Dude joined yesterday there was a complaint made but no one about to take it, see below.
<taylor_class> um
09:16 so I kinda hate to do this but I'm gona make a formal complaint
09:16 about this silkmoth guy
09:17 he's being just…uncomfortably self-loathing
09:17 NineVolt → LunchVolt
09:17 <taylor_class> like
09:17 <silkmoth> Inspiration? All my words are are constant reminders I am human trash.
09:19 <SpookyBee> seconded
09:20 <taylor_class> Yeah especially since that isn't like a one-off joke
09:20 that's an example from a constant string of that kind of talk
09:20 <ghostpage> seconding taylor
09:21 <taylor_class> I hate to make the complaint cuz I can't tell if this guy is serious and just has major self-esteem issues or he's just..doing it
09:21 but either way it's reeeeally uncomfortable
09:21 And I don't think anyone is completely comfortable asking him to like…stop?
09:21 <ghostpage> taylor_class: I can for you if you want
09:21 <taylor_class> i mean
09:22 idk?
Dude joined today and was all depressed all over the place, told to stop, wouldn't stop, rage/sadquit just as I hit enter on the kick command, banned for 24/until he shows back up - whichever is longer.
I want an operator (or chadmin, whoever is around) to talk to him about not doing this before he goes back into 19. This is not additional punishment so much as it is just moderating our community.
I would also like it if people just didn't engage with people doing this, but I would like to win the lottery and that isn't happpening either so this line is mostly for the edification of all you guys snooping on 05. If there's something ops should be handling, let ops handle it. This sort of thing is absolutely something you should leave to ops.
[10:48] * silkmoth (PI.8FDFD064.8B1DCCF5.1C02FD19|tibbiM#PI.8FDFD064.8B1DCCF5.1C02FD19|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[10:49] <silkmoth> It feels like since there are thousands of SCPs, standards are far higher, gating the barrier of entry for new writers.
[10:49] <drblackbox> You're new right?
[10:49] <Mendelssohn> Hey silkmoth!
[10:49] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: I sort of agree
[10:49] <weryllium> I disagree
[10:49] <@salvagebar> I am ambivalent
[10:49] <silkmoth> Yeah, I was on yesterday being sad because I can't do anything. I am okay now though.
[10:49] <taylor_iOStkin> I completely disagree
[10:49] <Mendelssohn> I sorta agree, in terms of the originality department
[10:50] <taylor_iOStkin> The standards are higher but the ability to come up with an idea has always been really difficult
[10:50] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: I think it means more established writers are more of a majority, but I know for a fact new writers are still flooding it
[10:50] <Mendelssohn> I see a lot of newbies getting feedback like "Your skip is just [existing skip] but slightly different"
[10:50] <MaliceAF> *in
[10:50] <weryllium> The small but significant number of bleh skips that survive on the mainlist proves that nearly anyone can do it
[10:50] <taylor_iOStkin> Yeah like !scp-3524, what’s with that one it’s garbage
[10:50] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: SCP-3524: You Cannot Contain Us (written 7 months ago by taylor_itkin; rating: +34) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3524
[10:50] <weryllium> And newbies make great work all the time
[10:50] * Mendelssohn offers silkmoth a hug
[10:50] <taylor_iOStkin> How did that get an upvote
[10:50] <@salvagebar> Yeah so many blegh skips
[10:50] <@salvagebar> like these
[10:50] <@salvagebar> .au weryllium
[10:50] * taylor_iOStkin will rewrite it one day
[10:50] <silkmoth> The only idea I have is water that doesn't taste like anything, since normal water does taste like something. Even if this was a good idea there is nowhere to take it. Ech
[10:50] <%jarvis> salvagebar: Weryllium ( http://www.scp-wiki.net/weryl-wrote-stuff-come-look ) has 14 pages (14 Originals) (11 SCP Articles, 2 Tales, 1 GOI-Format Articles). They have 1124 net upvotes with an average of +80. Their latest page is SCP-3789: Abyssal Basalt 'Jellyfish' at +42.
[10:50] <taylor_iOStkin> salvagebar: daaaaaamn
[10:51] <MaliceAF> !SCP-3317 is a pretty blegh scip, but it was my first
[10:51] <weryllium> taylor_iOStkin: containment breach, they all stacked up to the computer
[10:51] <%jarvis> maliceaf: SCP-3317: Libre la Livres (written 9 months ago by MaliceAforethought; rating: +41) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3317
[10:51] <drblackbox> I would agree but !SCP-3135 somehow ended up on series IV.
[10:51] <%jarvis> drblackbox: SCP-3135: Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Journey Continues! (written 8 days ago by Tanhony; rating: +58) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3135
[10:51] <@salvagebar> See these — BLEH
[10:51] <@salvagebar> taylor_iOStkin tee hee hee
[10:51] <weryllium> salvagebar: i mean you're but wrong
[10:51] <@salvagebar> ilu weryllium
[10:51] <MaliceAF> salvagebar: harsh
[10:51] <weryllium> Not
[10:51] <taylor_iOStkin> I want to write a -J about I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter but I think someone already did?
[10:51] <@salvagebar> <3
[10:51] * XilasCrowe hugs weryl protectively
[10:52] <silkmoth> My problem is the lack of original ideas. Every good idea I am capable of thinking of is done already. How do you guys find inspiration?
[10:52] <taylor_iOStkin> .y Peter griffin I can’t believe it’s not butter
[10:52] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: [1/10] Family Guy: I Can't Believe It's Not Butter - length 23s - 2366↑37↓ - 226,254 views - Sam McMurray on 2014-06-30 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=e33SNyaXNsk
[10:52] <taylor_iOStkin> Me too ^
[10:52] <EdeFabry> I suppose both of my SCPs are bleh. At least, that's what the rating leads me to think…
[10:52] * @salvagebar grouphugs weryllium
[10:52] <taylor_iOStkin> .au Ede
[10:52] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: Ambiguous input. Possible variants: BeeDee, EdeFabry, Nederbird, NovaeDeArx, Woedenaz and 2 more…
[10:52] <weryllium> my system is basically "cool thing + other cool thing + figure out how"
[10:52] <@salvagebar> EdeFabry the rating's not everything
[10:52] <taylor_iOStkin> .sm 2
[10:53] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: EdeFabry ( http://www.scp-wiki.net/edefabry ) has 4 pages (4 Originals) (2 SCP Articles, 2 Tales). They have 76 net upvotes with an average of +19. Their latest page is Genius Loci at +9.
[10:53] <silkmoth> Everything I think of falls under the trope of 'thing that does a thing it is not supposed to'.
[10:53] <weryllium> A lot of times I'll just hear a phrase and toy with it until it mutates
[10:53] <drblackbox> silkmoth That's most skips.
[10:53] <@salvagebar> Most skips are high-concept Silber
[10:53] <weryllium> silkmoth: everything I wrote falls under that
[10:53] <@salvagebar> Most skips are high-concept silkmoth
[10:53] <taylor_iOStkin> silkmoth: then add onto it
[10:53] <@salvagebar> THE thing that does X so much it Y!
[10:54] <@salvagebar> The G, that's really in the H!
[10:54] <silkmoth> My aforementioned idea is more suited as an anomalous object. I guess I will keep thinking
[10:54] <@salvagebar> The T that you expect will U, BUT IS REALLY V!
[10:54] <drblackbox> silkmoth What was it?
[10:54] <weryllium> SCP-3536
[10:54] <silkmoth> Wait I don't think there has ever been a skip about a nail file
[10:54] <%jarvis> weryllium: SCP-3536: Bacteriophage Enabler (written 2 months ago by Weryllium; rating: +60) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3536
[10:54] <weryllium> ^thing that does a thing.
[10:55] <GreenWolf> SCP-2206
[10:55] <%jarvis> greenwolf: SCP-2206: Maximum League Baseball (written 2 years ago by GreenWolf; rating: +260) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2206
[10:55] <silkmoth> I filed my nails too low last night it was very upsetting.
[10:55] <GreenWolf> baseball, but better
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> !scp-3864
[10:55] <weryllium> ahhh
[10:55] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: SCP-3864: I've Been Framed! (written 8 months ago by taylor_itkin; rating: +86) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3864
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> Painting that sucks you on
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> In
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> Thing that does a thing
[10:55] <weryllium> >_>
[10:55] <@salvagebar> Did you ever E so much that you F'd?
[10:55] <drblackbox> silkmoth Don't get too stuck up on the actual object.
