Hey guys, so I've been doing a project recently that you may have seen. It's become really popular, and I've been asked many times if I'm interested in selling them either in poster or t-shirt form. Of course I've always wondered about the legality of it, since I'm not familiar with Creative Commons at all, but I've been wondering more about "Should I?" than "Could I?"
Let me start by saying I love the wiki and the community. I've been here for almost three and a half years, much like most of you, and grew up with it and watched it grow. Making money off of something that is, at it's heart, a group effort feels…"dirty" to me. I'm split. I want to make money to help pay for my bills, tuition, and miscellaneous expenses, but I also don't want to take advantage of this community by not doing anything for it.
I've been thinking about it and I've come to something like this: If I do create a small online store, and I do start selling things, it'd be my own creations only. (e.g. posters I designed, photos I've taken, works of literature unrelated to the Foundation, etc.) If I make a profit, I'll put some of it back towards the community by donating to the SCP wiki.
What are some of your thoughts? Having an outside view can often lead to interesting perspectives.