DrAnime posted SCP-1699 earlier today, and got a pretty rough handling in the discussion thread, as well as an early deletion vote. Aside from the snowflaking, he then apparently self-deleted and immediately reposted. When the repost was summarily downvoted as well, he did this:
[[module Rate]]
[[div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"]]
|||| [[image TheDragonofSorrow%20007-2.jpg width="300px"]] ||
||||~ ^^SCP-1699 in its idle state, void of giving any fucks.^^ || [[/div]]
**Item #:** SCP-1699
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-1699 is to be kept --in a 40cm by 25cm by 25cm (40 x 25 x 25) fiberglass box with walls at least 8mm wide. The object is to be wrapped in clear industrial bubble wrap at least 3cm thick before being placed into its containment box.-- On the floor. The lid of the box is to be secured by --four padlocks with separate combinations--. Silly putty. --Knowledge of each combination is limited to four separate Level 2 personnel, each having code access to only one of the four padlocks. All four Level 2 personnel must be present for access to the object's containment.-- All four Level 2 personnel have died from anal bleeding. No opens flames are permitted within --20m-- 9,001 INCHES of the object. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate --termination.-- masturbation.
**Description:** SCP-1699 is approximately 26 cm in height and 15 cm across. The object is an --incense burner-- sex toy sculpted to resemble the head of a dragon. It is made of hollow resin. The inside of the object is coated with an unidentified substance similar to --crushed charcoal-- J-LO's butt fat. At the base of the object's neck, there is a small carving that reads "JR 99", suggesting the object was sculpted in the year --1999-- 1412, and the otherwise unknown sculptor has the initials --"J.R.".-- "B.S."
When in an idle and inactive state, the object shows no particular signs of abnormalities. An open --flame-- vagina being placed inside the base of the object causes smoke to emit from the nostrils of the dragon. The description of the scent emitting from the object varies between personnel. As of 08/22/██████, the object has been reported to emit the scent of --lavender, vanilla, blueberries, and freshly baked cookies-- dog shit, cobra semen, Darth Vader's boots, and Justin Beiber's music . The inhalation of the smoke by a single person shows no results. The inhalation of the smoke by two people results in instant merging of the two people's --conscious minds-- dicks. It is confirmed that those people do not swap --conscious minds-- dicks, but gain each other's --conscious mind-- dicks in addition to their own. The two are able to simultaneously share --thoughts, feelings and emotions-- intercourse, buttsex, and Crucible of Scorn.
**Acquisition log:** Object was recovered from a fortune teller's gift shop in ██████, ██████. When asked about the object, the bilingual fortune teller responded, --//"Your soul has bonded with this from fate, behold the aroma to end all hate."//-- //"Get the fuck out of my store."//
**Experiment Log 1699-1:** 03/05/██████: The two Level 1 personnel selected for testing on the object were identified as ██████ ██████ and ██████ ██████. There had been reported --hostile tension-- penis envy between the subjects prior to testing with SCP-1699. Upon inhalation of the smoke emitting from the object, the two personnel proceeded to --apologize profusely to-- make out passionately each other, then --hugged-- teabagged for several minutes. All hostile activity between the two personnel has since ceased. Post recordings of this successful testing has granted SCP-1699 the nickname, "The Dragon of --Sorrow-- Fuck You".
**Experiment Log 1699-2:** 3/08/ ██████ : Two D-Class personnel were selected for second testing. One (D-Class-1) was a convicted --child-- monkey molester. The other (D-Class-2) was convicted of first degree --murder-- defication, but during interrogations, claimed to had been molested as a --child-- small moneky. Upon inhalation of the smoke emitting from the object, D-Class-1 began to --apologize-- wiggle his balls, however, D-Class-2 proceeded to pick up SCP-1699 and continuously use it to --strike-- penetrate D-Class-1 several times --over the head-- in the belly button until he was apprehended by --security personnel-- the zombie of Michael Jackson. SCP-1699 attained no --damage-- fucks from the assault.
In the face of defacing his own article and his general attitude with regards to the site so far, I am advocating that some sort of administrative action be taken against him, as this kind of (essentially trollish) behavior should not be tolerated.