Within a bare few minutes of its posting, site members recognized SCP-1240 as being extremely similar to an object from a Goosebumps story. That wouldn't be a problem in and of itself — the idea's not totally out of left field, and definitely could've been invented independently. What is a mite disturbing is the original revision of the author's first post:
Dr Edward 25 May 2012, 17:04 GMT+01
If you think this idea was stolen, send me a PM explaining it. Thanks :D
Constructive criticism appreciated.
That, and the fact that when called out on the Goosebumps thing four minutes later, he quadruple-posted in his rush to refute it, then edited the refutation into his first post.
VAE brought these facts to my attention, and I agree with him that they look awfully fishy. Is this deliberate plagiarism, or just an "oh god oops" reaction from a slightly paranoid newbie? I'm not sure whether the kid needs a warning, a summary deletion, or an outright ban, though I tend to lean towards a combination of the first and second options.