Well guys, I got this mail today from Moley:
Hello I’m writing this to you as you hold either a position of Moderator or Admin on the SCP Wiki and I’m looking to explain my position to you in regards to the recent talk you may have seen about creating merchandise based on the SCP Foundation wiki.
For clarity I am going to paste in from the Logs of admin chat which Maddy has from when EchoFourDelta muted the channel for me to fully explain myself:1. <Moley> I have my own business Mole Hill Designs and a couple of friends of mine asked if I'd be interested in joining them in a joint business venture which would be selling traditional games and various geek items in the UK and EU convention scene, after some malarky there are now 6 of us, John, Dave, Dave, Dan, Drew and me if you are curious about names, and we're in the final stages of sorting out
2. <Moley> a webstore and establishing ourselves as a limited partnership
3. <Moley> the topic of stock and items we could sell was discussed at our last meeting, Tuesday the 31st of July, and with Dave, Drew and John having read the site ever since a friend of mine, Robin, introduced us all to in about 36 hours before I joined, so around 1220 days ago by my join date, the idea of producing SCP Foundation Merch came up due to it being part of the CC Licence
4. <Moley> so I mentioned the previous faggotry to the idea but offered that I would ask the SS and Admins if there was the possibilty of the site's blessing if x% of profits went back to the site to cover hosting costs and other stuff that only money can buy to try and defray this, Dave and John are of the opinion that even if there is no blessing it should go ahead but I've argued them to wait for an
5. <Moley> answer
6. <Moley> I saw the new thread on O5 covering exactly this and thought I'd chime in, we have a store in development, the distrobution and manufacturing links in place already through my business, we understand the tone and themes of the site and I've been a member, while not active due to personal things, for around 3 1/3 years so I'd hope that the site knows and trusts me not to be a complete cock about
7. <Moley> it
8. <Moley> I think that's about it to be honest, it allows the site to avoid risk and the bollockache of setting up and running things, allows me to make some money and gives the site a revenue stream they at least have some control over in regards to what gets usedThe original pastebin can be found here:
This caused the licence for the wiki to suddenly be changed from Commercial to Non-Commercial but due to the complexity of Creative Commons law and the general consensus within admin chat when the conversation finished last night I feel there is still good reason to continue with this.
I have been a member of the foundation for nearly three and a half years as I previously stated and while I have had personal problems which have kept me away from the site I would still like to consider myself an active member of the community and rather than have this matter be forced by a member, or non-member of the site solely for their personal gain I am wanting to produce quality merchandise with the intent of helping the site to grow and rather than this happening at a random time the site can enter into an agreement with a known entity and save the time, hassle and potential dangers of trying to run a shop through the site itself as seen in previous O5 threads.
I will make perfectly clear in this message exactly what I am looking to gain from this and what I can offer the site in return and I would like your help as senior members of the community to do this.
What I am wanting:
To be blunt, to make money, but do so in a way that both the site and the business venture I am part of can benefit in a positive way.
To do this I would like to request the following:#1: A small advertisement for our company on the front page of the site.
#2: The site’s blessing to be an Authorised/Official creator and dealer in SCP Foundation merchandise.
#3: To discuss and problems that you may have with the arrangement in an open manner which can be logged for future reference.
#4: Possible use of SCPs you have created with your express permission that you waive the non-commercial and derivative works aspects of the CC licence so that the designs created by our company can be protected against infringement.
#5: If you hold strong views against this venture not to attempt to hold it against other users who may wish to see their work commercially produced.
#6: A timely response to this message stating how you feel about the commercialsing of any SCPs you may hold authorship over. Due to the tight deadlines I am working on the next meeting of my company is at 8pm GMT on Tuesday the 7th of August so I would like a reply if possible by then.
While these may seem to be asking a huge amount I am willing to offer what I believe to be a fair offer in return.
What I am willing to offer:#1: I will not use an SCP without the express permission of the creator or Gears if the creator is not available.
#2: I will liaise with the creators of the original SCP on the merchandise which is being created from their designs within reason. As previously stated business deadlines may make this process more difficult if timely responses are not made.
#3: I will give back to the site 60-75% of the profits made from each SCP Foundation related item sold. The amount will vary by the amount the item costs to produce to cover replacement costs if there are shipping or manufacturing errors. This money will be sent to a named bank account at an agreed upon regular interval to be used how the Admins and Senior Staff see fit.
#4: Upkeep and advertise the good name of the site at events and people I meet in a professional capacity to further the site’s interests and growth.
#5: To state my views openly and concisely and answer any sensible questions I may be asked in an open and logged channel so there can be no doubt as to the outcome of discussions.
If you find this acceptable or wish to discuss any aspect of it please message me back and we can go from there.
To give you some idea of a pipeline which a design will pass through from being given permission to use your works to release:
Step 1: You give permission for your works to be used and they are passed on to my artists to read through and produce preliminary sketches.Step 2: You will be shown the preliminary works towards a design and the direction we are considering taking the design in for sale.
Step 3: After any alterations or improvements have been made a prototype of the design will be created and shown to the site at large for public opinion which may alter the design in some way.
Step 4: The design will be produced with whatever attribution you are requiring present and you will receive a free copy of the design as a thank you.
Step 5: The design will go on sale on our website and you will be helping the site grow.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing what you think of this and possibly using your SCPs in the future to create products.
Peter "Moley" Coleman
Thoughts people?