Greetings all.
stormbreath recently posted a suggestion in the tag suggestion thread which deserves some additional discussion.
Currently anything that isn't S/E/K gets the unclassed tag, which doesn't make a lot of sense, when it's an esoteric class such as Thaumiel, Apollyon, or Heimal (And I don't really want to discuss the merits of those here lol).
The proposal is to rename "unclassed" to "nonstandard-class" to unify all of these under a better description.
All of the neutralized skips currently tagged as "unclassed" would be instead correctly tagged with "neutralized".
Discussion among the technical team during a recent meeting was unanimously in favor of this to clear up some confusion, but we'd like to see what staff have to say about it (and make sure we're not stepping on any toes in the process).