Removed and banned for fairly obvious trolling.
Item # SCP-1156
Object Class: safe Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Scp-1156 is to be monitored at all time all site traffic is to be reported to O5 Command at the end of each month. Psychic evaluations are to be preformed on all personnel observing the website at the end of said month. Anyone trying to trace the the administrators of the site outside of the foundation are to be found and administered class-A amnesiacs. It is currently both dangerous and impossible to take down the website any personnel attempting to do so shall be reprimanded
Description: Scp-1156 is an online website discovered by agent ██████ while using his personal laptop. It is currently know as it contains a list of all Scp within the foundation as well as listing a great number of notable foundation members including Dr.Bright, Dr.Gears, Dr.Chelsea, Kain Pathos, Dr.Clef, and Dr.██. this was considered mere coincidence until Agent ██████ traced the administrators I.P. addresses back to each of the doctors own computers however Sucrity footage clearly shows no one was using any of there computers. Despite Being a massive breach of security Scp1156 Otherwise possess no threat to the foundation or it's employes. any one who has attempted to remove the website has either been killed murdered by an unknown assailant has been severely injured or driven insane. as well as any foundation personnel observing the website over time developed schizophrenia and dementia.
Addendum: I have recently received an email stating the following message (your secrets shall be seen to all no longer shall you toy with peoples ignorance you bloated evil pigs) Scp-1156 is to be removed as soon as possible Dr.MR.
Selected Posts from Dr. MR: (Motherfucker got zen, bro)
- sorry i did not realize it was already an article and what is so bad about the formatting. and im sorry i forgot the title. And is it really that bad it has no rating module.
- no need to be unnecessarily mean
- Guides only suggest experience teaches
- words are just that simple symbols only through action can we truly realize our potential
- whether its failure or success you can indeed learn from it.
- okay thanks i never learned how to use punctuation correctly
- hey i don't go on your articles and start insulting you now do i. also my parents are dead
- after years of bullying i can take pretty much take anything
Also, because I laughed hysterically:
. - This is a period. It means that a full stop has occurred at the end of a sentence, or that an abbreviation is being used (Dr., for example) Informally, it may be used in place of a question mark, as such: "What is going on here. Seriously. What the fuck."
, - This is a comma. It is used to separate clauses within the same sentence, such as what I am doing right now.
! - This is an exclamation point. This is used to provide extra emphasis to a sentence, as follows: "Punctuation is important!"
? - This is a question mark. It ends a sentence that is questioning about something, such as "If you don't know your punctuation, aren't you to young to be on the internet?"
" - This is a quotation mark. You put them around stuff that people say.
"Dr. Bright did not speak: He was a monkey."
"Dr. Bright has been a human, a gorilla, a chimpanzee, and an orang-utan."
; - This is a semicolon. You use it when connecting independent clauses, and is sort of the oddball of the grammar family.
"I submitted and article; people downvoted it."
' - This is an apostrophe. You use it for possessives (Lord Blackwood's adventures), or for contractions (Don't touch that button!).
The post I responded to should have been written as follows: Okay, thanks. I never learned how to use punctuation correctly.
Recommending Djoric for senior staff.
I'd second djoric for staff, actually.
What with him incorrectly using "to" and "and" I am not so sure.
…ahhh ok maybe. Staff chat at least anyway.
He's written plenty and I've seen good feedback from him. I would have no objections.
This may be a joke, but I'd like to see Djoric brought up for staff either way. Staff chat at least, assuming he's willing to sign on IRC (I can't recall seeing him on).
just checked on this. he is active in site19 as we speak, and now that i think back i've seen him on often. so yes, he's on IRC.
for a second I thought you meant Dr MR
dude is protesting his innocence to me in PMs, which I can copy over if need be. I'm not even responding given the nature of his posts in the original thread, he was clearly yanking some chains and was smarter than he was pretending to be.
Please do copy them over. I'd like to hear him out, even if I hold next to no hope that he'll successfully redeem himself.
Actually yes, Djoric does really try to help people out with language issues a lot. When dealing with a really wretched slop of letters, he always stands out as the most helpful person in the comment thread.
Toss my vote in for Djoric hopping in the staff chat as well.
if your reading this your gay
PMs recieved from Dr MR in response to being told that he was banned
"i wasint trolling i was just trying to legitimately make an article yes it failed and yes i found the comments entertaining doseint mean i was trolling god"
"why was i banned what exactly was i doing that could be considered trolling honestly i just made an article that happened to be similar to a different article"
I assume by "similar to a different article" he means that -J about wiki
Here's what I sent back to him after Troy weighed in on the length of the ban:
"We do not ban users for poor writing, although that can become an issue when it persists. That wasn't really the issue here.