[10:55] <GreenWolf> SCP-2308
[10:55] <%jarvis> greenwolf: SCP-2308: Futures Trading (written 2 years ago by GreenWolf; rating: +208) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2308
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> salvagebar: eat so much that you farted
[10:55] <silkmoth> But that dictates the reader engagement as it relates to effects
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> It’s the only logical thing
[10:55] <GreenWolf> actually next year's model
[10:55] <taylor_iOStkin> silkmoth: no that’s the story
[10:56] <@salvagebar> I should write a simple XYZ Guide To Skips
[10:56] <GreenWolf> SCP-2897
[10:56] <%jarvis> greenwolf: SCP-2897: The Bard of Analytics (written a year ago by GreenWolf; rating: +118) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2897
[10:56] <GreenWolf> a really sad computer
[10:56] <MaliceAF> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/g0PwDrTn/
[10:56] <silkmoth> im sadder than that computer smh
[10:57] <MaliceAF> What about a really sad box boi?
[10:57] <Mendelssohn> http://www.edithsherwood.com/voynich_botanical_plants/images/echinopsis.jpg
[10:57] <MaliceAF> scp-3663
[10:57] <%jarvis> maliceaf: SCP-3663: The Adventure of the Cardboard Box (written 7 months ago by MaliceAforethought; rating: +71) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3663
[10:57] <MaliceAF> he's so sad ;-;
[10:57] <Mendelssohn> Are we talking sad skips
[10:57] <weryllium> SCP-3637
[10:57] <%jarvis> weryllium: SCP-3637: Many Waters Cannot Quench Love, Nor Can The Floods Drown It (written 9 months ago by Weryllium; rating: +153) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3637
[10:57] <Mendelssohn> May I offer up Suffering Composer TM who keeps trying to be good
[10:57] <Mendelssohn> scp-3817
[10:57] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: SCP-3817: Suffering For Your Art (written 9 months ago by Mendelssohn; rating: +101) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3817
[10:57] <JustImpact> http://hijiribe.donmai.us/data/f4949277780f06bd4a451d726063a931.jpg
[10:57] <weryllium> That's not sad though
[10:57] <MaliceAF> weryllium: she's not sad, she's got her babbies
[10:58] <MaliceAF> JustImpact: memetic kill agent
[10:58] <stormfallen> https://i.redd.it/uuipsktx0qk01.jpg
[10:58] <silkmoth> i wish memetic kill agents were real lol
[10:58] <taylor_iOStkin> .l
[10:58] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: Foundation Missed Connections (written 33 minutes ago by toadking07) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/foundation-missed-connections
[10:58] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: SCP-3179 (written an hour ago by The Communist Man) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3179
[10:58] <%jarvis> taylor_iostkin: SCP-3175: Precoin (written 11 hours ago by Anaccountfurrythings) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3175
[10:58] <taylor_iOStkin> silkmoth: why?
[10:58] <silkmoth> so i can look at them why else :thinking:
[10:58] <weryllium> So we can invent one that works on mosquitoes
[10:58] <Mendelssohn> I mean, imagine about hating yourself so much that you are willing to pretty much self destruct in order to supposedly become better
[10:58] <weryllium> And tattoo them on myself
[10:58] <Mendelssohn> but it doesn't work, you're stuck forever
[10:58] <silkmoth> yeah i can imagine it lol
[10:58] <GreenWolf> Mendelssohn: mood
[10:58] <Mendelssohn> That's 3817
[10:59] <silkmoth> 👉😎👉
[10:59] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: please don't make suicide jokes
[10:59] <taylor_iOStkin> ^
[10:59] <EdeFabry> Speaking of sad… I just had to check on 1522. So glad flameshirt didn't delete it.
[10:59] <MaliceAF> it's a sensitive issue for a lot of people
[10:59] <Mendelssohn> 3817 is…more relatable than I intended him to be
[10:59] <MaliceAF> myself included
[10:59] <silkmoth> i didnt intend for it to be a joke but noted
[10:59] <GreenWolf> self-loathing is one of the three major emotions that motivate me
[10:59] <weryllium> Is hunger an emotion
[10:59] <silkmoth> i suppose its in that loose category between joke and aside
[11:00] <Mendelssohn> You know you're problematic when more than one person says you are like 3817
[11:00] <JustImpact> MaliceAF: http://hijiribe.donmai.us/data/9c07e8566d43ebfa6a3ba893962dc6e2.jpg
[11:00] <@salvagebar> If I could harness the self-loathing in a typical evening in 19, convert it into electrical power
[11:00] <MaliceAF> JustImpact: oh jesus fuck
[11:00] <Mendelssohn> JustImpact: man I miss Pokemon Go
[11:00] <GreenWolf> salvagebar: it wouldn't work because the device would short circuit itself
[11:00] <silkmoth> then i would be useful for the first time in my life
[11:00] <JustImpact> gotta catch 'em all
[11:00] <JustImpact> silkmoth: you'd hate it tho
[11:00] <weryllium> Mendelssohn: still exists
[11:01] <MaliceAF> JustImpact: I have /zero/ desire to catch that thing
[11:01] <Mendelssohn> I know it's just
[11:01] <Mendelssohn> I wish people were still playing it
[11:01] <silkmoth> no it was a doomed trend
[11:01] <Mendelssohn> Nowadays hardly anyone thinks about it
[11:01] <MaliceAF> JustImpact: that is not a thing I would ever want to battle alongside
[11:01] <weryllium> i got a mewtwo a couple weeks ago
[11:01] <GreenWolf> Fidget Spinner Go
[11:01] <XilasCrowe> No
[11:01] <JustImpact> MaliceAF: http://hijiribe.donmai.us/data/bc08dd354065d4eceaa4ce8811e41745.png
[11:01] <weryllium> It was doomed because of the absolute incompetence of niantic
[11:02] <@salvagebar> .g Why is MewTwo so special and all the kids will kill to get one why does it even matter
[11:02] <%jarvis> salvagebar: [1/10] Five Reasons Pokémon GO's Exclusive Legendary Raids Are A … - https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2017/08/15/five-reasons-pokemon-gos-exclusive-legendary-raids-are-a-terrible-idea/ - Aug 15, 2017 … Despite the debut of the famous legendary Pokémon Mewtwo in Pokémon GO in Japan yesterday, the news of his arrival was met mostly with dismay, not … And while that's my […]
[11:02] <silkmoth> The Flesh That Mates reminds me of that greentext of the iron maiden that was on /d/ forever ago
[11:03] <JustImpact> the flesh that mates what
[11:03] <weryllium> .s flesh that mates
[11:03] <%jarvis> weryllium: The Flesh That Mates (written 2 years ago by DrClef; rating: +70) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/the-flesh-that-mates
[11:03] <silkmoth> it's a tale someone on here linked yesterday
[11:03] * Agent_Thor (~PI.BC9E5F54.68984494.0CF11E28|mailliW#PI.BC9E5F54.68984494.0CF11E28|mailliW) Quit (Broken pipe)
[11:03] <Mendelssohn> Bahaha
[11:03] <MaliceAF> urgh, /that/
[11:03] <weryllium> Exactly what it says on the title
[11:04] <Mendelssohn> False advertising
[11:04] <Mendelssohn> I expected dinkum aussie flesh
[11:04] <weryllium> Go write that
[11:04] <MaliceAF> that would be preferable
[11:04] <JustImpact> weryllium: oh yeah that makes sense
[11:04] <JustImpact> https://raikou2.donmai.us/16/de/16dea2e20ad598595ec4b5a406fe67ed.png
[11:04] <MaliceAF> if you write a more popular tale with the same title, the original gets deleted right?
[11:04] <MaliceAF> that's how that works?
[11:04] <Mendelssohn> The Australian Flesh Mates
[11:04] <silkmoth> no don't replace this masterpiece smh
[11:05] <MaliceAF> survival of the fittest-type deal?
[11:05] <Mendelssohn> Ach
[11:05] <weryllium> MaliceAF: don't you think someone would have replaced iterarion f by now
[11:05] <Mendelssohn> Now I remember
[11:05] <weryllium> if that were the case
[11:05] * Avocadonut (esoobac.siht.tuo|kcehc#esoobac.siht.tuo|kcehc) has joined #site19
[11:05] <Mendelssohn> I still haven't begun Gardeners Against Weeds rip
[11:05] <Avocadonut> mmmmmmmmm
[11:05] <MaliceAF> .s iteration
[11:05] <%jarvis> maliceaf: The William Penn Iteration, SCP-3571: OLLIE'S OBSTACLE COURSE OF OBVIOUS OBLITERATION!, Iteration F, Iterations, Iteration 0 and 0 more…
[11:05] * trots (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.5C8C76CA-CRInys|868022diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.5C8C76CA-CRInys|868022diu) has joined #site19
[11:05] <Avocadonut> this is what i get for not charging my laptop for 2 days
[11:05] <MaliceAF> .sm 5
[11:05] <%jarvis> maliceaf: Iteration 0 (written 5 years ago by FortuneFavorsBold; rating: +138) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/iteration-0
[11:05] <silkmoth> k e r a t i n - e n c r u s t e d m e m b e r
[11:05] <MaliceAF> this is a much better tale
[11:05] <Mendelssohn> Plaaaaaaaaaaaants
[11:05] <JustImpact> silkmoth: whoa
[11:05] <JustImpact> https://raikou2.donmai.us/1c/52/1c523682b4c1cca518c8a5dba5a8b883.jpg
[11:05] <MaliceAF> Mendelssohn: plants!
