Sunday June 10
As of today, Project Foundation's importer is 99% complete. Out of 2,333 backup files, only 31 failed to import, and there's a handful of other small glitches to correct but they are minor. This means that, right now, Project Foundation is now able to import, convert, and display almost all site pages. Asset import, display, and asset and page versioning is functioning perfectly.
Next step is to enable site authentication and activate and test the page editor.
Edit: Found and corrected a flaw in Nala's backup tool which wasn't exporting blackboxes as proper UTF-8. This is not a major problem, it merely invalidates most of the previously created backups.
Edit 2: I am going to talk to my business partner about setting up a test site on our company's development server so I can show Project Foundation in action. Right now it's still far too soon to order a server for production use.