The issue was that you were being intentionally disruptive in your responses. If your intent was to defuse a bad situation through humor… well… I get that but it really only made it look like you were trying to yank everyone's chain by posting something terrible and then tweaking everyone who responded to it. That's trolling, dude. Staff agreed that your actions were hostile and unwelcome.
You're not half as stupid as you act, but that act is the problem.
You can appeal this decision to one of the wiki admins in a month, on September 08. That's not me, by the way, I'm just the messenger on this one. You can find the names of the admins in the guides to contact them later."
around the time I sent that this came in:
"You know sorts when i write a private message i expect a reply also there called private for a reason so what is your reply oh and tell photosynthetic that he has no right to judge whether other people can be redeemed if he dose not have the balls to speak with them directly there is a thing called facing your accuser"
so precious
I must say, this is entertainingly hypocritical, seeing as he hasn't bothered PMing me.
MR, since I know you're reading this, I know full well that I have no right to judge whether you can be redeemed generally, as a person. In point of fact, I never said that you needed redeeming as a person. However, I have every right to judge whether you need redemption as a member of this site: it's part of the admin duties, sir.
Also, no, I do not have the "balls" to face you. I'm female. I would, however, have been quite willing to talk with you, if you'd shown any interest in talking with me.
Sigh. You know, if this guy hadn't turned trollish and then hostile in the face of critique, I'd have been quite willing to help him improve his writing. I like mentoring newbies — I like teaching — but not when the student has thrown out the presumption of mutual civility. He might have had an advocate in me, but the tone of these PMs has turned me firmly against him.
Okay. Yup. Definitely trolling. In case there was any moments of doubt there.
When he writes a private message, he expects a reply! What an ass.
Sorry dude I am getting all the good shit. Me and Photo.
"Wow just wow you actually said this i just want to go on the record and say that you yes you have successfully proven just how much of a jack ass you are i ask you to list legitimate reasons why i was banned and all you say is that i made bad content and a few jokes incase you had your head up your ass the entire time i was not being hostile in anyway if you go back in your browser history and look at my comments they were not hostile i even thanked the people who honest if some wat harsh but no you just thought that i was hostile if anything i was the least most hostile person on there whose to say they werent the hostile ones you are just an idiot oh and tell photosynthesis he is a bitch just like you"
Whatta maroon.
EDIT: Now he's PMing me too.
"first of all you don't know anything about me yet you still judge with out learning im pissed you would be to if you were in my shoes yet you call me a moron you people are just so incapable of seeing things through someone else's eyes"
Alright. The volume and content of the PMs is getting to a fever pitch.
I'm recommending we report the account to Wikidot for harassment.
"and once again you submit your so called evidence of my supposed trolling seriously are you incapable of actually seeing both sides of the story or do you just hate new users."
"okay sorts lets be reasonable here give me proof undeniable proof of my trolling and ill admit to it"
I'm not too terribly bothered by it, honestly. Bit weird, sure, but enh. Stupid people send me stuff all the time.
EDIT: Now he's sending me threats.
"It's easy to call some one names but if your so fucking Superior then what the fuck are you doing sitting on your ass in the middle of the night eh besides i bet you couldn't say that to my face if you were standing in front of me."
Good stuff.
Believe me, guys, I am terrified.
No, wait, I'm fine. He says he doesn't make threats except for the people he kills or something stupid.
"that was not a threat i was told to never make a threat unless i was willing to carry it out and you sure are a big man again you hide behind a screen i bet you were the nerd who everyone picked on seriously saying something like that immature your like one of those 12 year old's on call of duty"
I just straight up told him not to message me again, so if he does that's clear cut harassment, yeh?
I don't care about the article. He's harassing users. I KNOW he's reading this.
EDIT: The article is essentially Metafiction's premise as an SCP. It's not horrendous.
I guess it is my turn now.
"in regards to the private message how am i an ass for expecting a reply if you ask a question do you not expect an answer dose that make you an ass huh"
Not a threat so that's okay I guess.
And, seconding Dexanote here. Actually, can't tell how much of this is intentional trolling and how much of it is just being obviously fifteen. Either way, though, we don't need to deal with it. "lol I have no idea how to act in public" gets old.
Also, it's kind of interesting that he couldn't comprehend anything in the required reading yet found his disciplinary thread immediately when it was posted on 05. Yet totally not a troll. Uh huh.
EDIT: He PMed me again - "i found the o5 thing by going to sorts recent posts and comments to find out why he was not replying"
If a user is going to act like a douche despite a number of chances to the contrary, troll or not, fuck 'em.
Military Consultant, SCP Wiki
Wow… y'know, I shoulda known he'd be an issue when he kept having problems with the app. Sigh. and then he turns into a total twat.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Sigh. In my in box, two PMs
hey bright i just got kicked from the site for making one bad scp article why is that
a copy of the complaint up above. Sigh.
Admin, SCP Wiki