[11:05] <JustImpact> Mendelssohn: and all of the pants were dead
[11:05] <Mendelssohn> MaliceAF: How's your aloe friend doing?
[11:06] <MaliceAF> spikyboi's doing well, thanks!
[11:06] <JustImpact> aloes are great spiky bois
[11:06] <MaliceAF> he's growing some shoots, and regrowing some of the dead leaves I had to pull off him
[11:06] <Mendelssohn> Oooh
[11:06] <JustImpact> i have a cutting from my grandmother's
[11:06] <XilasCrowe> Aloe you vera much
[11:06] <Rimple> Scp-3504
[11:06] <%jarvis> rimple: SCP-3504: "And how will we know you are one of us?" (co-written 15 hours ago by Rimple and OthellotheCat; rating: +19) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3504
[11:06] <MaliceAF> JustImpact: My aloe is called spikyboi Micheal, and he is the best
[11:06] <Rimple> ^ read this to see two researchers chug sap and go spelunking
[11:06] <JustImpact> MaliceAF: <3
[11:07] <Mendelssohn> I moved Seward and Fritz outdoors so they can get more sun
[11:07] <Mendelssohn> Worried Seward (my dragonfruit cactus) may be etiolated
[11:07] <JustImpact> i got this guy a snappy boi to hang out with
[11:07] <MaliceAF> Mendelssohn: lucky. It's way too cold for that here
[11:07] <silkmoth> taking care of plants is beautiful
[11:07] <JustImpact> because i used to have fruit flies
[11:07] <Mendelssohn> Venus flytrap? Ooh
[11:07] <silkmoth> it's a microcosm of holding the power of life and death over a living creature
[11:07] <MaliceAF> I've never tended a plant before, so spikboi is a good way of getting into that kind of thing
[11:07] <Mendelssohn> Succulents are good beginner plants
[11:08] <MaliceAF> I want a cactus at some point. Something that'll grow flowers or something
[11:08] <Avocadonut> silkmoth, i like plants because they cute and gren
[11:08] <Mendelssohn> C A C T U S
[11:08] <JustImpact> succulents are good beginner plants and also you look like you have mars on your window sill
[11:08] <MaliceAF> .gis red plants
[11:08] <%jarvis> maliceaf: [1/10] Set of 3 or 5 Red Abdita Air Plants - Save up to 35% - http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0049/0822/products/MG_2846_2_9dc5afc9-fb58-41c1-bdc1-117996392598_600x.JPG?v=1518179951
[11:08] <MaliceAF> Avocadonut: ^
[11:08] * Mendelssohn remembers how Fritz had a flower bud at one point, but the bud withered :(
[11:08] <JustImpact> flytraps and pitcher plants are also great
[11:08] <silkmoth> remember that thing in Lobotomy Corp
[11:09] <silkmoth> the succulent succubus
[11:09] <MaliceAF> :I
[11:09] <stormfallen> S U C C
[11:09] <Mendelssohn> Aye, carnivorous plants are hecking cool
[11:09] <MaliceAF> ulent
[11:09] <Mendelssohn> .gis sarracenia
[11:09] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: [1/10] Sarracenia - Wikipedia - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Sarracenia_ne1.JPG/1200px-Sarracenia_ne1.JPG
[11:09] <JustImpact> isn't that just a
[11:09] <JustImpact> fucking
[11:09] <JustImpact> what's the name
[11:09] <Mendelssohn> Some potcher plonts for yall
[11:09] <MaliceAF> I've got some flytrap seeds that I'm too scared to plant
[11:09] <JustImpact> plant them snappy bois
[11:09] <Mendelssohn> Don't worry, they won't eat you :P
[11:09] <MaliceAF> because I /know/ I'll fuck it up
[11:09] <silkmoth> reminder pitcher plants are just miniature vore fetishists
[11:09] <Mendelssohn> Also, don't bulli the chompers
[11:09] <MaliceAF> they require super careful care tho
[11:09] * ClassyBulbasaur (ru.asa.blub|yssalc#ru.asa.blub|yssalc) has joined #site19
[11:10] <stormfallen> In Soviet Russia salad eat you
[11:10] <JustImpact> they don
[11:10] <JustImpact> 't
[11:10] <Mendelssohn> Let me start some plont discors
[11:10] <Mendelssohn> Nepenthes > Sarracenia
[11:10] <MaliceAF> more careful than an aloe lol
[11:10] <JustImpact> well yeah
[11:10] <silkmoth> agreed mendel
[11:10] <JustImpact> an aloe requires watering every decade
[11:10] <JustImpact> maybe
[11:10] * Servbot (~ra.ten.mocelet.2BDFCAEB-CRInys|45tahCdnA#ra.ten.mocelet.2BDFCAEB-CRInys|45tahCdnA) has joined #site19
[11:10] <15Servbot> Raaaaaagh
[11:10] <silkmoth> i should grow mushrooms
[11:10] <JustImpact> my brother got into succulents like he's into gunpla, it's nuts
[11:10] <15Servbot> I live again
[11:11] * taylor_iOStkin is now known as taylor_class
[11:11] <silkmoth> i feel like id enjoy it
[11:11] <Mendelssohn> #plant19 is best #site19
[11:11] <JustImpact> get out of miss tron's bed
[11:11] <Mendelssohn> Welcome home, Servbot!
[11:11] <15Servbot> I've been gone for so long
[11:11] <15Servbot> Lost me badge
[11:11] <silkmoth> gonna grow me a phalloides
[11:11] <15Servbot> Lost me gun
[11:11] <JustImpact> silkmoth: i've never grown mushrooms intentionally
[11:11] <Avocadonut> my mom rescued a jade plant from the office trash bin years and years ago and now we have a jade army
[11:11] <JustImpact> silkmoth: hehe phalloides
[11:11] <LiquidNightfury> .lc
[11:11] <JustImpact> heck yes
[11:11] <%jarvis> liquidnightfury: SCP-3309 (written 9 minutes ago by Dr ADT) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3309
[11:11] <%jarvis> liquidnightfury: Foundation Missed Connections (written an hour ago by toadking07) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/foundation-missed-connections
[11:11] <%jarvis> liquidnightfury: SCP-3179 - Floating Water (written 2 hours ago by The Communist Man) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3179
[11:12] <15Servbot> How is everyone today?
[11:12] <Mendelssohn> The Communist Man
[11:12] <silkmoth> awful thanks
[11:12] <Mendelssohn> I am drawing the plants
[11:12] <Mendelssohn> And being angsty as usual
[11:12] <Avocadonut> >the communist man
[11:12] <15Servbot> Aww come on man
[11:12] <Avocadonut> mood
[11:12] <15Servbot> Why so glum chum?
[11:12] <Mendelssohn> 3817 is mood
[11:12] * ClassyB (~ClassyB@D5BC341C:7ADB6A79:382BE29:IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
[11:13] <JustImpact> https://raikou2.donmai.us/ee/c5/eec5c3d7a1533248d81f00ac98565a8d.jpg
[11:13] <drblackbox> I may or may not start a vcr cult today.
[11:13] <JustImpact> why is this an uncertainty
[11:13] <15Servbot> Start a Laser disc cult
[11:13] <Mendelssohn> .gis jade plant
[11:13] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: [1/10] Jade Plants: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jade Plants | The … - https://www.almanac.com/sites/default/files/styles/primary_image_in_article/public/image_nodes/jade-planting-growing.jpg?itok=JetByYeq
[11:13] <LiquidNightfury> Vodka coke raspberry cult
[11:13] <JustImpact> whiskey mango kumquat
[11:13] <Mendelssohn> "Sensei…Sensei? Sen…SEI!"
[11:13] <LiquidNightfury> Most served drink in my bar tbh
[11:13] <Mendelssohn> "AAAAH! MY HAND!!"
[11:14] * Smaugnolia (efil.laer.ni.eid.uoy.adanaC|eiDuoYfI#efil.laer.ni.eid.uoy.adanaC|eiDuoYfI) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[11:14] <Mendelssohn> Anyone gets the reference
[11:14] <JustImpact> idgi
[11:14] <silkmoth> From one maker of music to another, across all worlds, all times, no matter what you do or what you become: ur gay lol.
[11:14] <15Servbot> Kumquat ice cream with whiskey
[11:14] <silkmoth> great line
[11:14] <JustImpact> silkmoth: same
[11:14] * vezaz (moc.duolccri.etaghgih.CEA261F4-CRInys|579151diu#moc.duolccri.etaghgih.CEA261F4-CRInys|579151diu) has joined #site19
[11:14] <Mendelssohn> hi vezaz!
