Note: I am posting this 05 thread as in the hubbub of everything going on in staff chat, the record-keeping bits were missed.
Aburr was given a warning and then temporarily banned (24 hours) by Clef for excessive rudeness to other users, namely Mann and Bright.
The actions, as well as the warning (Clef's post) are here:
Further into the nitty-gritty: There was some debate about whether he was excessively rude to Clef and Mann acting in their official capacity as admins. It is possible, however, that Aburr's apparent reply to Clef was directed at Eskobar acting in an ambiguous capacity. And it is clear that Mann's posts in the thread (as well as Bright's) were not made in an official capacity.
Therefore, a 24-hour ban is the vedict. Aburr is welcome to re-apply to the site after the span of 24 hours.
Note also this triggered some discussion on the Site Rules which has not yet been resolved, judging from the fact that the document remains the same. Staff action is recommended on this.
One of several courses of action recommended: A change in the excessive rudeness rules to give the possibility of a 24 hour ban at staff discretion for first offense, 1-week to 1-month ban for second offense, permaban for third offense. All at staff discretion (i.e. we don't HAVE to permaban for 3rd offense, but we CAN.) I don't remember who all supported this, but Clef was one of the supporters. I believe Scantron also had an alternate suggestion.
This change would of course not apply retroactively to Aburr's actions.