Before I really start, I'd like to get two things out of the way. First, thank you all. The senior staff has gone a long, long way to making this site and the community what it is. Secondly, if I offend, alienate, or otherwise cause you feelings of discomfort during this post, I apologize. It's not my intention.
I've been here a long time. I have enjoyed every second of it, even the gut-hook horror of Haggar, various blow-ups, and general stress. However…I feel we've gone a little off-course over time. I'm a hard-line horror guy when it comes to the SCP, but I've adapted to the changing fads and ideas of the main list. What I'm most worried about is…well…us.
I love this site…but I can't manage it. Not the way I really need to with the swelling ranks. Between three kids, a wife, a job…it's hard to find time to just check up on all my messages, let alone heavy admin work. I don't think I've even been able to go in to the chat more then a handful of times in the last year, if that. A lot of folks are in the same boat, or are just somewhat…lost as to what to do.
We're not just a group of 4channers spooking each other anymore. We've swelled, and quickly at that. The site needs to be taken in hand, not roughly, but with more structure then we have now.
Now, this may be a lot of over-reaction from me, lord knows I'm prone to it. However, this is something that's been itching the back of my mind for some time now, and I just think it's time.
If I were to put forth a plan, it would be this. There should be a solid 50/50 split down the middle of admins and mods, between people who hold the positions because of writing talent, and those who are good mediators and site managers. Secondly, the applications should be handled on a rolling basis, maybe week by week between the admins. Bright's doing a valiant job, but it needs to be everyone's responsibility. Third, there should be more…maturity in the way problems are dealt with. I don't think people should be cool and aloof, but it's hard to gain respect as a leader when you call someone a fuckwit.
I know my position as Master Administrator has been largely ceremonial for some time now. While I enjoy said position, the site and community come first. If people feel, honestly, that someone else needs to be in my position, I will step down. If it's deemed that I should be retained, I am going to make a progressive effort to set aside at LEAST one or two days a week to review, talk, and generally be a real, functional Admin again.
I would like a set of expectations for admins and mods, and some kind of set duties for each. Structure, while a pain in the ass, is also a needed thing. Knowing what is and is not expected, and having a feeling of keeping all the gears turning, even in your own small way, can go a long way to keeping people focused. I'm a little more soft-footed with this because set rules very quickly become a double-edged sword. I know we have a basic outline at this point, but a overhaul may be due.
I'm not calling for votes, or a total upheaval at this point…i just what to know where everyone is at. Am I over-reacting? Is anyone else feeling a similar unease? I really, really want to avoid argument and finger-pointing, I'm just wondering what people feel.
Sorry for the sudden text bomb. Just needed to get it out.