[11:14] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: Tchaikovsky approves
[11:14] <15Servbot> More like
[11:14] <ghostpage> Guys, I've never had a pickle before, what're they like
[11:14] <15Servbot> Vezass
[11:14] <15Servbot> Nah, hello man
[11:14] <silkmoth> anomalous bean plushie of an anime character that anomalously succs your dick and calls you gay, D-class manifest themselves afterwards as mega gay
[11:15] <JustImpact> https://78.media.tumblr.com/cc2dd92aeb1beba97687ef065b1f863e/tumblr_p58vvyArvw1tdpeqjo1_540.png
[11:15] <MaliceAF> My lovecraft/recipe crossover is going well
[11:15] <Mendelssohn> ghostpage: Imagine a shriveled cucumber that is really salty
[11:15] <MaliceAF> "To encounter some significance; whose intensity in a third of Mnar did what my tools could not, and which may have been thus before the sauce. The sauce marked them, and beef, and went into 5cm chunks: 100g cod fillets, skinless. I stir my forgotten triumph at the joy of finding."
[11:15] <salvagebar_> ghostpage: they are tasty, crunchy, salty, savory in a vinegary way
[11:15] <LiquidNightfury> The researcher below triple gay
[11:15] <JustImpact> ^
[11:15] <silkmoth> --mirror-=-—
[11:15] <15Servbot> Pickles are good
[11:15] <silkmoth> got em
[11:15] <JustImpact> ^
[11:15] <salvagebar_> Pickles are amazing
[11:15] <ghostpage> Mendelssohn, salvagebar_ , that sounds fucking good rn
[11:15] <Avocadonut> silkmoth: were you in 19 under a different name, because i swear i know you from somewhere
[11:15] <JustImpact> there are also sweet pickles
[11:15] <15Servbot> What the fuck is this shitpost central?
[11:15] <silkmoth> researcher below shuold die
[11:15] <silkmoth> should*
[11:16] <JustImpact> Servbot: adnk af
[11:16] <ghostpage> I've been wildly craving salt lately bc of my meds
[11:16] <silkmoth> B-)
[11:16] <MobileMagnus> This is site19, so yes.
[11:16] <MaliceAF> pickles: okay, kinda overrated, crunchy and salty and vinegary
[11:16] <MobileMagnus> Lol
[11:16] <salvagebar_> Yes if you're a little thirsty pickles rock
[11:16] <silkmoth> spironolactone?
[11:16] <JustImpact> ghostpage: isn't one yeah
[11:16] <MaliceAF> jarvis: apples adnk af
[11:16] <LiquidNightfury> befriend the spirals
[11:16] <ghostpage> silkmoth: I'm not a woman
[11:16] <silkmoth> i just know that spiro makes you crave salt
[11:16] <JustImpact> ghostpage: sorry i have the wrong page loaded :(
[11:16] <JustImpact> ghostpage: i'm terrible at this
[11:17] <EdeFabry> Well, not as much as it should. You seriously need to up your sodium intake when on spiro.
[11:17] <EdeFabry> Nasty drug.
[11:17] <JustImpact> well, diuretic
[11:17] <JustImpact> does it have additional sodium fuckery
[11:17] <silkmoth> everyone knows lupron is the drug of choice
[11:17] <ghostpage> silkmoth: spiro is for HRT, I am not transfem and do not enjoy being equated to identifying as a woman
[11:17] <ghostpage> I'm on steroids and they're affecting my insulin which affects pee, basically
[11:17] <EdeFabry> It's a potassium sparing diuretic.
[11:18] <salvagebar_> Yes pickles are a good source of fiber along with the salt, if that's what you're needing
[11:18] <EdeFabry> So if you don't up your sodium intake, cation imbalance can cause quite a few issues.
[11:18] <ghostpage> salvagebar_: perf
[11:18] <salvagebar_> Lots of electrolytes
[11:18] <silkmoth> just eat that cotton candy stuff in attics and house walls
[11:18] <JustImpact> what plants crave
[11:18] <silkmoth> it gives insulin
[11:18] <ghostpage> I'm gonna ask my housemates for some
[11:18] <silkmoth> or does it give insulate
[11:18] <salvagebar_> It's why pregnant women dig them
[11:18] <silkmoth> i dont remember
[11:18] <silkmoth> :^)
[11:18] <ghostpage> silkmoth: I have plenty of insulin, my dude.
[11:19] <Mendelssohn> https://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/jade-houseki-no-kuni-113714.jpg https://candy.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Jade-Plant.jpg
[11:19] <Mendelssohn> I see no difference
[11:19] <ghostpage> I said it affects it, not desteoys it, lol
[11:19] <silkmoth> ah i see
[11:19] <JustImpact> Mendelssohn: agree
[11:19] <silkmoth> my shitposting fuel is running out and i'm going to be sad again
[11:19] <silkmoth> sigh
[11:19] <JustImpact> ghostpage: just ugh everywhere i apologize for things
[11:19] <ghostpage> JustImpact: huh
[11:20] <ghostpage> What're you apologizing for
[11:20] <15Servbot> Oh man
[11:20] <Mendelssohn> Some people tend to apologize excessively
[11:20] <Mendelssohn> I am one of them
[11:20] <JustImpact> silkmoth: https://i.redd.it/ucoqfs9btjgz.png
[11:20] <15Servbot> I'm gonna be on pretty much daily from now on
[11:20] <Mendelssohn> And I will do it right now. Sorry
[11:20] <ghostpage> Y'all need some self-confidence up in here
[11:20] <salvagebar_> I don't apologize for fuck all
[11:20] <silkmoth> Sorry JustImpact you're too late
[11:20] <salvagebar_> Sorry for the cursing
[11:20] <15Servbot> Be like me
[11:20] <Mendelssohn> I thikn it's more of a habit
[11:20] <JustImpact> ghostpage: several misssteps
[11:20] <ghostpage> Mendelssohn: /whaps with rolled up newspaper
[11:20] <ghostpage> Bad
[11:20] <silkmoth> Real sadgirl hours are back in session
[11:21] <JustImpact> rip
[11:21] * Servbot explodes
[11:21] <MaliceAF> guys you're making me sad and I don't appreciate it
[11:21] <MaliceAF> be happy
[11:21] <ghostpage> Can we implement a bot that scolds people for apologizing too much
[11:21] <silkmoth> Wish I could
[11:21] <ClassyBulbasaur> Be lucky?
[11:21] <MaliceAF> that's an order
[11:21] <MaliceAF> ClassyBulbasaur: if that's conducive to happiness, sure
[11:21] <15Servbot> No such bot
[11:21] * Mendelssohn is whacked with the news
[11:21] * Jesin (~ten.xoc.cd.cd.9AA7CD4A-CRInys|niseJ#ten.xoc.cd.cd.9AA7CD4A-CRInys|niseJ) has joined #site19
[11:21] <15Servbot> Only Servbot
[11:21] <ghostpage> Servbot: I will make one
[11:21] <silkmoth> Being happy means you can feel the sting of despair that much more
[11:22] <silkmoth> Just wallow with me
[11:22] <Mendelssohn> This is about as close as I can get to reading the news
[11:22] <JustImpact> MaliceAF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6LovY_DdEE
[11:22] <%jarvis> justimpact: pls rember.mp4 - length 23s - 16850↑178↓ - 411,866 views - Courtney (ProjectSNT) on 2016-10-28
[11:22] <silkmoth> Anomalous entity that makes you wallow with it in a corner
[11:22] <silkmoth> i dont feel scare or frigten
[11:22] <Mendelssohn> Speaking of angsty
[11:22] <Mendelssohn> I did a ventt art
[11:22] <ghostpage> silkmoth: there's one like that
[11:22] <Mendelssohn> https://68.media.tumblr.com/46cc0875def3941560c9e6e627b51924/tumblr_p5bkknxUgA1x2sbhso1_1280.jpg (mild warning for death)
[11:22] <ghostpage> By soulless
[11:23] <JustImpact> silkmoth: pls rember ;_;
[11:23] <ghostpage> .s better off
[11:23] <%jarvis> ghostpage: Page not found.
[11:23] <silkmoth> Just goes to show I don't have any originality
[11:23] <ghostpage> Hrm.
