So I received a message a day or so ago. Here is the content of said message:
Hello, Gears. It's Fish.
Two years ago I was a total jerk to you and a lot of other people. I don't mean the separation from the site; that was just the coup de grace of a long suffering period of asininity. I would like to start off the message by sincerely apologizing to you and the rest of the site for my behavior and my flagrant and repeated transgressions against the SCP community. I was, in short, out of control, and you and the other admins did what you had to do to effect control, leading up to and including my expulsion from the site. I do not hold that against you; again, I was a complete asshole and the punishments enacted against me were both fair and warranted.
I'm approaching you about this subject now for two reasons. One, because events of the last two years have caused me to realize how much of a bastard I've been to many people, and that I don't want to be that person anymore. I have tried to make considerable changes in my behavior and my attitude over the past two years in order to better integrate with people in both my real life and on the internet. I've been fortunate to have many people help me in that regard, not the least of which is my domestic partner, whose patience and determination has been greatly influential. I'm frankly humbled that after causing so much misery in the world that there are still people who think I am worth the effort to try to help.
The second reason is because I have, as you tried to explain to me two years ago, only hurt myself and the fans of my work by having you take down my submissions to the SCP. I don't propose that those should be reinstated; too much history has occurred in the interim for that to be canonically practical, and in any case I wouldn't suggest it anyway, as I realize that would be arrogant. But, if it is acceptable to the administration, I would like to request my reinstatement as an author. I ask for no special privileges. I'm willing to perform any atonement deemed necessary; I will start from square one, go through boot camp, jump through whatever hoops are set before me to prove my desire is sincere; indeed, this is why I have started a new account rather than attempt to salvage the old one, and have come to you openly rather than try to hide my identity. I would only like the chance to add something again to the site and perhaps, in some small way, reverse the damage I have caused previously. If it is ultimately decided that such a provision is not worth the risk that I will return to old habits, and my plea for redemption is denied, then I will also accept that judgment without complaint as fair and make no further attempt to sway you.
Thank you for your consideration.
I don't know how best to handle this. I am a firm believer in redemption…but the fallout from that downward spiral still makes my hands shake. I don't think this is a call I can make on my own, at least not one I can feel right about. What do you all feel?
For those who don't know, Squonk used to be Fishmonger, a former user and staff member who underwent a rather unpleasant phase and ended up leaving the site, taking his body of work with him. He would now like to rejoin.
I was very, very angry with Fish at the time, but it was a bit ago. I will vote with the popular opinion with this.