, the required reading made reference to an age restriction, but I couldn't find any more information on that. I know this may seem a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure I at least qualified for membership. If you could please respond with more information on that, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time too read this!
This was my reply after consulting with the staff chat:
Well, for one, I am not a "sir", although you are far from the first person to make that assumption. For two, I'm going to have to first ask how old you are, because the reason we don't actually list the age cutoff is to cut down on people lying about it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have not yet gotten a reply, but when I do, I will post it.
Piffy is an SCP Foundation Moderator, Lv. 9001 Squishy Wizard, and Knight of the Red Pen.