[11:23] <silkmoth> Oh wow Mendelssohn that's cute
[11:23] * ghostpage baps silkmoth
[11:23] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: Hey, you're not the SCP idea that I have who is a person who literally no has originality
[11:23] <ghostpage> No wallowing >:(
[11:23] <Mendelssohn> Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus ~
[11:23] <silkmoth> g o d i w i s h t h a t w e r e m e
[11:23] <JustImpact> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW2MB_ngxoc
[11:23] <%jarvis> justimpact: rember happy day (fixed) - length 16s - 590↑19↓ - 16,646 views - PKMidori on 2017-06-20
[11:23] <Mendelssohn> .y amadeus flaco
[11:23] <Avocadonut> h
[11:23] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: [1/10] Falco - Rock Me Amadeus - length 3m45s - 173711↑6060↓ - 30,894,607 views - FalcoVEVO on 2009-10-25 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=cVikZ8Oe_XA
[11:23] <15Servbot> When day is dark
[11:24] <15Servbot> Always rember happy day
[11:24] <silkmoth> the eternal void of apathy is one thicc bih
[11:24] <Mendelssohn> thank you silkmoth <3
[11:24] <Avocadonut> servbot: how many servers have you gotten banned from on accusations of botfuckery
[11:24] <taylor_class> Jesus Christ
[11:24] <ghostpage> .s prefer myself sick
[11:24] <%jarvis> ghostpage: SCP-414: Regardless, I Might Prefer Myself Sick (written 2 years ago by SoullessSingularity; rating: +182) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-414
[11:24] <ghostpage> silkmoth: read this
[11:25] <taylor_class> .au tay
[11:25] <silkmoth> shit i'm infected
[11:25] <%jarvis> taylor_class: taylor_itkin ( http://www.scp-wiki.net/dr-taylor-itkin-s-personnel-file ) has 5 pages (5 Originals) (2 SCP Articles, 3 Tales). They have 214 net upvotes with an average of +42. Their latest page is In The Eye Of The Beholders at +19.
[11:25] <silkmoth> oh well, hope that lethality rate goes in my favor
[11:26] <silkmoth> uh oh i'm stage three
[11:26] <MaliceAF> hey hey hey, I have a scip for all y'all
[11:26] <ghostpage> .ch make faux-french toast, nah
[11:26] <%jarvis> ghostpage: make faux-french toast
[11:26] <MaliceAF> it's not even a sad one
[11:27] <MaliceAF> it might even be funny? Or at least entertaining? At the very least, it should be interesting
[11:27] <JustImpact> silkmoth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnzSGSDhbqg
[11:27] <%jarvis> justimpact: really really really really really really - length 2m45s - 50893↑787↓ - 1,469,954 views - Cyranek on 2016-08-19
[11:27] * No0n3Left (~ten.xoc.ta.np.58AD91F7-CRInys|tfeL3n0oN#ten.xoc.ta.np.58AD91F7-CRInys|tfeL3n0oN) has joined #site19
[11:28] <stormfallen> https://i.redd.it/e79ahuj53qk01.jpg
[11:28] <silkmoth> scp that makes you feel a memetic compulsion to join chatrooms and vent for no reason and people get sad
[11:28] <MaliceAF> anyone interested? It's got a lot of destruction, bureaucracy, and illicit shenanigans!
[11:28] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: Too relatable
[11:28] <silkmoth> ill read it later
[11:29] <MaliceAF> also multiverse theory!
[11:29] <MaliceAF> scp-3856
[11:29] <%jarvis> maliceaf: SCP-3856: Researcher Lloyd, Destroyer of Worlds (written 4 days ago by MaliceAforethought; rating: +63) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3856
[11:29] <MaliceAF> eh, eh?
[11:29] <silkmoth> scp that makes you feel the need to socialize for others even though it is destroying you inside ayy lmao
[11:29] <silkmoth> big joke hours are back
[11:29] <silkmoth> scp that makes the whole chat uncomfortable for a solid 4 minutes
[11:29] <silkmoth> class keter
[11:29] <Rimple> That's an SCP
[11:30] <No0n3Left> silkmoth: Is that me?
[11:30] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: Have you read 3817, by the way
[11:30] <Rimple> Making yourself socialise even though it destroys you inside
[11:30] <Avocadonut> scp that made a bad decision and now just wants to go back home and make things up with his husband
[11:30] <Avocadonut> scp-3915
[11:30] <%jarvis> avocadonut: SCP-3915: Gay Trashman (written 3 months ago by Noktigo; rating: +28) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3915
[11:30] <ghostpage> Not sure is actually hungry still or if my internal meter for blood sugar is borked
[11:31] <@salvagebar> SO the skip makes you socialize in a destructive way, like the Sadist's Tumbler, silkmoth?
[11:31] <MaliceAF> scp that wants you to know how badly you've unknowingly hurt it over the years.
[11:31] <MaliceAF> scp-2856
[11:31] <%jarvis> maliceaf: SCP-2856: Machines, machinations, and a warehouse in Leipzig (written 5 months ago by MaliceAforethought; rating: +90) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2856
[11:31] <Avocadonut> ghostpage: when in doubt
[11:31] <@salvagebar> When in doubt test your blood sugar
[11:31] <ghostpage> Avocadonut: eat it out?
[11:31] <silkmoth> 3817 is good
[11:31] <Avocadonut> ghostpage: yeah!!
[11:31] <ghostpage> salvagebar, I'm not diabetic, I don't have a tester
[11:32] <Mendelssohn> thank you silkmoth <3
[11:32] <silkmoth> scp that is a website community dedicated to creative writing that attracts a high percentage of sad people (anomalously)
[11:32] <Avocadonut> :O
[11:32] <weryllium> Unrealistic, downvoted
[11:32] <@salvagebar> You could ask for one - it is inexpensive kit that most insurance will cover if there's even the slightest justification
[11:32] <weryllium> :p
[11:32] <silkmoth> understandable
[11:32] <@salvagebar> avocadoodle
[11:32] <Avocadonut> no u
[11:32] <silkmoth> new scp idea: it's straight up a livestream of me crying with spooky music
[11:32] <ghostpage> salvagebar, I'm like, pre-prediabetic rn, if that makes sense, it's not dangerous levels at all yet but I'm just trying to be careful
[11:33] <ghostpage> salvagebar: also trying to go for starches vs sugars, etc, all that jazz
[11:33] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: too realistic, downvote
[11:33] <silkmoth> scp that compels you to upvote with memetic powers
[11:33] * glewmie (PI.E540AB38.A6E8B589.17F9BAC|tibbiM#PI.E540AB38.A6E8B589.17F9BAC|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[11:33] <MaliceAF> unrealistic, no narrative, poor grammar and clinical tone. Upvoted
[11:33] <09glewmie> Goooood Morning.
[11:34] <Avocadonut> mornin
[11:34] <MaliceAF> heya glewmie
[11:34] <silkmoth> scp that orgasms every time you down vote it
[11:34] <Avocadonut> . -.
[11:34] <silkmoth> class keter
[11:34] <Avocadonut> you'd have to call cyril for that
[11:34] <EdeFabry> Object Class: Kegel.
[11:34] <09glewmie> lmao
[11:34] <ghostpage> Jcjfbdb
[11:34] <ghostpage> EdeFabry: n o
[11:34] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: I remembered one deleted skip that was "This thing gets stronger when you downvote it"
[11:34] <silkmoth> thats so good lol
[11:35] <09glewmie> i guess it didn't get strong enough to survive deletion
[11:35] <weryllium> That one was funny.
[11:35] <silkmoth> scp: old man that has gotten too strong from your prayers, please stop praying for his cancer to get better he is surrounded in blinding light
[11:35] <Avocadonut> mendelssohn: an endeavor inevitably doomed to failure, but while it lasts, it is a bright and beautiful flame
[11:35] <silkmoth> a candle in the wind
[11:35] <Mendelssohn> Isn't that a tumblr meme post silkmoth
[11:35] <silkmoth> *sweats*
[11:35] <silkmoth> no
[11:36] * SunnyClockwork (~PI.C3EF761F.2DA6A5FF.A715AC6E|alliztahc#PI.C3EF761F.2DA6A5FF.A715AC6E|alliztahc) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[11:36] <silkmoth> i made that post
[11:36] <silkmoth> i mean
[11:36] <silkmoth> uh
[11:36] <EdeFabry> silkmoth: Lighting your farts is a bad idea, even with a candle.
[11:36] <silkmoth> shit ive been found out all my jokes are shitty memes i found
[11:36] <Avocadonut> silkmoth then you're fitting right in
[11:36] <@salvagebar> "Open flames around people are a bad idea." « Why do we need to say this in the third millennium
[11:36] <silkmoth> scp idea: it reposts content and anomalously gets likes/upvotes for seemingly no reason
[11:36] <@salvagebar> "Eating soap is bad for you."
[11:37] <silkmoth> [warning cognitohazard] it's okay to eat soap
[11:37] <09glewmie> hi MaliceAF
[11:37] <EdeFabry> Open flames around heretics are a bad idea? You should tell the church.
[11:37] <ghostpage> salvagebar: people will eternally be jackasses some amount of the time
[11:37] <Sax> I am the church. I'm listening.
[11:37] <Avocadonut> salvagebar: damned if you're going to tell me what not to do
[11:37] * Sax gets the fire ready
[11:38] <Avocadonut> i'll eat soap whenever i damned well please
[11:38] <XilasCrowe> Because soap is slippery it makes a very effective projectile as it flies through the air almost three times faster then anything else.
[11:38] <XilasCrowe> Facts I just made up #1
[11:38] <Sax> Soap + socks.
[11:38] <Sax> Effective hazing weapon.
[11:38] <Avocadonut> lmao
[11:38] <silkmoth> cognitohazard that makes the viewer compelled to eat a full sock without chewing
[11:38] <Sax> Well, bar soap, to be specific.
[11:38] <15Servbot> Fullmetal jacker thaught me that
[11:38] <EdeFabry> I wouldn't recommend eating socks.
[11:38] <EdeFabry> Even clean ones.
[11:38] <Avocadonut> >fullmetal jacker
[11:39] <Sax> Sounds like a porno.
[11:39] <silkmoth> scp that says ed…ward
[11:39] <15Servbot> Fucking mobile
[11:39] <15Servbot> Silkmoth no
[11:39] <15Servbot> No
[11:39] <15Servbot> Never
[11:39] <Sax> silkmoth, boring.
[11:39] <Sax> -1 from me.
[11:39] <Sax> :/
[11:39] <silkmoth> procedure 110 montauk exposed
[11:39] <Sax> Overdone.
[11:40] <EdeFabry> 110-Montauk is a long walk on the beach under the moonlight, holding hands. And that's my headcanon.
[11:40] <silkmoth> format screw idea: the whole page is just a picture of a goose
[11:40] <Avocadonut> i'd go for that
[11:40] <Klurg> the cat goes meow, the cow goes moo, the horse goes neiigghh, the dog goes Ed… ward
[11:40] <silkmoth> fear alone
[11:40] <XilasCrowe> Except the goose is in text
[11:40] <ClassyBulbasaur> scp that scp that scp that
[11:40] <09glewmie> Klurg: No.
[11:41] <MaliceAF> format screw: there is no scp and instead of reading it you go outside for a while and be happy
[11:41] <silkmoth> scp that makes cats within 500m crave the sweet taste of gift cards
[11:41] <Avocadonut> oh fuck i'm running on 7% battery rip me
[11:41] <weryllium> What's "outside"
[11:41] <weryllium> Is it a new SCP?
[11:41] <EdeFabry> What's that Ed…ward joke? I don't get it.
[11:41] <silkmoth> scp that makes every screenshot of a phone you see on 5% battery
[11:41] <Mendelssohn> .l
[11:41] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: SCP 3327 - ONE FRAMED VHS VIDEO (written 15 minutes ago by Aaron Miranda) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3327
[11:41] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: Foundation Missed Connections (written an hour ago by toadking07) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/foundation-missed-connections
[11:41] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: SCP-3179 - Floating Water (written 2 hours ago by The Communist Man) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3179
[11:41] <ghostpage> Ascii goose
[11:41] <weryllium> EdeFabry: fullmetal Alchemist
[11:41] <weryllium> reference
[11:41] <Avocadonut> god i fucking knew it
[11:41] <Klurg> EdeFabry: fullmetal alchemist, sad thing
[11:41] <Klurg> very sad thing
[11:42] <EdeFabry> That's anime, right?
[11:42] <Klurg> if you drop that meme somewhere, check people's reactions
[11:42] <Klurg> yes it's an anime
[11:42] <Klurg> if they react angrily, they've seen the show
[11:42] <ghostpage> I never finished fma tbh
[11:42] <ghostpage> Klurg, nah
[11:42] <vezaz> Klurg nice meme 7/10
[11:42] <ghostpage> I've seen it and am meh
[11:42] <silkmoth> 978 extended log is mood
[11:42] <JustImpact> traditional hot dogs are made from
[11:42] <JustImpact> traditional
[11:42] <JustImpact> hot
[11:42] <JustImpact> and dogs
[11:42] <MaliceAF> Anime is short for "Animated Meme"
[11:43] <@salvagebar> MaliceAF you teller of tales
[11:43] <09glewmie> MaliceAF: You're thinking of animemes
[11:43] * Aers (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.C72D67BA-CRInys|349482diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.C72D67BA-CRInys|349482diu) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[11:43] <vezaz> I thought it was short for ANIMal Empire
[11:43] <MaliceAF> glewmie: no, that's an antimeme that doesn't affect the letter T
[11:43] <EdeFabry> My knowledge of anime is pretty much limited to late 70s, early 80s stuff. Plus some late 90s stuff a friend tried to make me watch when I was a student.
[11:44] <09glewmie> ANalytic IMage Excellence
[11:44] <09glewmie> EdeFabry: Did you ever watch Dirty Pair/
[11:44] <09glewmie> the opening for that anime is
[11:44] <09glewmie> excellent
[11:44] <ClassyBulbasaur> EdeFabry watch SAO
[11:44] <09glewmie> ew
[11:44] <09glewmie> don't watch SAO
[11:44] <Sax> … don't waste your time.
[11:44] <XilasCrowe> No SAO Abridged
[11:44] <ClassyBulbasaur> Its a shit show
[11:44] <ghostpage> glewmie: DIRTY PAIR IS GUD
[11:44] <Mendelssohn> Watch Houseki no Kuni
[11:44] <MaliceAF> ANother Irritating acronyM for somEthing that it bears no relevance too
[11:44] <09glewmie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTMe1vhUxh0
[11:44] <%jarvis> glewmie: Dirty Pair TV 1985 Clean OP - length 1m31s - 2505↑26↓ - 450,539 views - Asurei on 2010-01-14
[11:44] <@salvagebar> Dirty Pair is old school af
[11:44] <ClassyBulbasaur> Watch Made In Abyss
[11:45] <ghostpage> .y dirty pair movie intro
[11:45] <%jarvis> ghostpage: [1/10] Dirty Pair MOvie - Project Eden Opening - length 2m1s - 1271↑3↓ - 138,586 views - jaewon kim on 2009-12-26 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=z53R0LoeV8c
[11:45] <09glewmie> it's so good tho
[11:45] <EdeFabry> Probably not oldschool enough for me.
[11:45] <Mendelssohn> .y why you should watch houseki no kuni
[11:45] <Avocadonut> isn't made in abyss super gorey
[11:45] <09glewmie> ??
[11:45] <ghostpage> salvagebar: have you seen the movie
[11:45] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: [1/10] Why You Should Watch Houseki no Kuni - Land of the Lustrous - length 10m34s - 550↑15↓ - 19,277 views - Otaku Box on 2017-11-24 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=IJnd1ZkGODs
[11:45] <09glewmie> Dirty Pair was 85
[11:45] <silkmoth> watch when they cry
[11:45] <MaliceAF> I've seen precisely one anime
[11:45] <Mendelssohn> Watch the rock people
[11:45] <MaliceAF> it was pretty good
[11:45] <09glewmie> like
[11:45] <09glewmie> 1985
[11:45] <silkmoth> or serial expiraments lain
[11:45] <09glewmie> SEL is good
[11:45] <ClassyBulbasaur> Avocadount at times, ye
[11:45] <ghostpage> EdeFabry: it's round your age, I think
[11:45] <ClassyBulbasaur> But its so good
[11:45] <MaliceAF> .w a silent voice
[11:45] <%jarvis> maliceaf: A Silent Voice (manga) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Silent_Voice_(manga) - A Silent Voice (Japanese: 聲の形, Hepburn: Koe no Katachi, literally "The Shape of the Voice") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. The series was originally […]
[11:45] <EdeFabry> Doesn't ring a bell.
[11:46] <09glewmie> Rose of Versailles?
[11:46] <MaliceAF> no, the movie jarvis
[11:46] <MaliceAF> not the manga
[11:46] <EdeFabry> Stuff I rememeber: Harlock, Candy Candy, Grendizer…
[11:46] <09glewmie> harlock was good
[11:46] <09glewmie> i liked the alcoholic alien with no mouth
[11:46] <ghostpage> EdeFabry: It has cute girls being badass and doofs, is that good enough to watch or
[11:46] <ClassyBulbasaur> You guys ready for the Tetris movie trigoly?
[11:46] <Avocadonut> the only anime i ever legitimately loved was death note and that's my dirty laundry
[11:46] <ClassyBulbasaur> Trilogy *
[11:46] <ghostpage> ClassyBulbasaur: wat
[11:46] <09glewmie> i like how Harlock's cape always billows in the wind, even indooors
[11:46] * &Soulless|Dremin (sdneirfyob.retsnom.ylno.sgnik.ro.sd|g.on#sdneirfyob.retsnom.ylno.sgnik.ro.sd|g.on) Quit (Ping timeout: 185 seconds)
[11:47] <ClassyBulbasaur> .g Tetris movie trilogy
[11:47] <%jarvis> classybulbasaur: [1/10] 'Tetris' Movie Will Be Trilogy – Variety - http://variety.com/2016/film/news/tetris-movie-trilogy-1201805092/ - Jun 28, 2016 … The "Tetris" movie adaptation will be a sci-fi trilogy, producer Larry Kasanoff confirms.
[11:47] <Avocadonut> . - .
[11:47] <Avocadonut> i thought they learned with pixels
[11:47] <MaliceAF> A /trilogy/?
[11:47] <ghostpage> ClassyBulbasaur: i need you to back up and explain tetris movie to me
[11:47] <ClassyBulbasaur> N o p e
[11:47] <MaliceAF> a motherfuckin' /trilogy/?
[11:47] <drblackbox> I think they were making that before pixels was a thing.
[11:47] <XilasCrowe> How tf do you even get enough plot for one Tetris movie
[11:47] <EdeFabry> To be honest, I'm not really interested in watching new anime.
[11:47] <ClassyBulbasaur> I mean
[11:47] * Sax yawneth
[11:48] <MaliceAF> They took Tetris. And they made it a movie in /three/ parts?
[11:48] <drblackbox> The battleship movie was similar.
[11:48] <ClassyBulbasaur> They are making a fnaf movie as well so tetris aint that far off
[11:48] <silkmoth> i am scp 451 i think
[11:48] * Avocadonut (esoobac.siht.tuo|kcehc#esoobac.siht.tuo|kcehc) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Avocadonut_))
[11:48] <drblackbox> There's much more plot to fnaf than tetris.
[11:48] <Mendelssohn> FNaF isn't relevant anymore ;/
[11:48] <ghostpage> ClassyBulbasaur: fnaf has a story
[11:48] <ClassyBulbasaur> Silkmoth you are not
[11:48] <ghostpage> Tetris is nothing
[11:48] * Avocadonut (esoobac.siht.tuo|kcehc#esoobac.siht.tuo|kcehc) has joined #site19
[11:48] <Avocadonut> aw ffs
[11:48] <@salvagebar> Jessica Jones s2 is BOSS
[11:48] <Avocadonut> laptop died
[11:48] <@salvagebar> SUPER BOSS
[11:48] <ClassyBulbasaur> This summer
[11:48] <Avocadonut> sal: good!!!
[11:48] <ClassyBulbasaur> A little block will go a long way
[11:48] <@salvagebar> Avocadonut I could see you as Jessica Jones
[11:49] <MaliceAF> This summer: There's a new kid on the block
[11:49] <Avocadonut> sal i’m legitimately flattered but beg to differ
[11:49] <Mendelssohn> Avocadonut: hey, I saw that tumblr post you tagged me in
[11:49] <ClassyBulbasaur> Where he does not "fit in" with the others
[11:49] <Mendelssohn> and i just wanna say thanks
[11:49] <Avocadonut> mendel: :>
[11:49] <Avocadonut> anytim
[11:49] <@salvagebar> Did I ever tell you I have a good friend who's costume supervisor for the Netflix Marvel shows
[11:50] <silkmoth> tell them to do a better job :^)
[11:50] <@salvagebar> silkmoth OH YOU
[11:50] <silkmoth> im joking
[11:50] <Avocadonut> PH
[11:50] <silkmoth> im sorry
[11:50] <@salvagebar> It's ok
[11:50] <XilasCrowe> See if you can get something that’s fluorescent green
[11:50] <@salvagebar> She also worked on the Spiderman musical so she's used to criticism
[11:50] <silkmoth> the spiderman musical was flawless
[11:50] <EdeFabry> Tetris movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8
[11:51] <Mendelssohn> Avocadonut: I kinda want to ask if you intended to ping Zhange in that post too
[11:51] <%jarvis> edefabry: Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris - length 6m48s - 109327↑2737↓ - 7,739,949 views - pigwiththefaceofaboy on 2010-07-13
[11:51] <@salvagebar> It… was an ambitious production
[11:51] <silkmoth> they got bono from u2
[11:51] * Sax shrugs
[11:51] <@salvagebar> I have a HUGE crush on Julie Taymor
[11:51] <Sax> Movies and musicals aren't my thing.
[11:51] <Avocadonut> mendel: i did indeed
[11:51] <Sax> They're nice, yes.
[11:52] <silkmoth> i listened to gloomy sunday every day this week
[11:52] <silkmoth> i want a refund on my hungarian music
[11:52] * Sax more of a content creator than anything
[11:52] <Sax> 3D printing, storywriting, building battle robots…
[11:52] <Sax> That kind of thing.
[11:52] * Freudian (molc.liamgoh|naI#molc.liamgoh|naI) has joined #site19
[11:52] <ghostpage> I hope my date can still hang out today :c
[11:53] <silkmoth> >date
[11:53] <ghostpage> I haven't seen him in weeks and miss him and we were gonna go get tea
[11:53] <Sax> silkmoth, something you can't get.
[11:53] <silkmoth> ?
[11:53] * Sax snark
[11:53] <silkmoth> what do you mean
[11:53] <ghostpage> silkmoth: I'm the resident player of 19 lmao
[11:53] <ghostpage> And sax is pokin fun at ya
[11:53] <silkmoth> oh i see
[11:53] <silkmoth> im sorry
[11:53] <ghostpage> Be nice to the noobs sax, gosh
[11:54] <Sax> ghostpage, negative.
[11:54] * Smaugnolia (efil.laer.ni.eid.uoy.adanaC|eiDuoYfI#efil.laer.ni.eid.uoy.adanaC|eiDuoYfI) has joined #site19
[11:54] <silkmoth> im sorry for not understanding
[11:54] <Mendelssohn> .gis red date
[11:54] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: [1/10] Nourishing Red Dates Tea - 2 Ways - | JustAsDelish.com - https://www.justasdelish.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/RedDatesTea-3.jpg
[11:54] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: ^
[11:54] * Jesin (~ten.xoc.cd.cd.9AA7CD4A-CRInys|niseJ#ten.xoc.cd.cd.9AA7CD4A-CRInys|niseJ) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:54] * ghostpage pulls out spray bottle, squints at sax
[11:54] <Avocadonut> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mdzScAon/1520614462.JPG
[11:54] * Sax pretty rough to the nubbins
[11:54] <ghostpage> Don't test me, nerd
[11:54] <Avocadonut> bet none of y’all are as cool as i am
[11:54] <Sax> ghostpage, don't make me get the tuna.
[11:54] <Avocadonut> with my pin
[11:54] <silkmoth> its okay if you are mean
[11:54] <Mendelssohn> I still hate dates
[11:54] <Mendelssohn> They taste super weird
[11:54] <ghostpage> Sax, wut
[11:54] <Avocadonut> mendel: blocked and reported
[11:55] <silkmoth> validate my self hatred
[11:55] <Sax> silkmoth, no.
[11:55] <Sax> You do that on your own.
[11:55] <silkmoth> boo
[11:55] <ghostpage> silkmoth: /sprays with spray bottle
[11:55] <Sax> We're not here to be your pity party.
[11:55] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: you are a moth whose caterpillars make silk
[11:55] <XilasCrowe> Mendelssohn that sentence has two very different meanings and I’m not sure which one I want
[11:55] <Mendelssohn> am I doing it right
[11:55] <ghostpage> No self hate in 19
[11:55] <ghostpage> Nerds
[11:55] <09glewmie> yeah
[11:55] <Mendelssohn> XilasCrowe: You want the one that suggests I hate the fruit
[11:55] <09glewmie> only bullying
[11:55] <silkmoth> actually that isnt true but im too sleepy to share facts
[11:55] <weryllium> ghostpage: god imagine how quiet it'd be here
[11:55] * Tuomey (sedillort.sospi.teillort|siuq#sedillort.sospi.teillort|siuq) has joined #site19
[11:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Tuomey Tuomey
[11:55] <XilasCrowe> Ehhhhhh
[11:55] <Sax> ghostpage, but self spite is how I get forward in life.
[11:55] <09glewmie> mutual bullying is okay, as god intended.
[11:55] <Mendelssohn> Although I don't mind being Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf
[11:56] <Mendelssohn> God made Damien Hirst for mankind to bully
[11:56] <weryllium> what
[11:56] <Mendelssohn> I operate on a strictly no bulli policy
[11:56] <ghostpage> weryllium: if I could reach through computer screens and just lightly bap everyone who's a dick to theirself for no reason, I swear
[11:56] <Mendelssohn> Unless it is Damien Hirst
[11:56] <Mendelssohn> Damien Hirst is the most bullyable
[11:56] <silkmoth> i wish i was bullied as a kid
[11:56] <silkmoth> then i would have a reason to be broken
[11:56] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: Why would you wish that
[11:56] <weryllium> ghostpage: you would probably get really really tired
[11:56] <Sax> ghostpage, you're too kind.
[11:56] <Sax> I'd fucking smack them.
[11:56] <Mendelssohn> You would grow up to be an asshole
[11:57] <Mendelssohn> Source: personal experience'
[11:57] <silkmoth> i didnt have bullies or abusive parents or anything
[11:57] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: as someone who was, I can say that no, you don't
[11:57] <silkmoth> i am just like this
[11:57] <Mendelssohn> I was bullied as a kid and I was known for being extremely mean to the mimosa
[11:57] <silkmoth> i want to be worse
[11:57] <silkmoth> i want to suffer
[11:57] <Mendelssohn> .gif mimosa touching
[11:57] <Sax> silkmoth, hold the fuck up.
[11:57] <Mendelssohn> SCP-3817 containment breach
[11:57] <Sax> You do not mean that.
[11:57] * ASpiderBeingBroken (~moc.rtcic.825B70F6-CRInys|eBredipSA#moc.rtcic.825B70F6-CRInys|eBredipSA) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[11:57] <ghostpage> Sax, have you seen the post about the therapist that shot their client with a nerf gun every time they selfdeprecated
[11:57] <ghostpage> That's me
[11:57] <Sax> ghostpage, I did.
[11:57] <ghostpage> Except a nerf minigun instead of a pistol
[11:57] <weryllium> haha nice
[11:57] <Sax> I was the one run aground with physical training instead of being shot with a nerfgun, though.
[11:58] <silkmoth> i wish my therapist shot me
[11:58] <weryllium> one of those guns that shoots the thicc bullets
[11:58] <silkmoth> with a beretta
[11:58] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: you know what I'd be if I hadn't spent two years depressed? A lot happier now
[11:58] <silkmoth> e n d m y l i f e l o l
[11:58] <Sax> silkmoth, that's not funny.
[11:58] <Avocadonut> :\/
[11:58] <Mendelssohn> silkmoth: okay please
[11:58] * ghostpage sits in a tree with nerf sniper rifle, waiting for the Fool who talks shit abt theirself
[11:58] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: I've asked you already not to say that
[11:58] <Mendelssohn> calm down
[11:58] <silkmoth> its not supposed to be
[11:58] * No0n3Left (~ten.xoc.ta.np.58AD91F7-CRInys|tfeL3n0oN#ten.xoc.ta.np.58AD91F7-CRInys|tfeL3n0oN) Quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
[11:58] <MaliceAF> *stuff like that
[11:58] <silkmoth> i mean its not a joke
[11:58] * Anaccountforfurrythings (~moc.wzvym.13-712-471-bus.4591CDD-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.wzvym.13-712-471-bus.4591CDD-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[11:58] <Mendelssohn> stop being 3817
[11:58] <silkmoth> i am not making light of it
[11:58] <silkmoth> i am not trying to be anything
[11:58] <Sax> … that's not something you drop out of the blue, asshole.
[11:58] <MaliceAF> silkmoth: you added "lol" to the end, which implies you think it's funny
[11:58] <Mendelssohn> stop behaving like 3817 and calm down for a moment
[11:59] <MaliceAF> yeah no I can't do this
[11:59] <silkmoth> i think its funny that i am like this
[11:59] <Sax> ghostpage, my secret is that I hate myself enough to chage me.
[11:59] <Sax> change me*
[11:59] <weryllium> Sax: a powerful motivator, i've found
[11:59] * MaliceAF (dnah.ydaets.a.dna.eldeen.desiteng|m#dnah.ydaets.a.dna.eldeen.desiteng|m) Quit (Quit: )
[11:59] <ghostpage> Sax, same
[11:59] <ghostpage> Nerf darts also good motivation tho
[11:59] <09glewmie> ugh
[11:59] <silkmoth> i did this
[11:59] <MobileMagnus> My secret is I hate you all enough to drag you kicking and screaming in to the light if necessary.
[11:59] <silkmoth> i ruined this
[11:59] <MobileMagnus> <3
[11:59] <XilasCrowe> How are nerf darts in any way good motivation
[11:59] <silkmoth> i always do this
[11:59] <09glewmie> MobileMagnus: You're sweet <3
[11:59] <Mendelssohn> .gis clam down
[11:59] <silkmoth> ive hurt someone
[11:59] <%jarvis> mendelssohn: [1/10] CLAM DOWN! by Metakarp on DeviantArt - https://img00.deviantart.net/e574/i/2015/080/2/b/clam_down__by_metakarp-d8mjnfu.png
[11:59] <Avocadonut> silkmoth: well, believe it or not, the majority of 19’s users do not come to 19 for suicide ideation
[12:00] <Sax> ghostpage, airsoft pellets are more instant notifications.
[12:00] <Mendelssohn> Clam down and carry prawn
[12:00] <ghostpage> XilasCrowe: if you get shot every time you talk shit about yourself, you will stop
[12:00] <ghostpage> Eventually
[12:00] <MobileMagnus> Okay, this is absurd.
[12:00] <silkmoth> i wanted to learn how to write but i exude toxicity and sadness
[12:00] * Anaccountforfurrythings (~moc.wzvym.13-712-471-bus.4591CDD-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.wzvym.13-712-471-bus.4591CDD-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[12:00] <Sax> silkmoth, that's not our problem.
[12:00] <Sax> That's yours, buddy.
[12:00] <Avocadonut> :|
[12:00] <silkmoth> im sorry for being this way
[12:00] <Sax> I hate to be the one to say it blunt and straight, but if you're expecting us to help you with your character,
[12:00] <silkmoth> and for doing this in this chat
[12:00] <Sax> Boy, did you come to the wrong hood.
[12:01] <drblackbox> silkmoth >implying mental illness causes writing to become worse.
[12:01] <MobileMagnus> You chose to start moaning about yourself in response to criticism. Most people don't do that.
[12:01] <silkmoth> im not implying that
[12:01] * Tuomey sets mode: +m
[12:01] <&Tuomey> ok so
[12:01] <&Tuomey> this is stupid
[12:01] <&Tuomey> move on
[12:01] <&Tuomey> both emotionally and conversationally, everyone
[12:01] * Tuomey sets mode: -m
[12:01] <Sax> ROBOTS
[12:01] <Sax> Who likes robots?
[12:01] <09glewmie> I do
[12:01] <09glewmie> robots are great.
[12:01] <&Tuomey> Sax: https://i.imgur.com/qlc1Rnz.jpg
[12:01] <09glewmie> I think we should automate all jobs.
[12:01] <silkmoth> okay then. goodbye site 19. i didn't mean to do this
[12:02] <Sax> Tuomey, I saw in SSSC.
[12:02] <drblackbox> silkmoth You don't have to leave.
[12:02] <Sax> I am setting up a SCP robot RP.
[12:02] <Sax> drblackbox, let him.
[12:02] <Sax> … if anyone's interested in robot roleplay, #greenrivers-ooc
[12:02] <silkmoth> do you want me to leave or not i am getting mixed signals
[12:03] <&Tuomey> silkmoth: if you want to stay, stay
[12:03] <silkmoth> i want to undo making others upset
[12:03] <09glewmie> silkmoth: We want you to maybe not talk about suicidal ideation on a public site and expect people to like, attend to you?
[12:03] <silkmoth> im not expecting that
[12:03] <silkmoth> i was just doing it
[12:03] <silkmoth> i didnt mean to
[12:03] <09glewmie> look
[12:03] <&Tuomey> silkmoth: well, you can't undo making people upset, so just drop it
[12:03] <09glewmie> silkmoth: If you "didn't mean to do this" you'd seek out ways to not do this.
[12:03] <&Tuomey> glewmie: see the operator and admin badge?
[12:03] <silkmoth> i have but it doesnt matter
[12:03] <Sax> Also, anyone into 3D printing?
[12:03] <&Tuomey> I'm handling it
[12:04] <09glewmie> Tuomey: Aye aye captain.
[12:04] <silkmoth> im just an attention whore arent i
[12:04] <XilasCrowe> I like 3D printin
[12:04] <09glewmie> My friend worked in 3D printing.
[12:04] <&Tuomey> silkmoth: drop it
[12:04] <09glewmie> It's pretty cool. THe materials science behind it is getting better and better
[12:04] <silkmoth> i should have never come here i hate it when i do this i hate myself and i hate what ive become im so sorry i hate this i hate me im sorry
[12:04] * silkmoth (PI.8FDFD064.8B1DCCF5.1C02FD19|tibbiM#PI.8FDFD064.8B1DCCF5.1C02FD19|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[12:05] * Mendelssohn facepalms
[12:05] * Tuomey sets mode: +b *!*@91DF20C1.5FCCD1B8.460DFDF8.IP