It's not the constant stream of deleted shit, it's the obstinate manner in which he refuses to receive any advice or criticism, which is a violation of site rules. So I'm nominating him for a ban from the wiki, even if only temporarily.
See the circus of bullshit here:
Relevant thread pastebinned because the entry is bound to be deleted:
Dwarfio 24 May 2012, 09:39 GMT-07
No one will steal your ideas on sandboxes or the forum, friend. Pitch your idea, get feedback, start writing, get helped, make a good SCP object. Requiring some outside help isn't degrading. You're not R.L. Stine (the greatest author of all time btw), so don't expect to just write a totally rad SCP article with no outside help whatsoever.
RandomRedneck 24 May 2012, 09:42 GMT-07
I don't need any help. I can figure this out myself.
Boa Noah 24 May 2012, 09:43 GMT-07
You clearly can't.
Lycan Therapy 24 May 2012, 09:43 GMT-07
Yes, you clearly bloody well do.
Drewbear 24 May 2012, 09:46 GMT-07
Okay, Random, getting help isn't a sign of weakness. Every published author in existence has had their work editted and sometimes they completely rewrite stuff based on what their editor says. Again, let me state:
You have decent ideas.
But you're shooting yourself in the foot over and over and apparently not accepting any feedback on what you're doing wrong!
RandomRedneck 24 May 2012, 10:03 GMT-07
If I want any help, I'll ask for it.
Boa Noah 24 May 2012, 10:05 GMT-07
Such a shame.
Drewbear 24 May 2012, 10:06 GMT-07
Obviously you don't want help. And that means that you will almost certainly keep failing if you continue going on like you have been.
Generally speaking, we don't enjoy seeing people fail. Let us help you!
RandomRedneck 24 May 2012, 10:17 GMT-07
I don't need help. I've got more ideas than you can shake a stick at, and one of them is bound to stick.
Drewbear 24 May 2012, 10:20 GMT-07
Fine. I'll stop trying to help you, since you're obviously not going to listen. I'm just sorry that you're letting all these previous ideas go to waste when they could've been salvaged into good articles.
Dwarfio 24 May 2012, 10:25 GMT-07
You're not quite understanding what we're getting at.
Most of us agree: You've had good ideas. It doesn't matter. They're not going to "stick" unless your writing is up to par.
Also, if you act like this, then even if you do manage a good article, I imagine some of us actually will shake a stick at it, just based on principle. I've seen good articles get downvoted just because the author upvoted himself, so don't think nobody will downvote based on your attitude.
RandomRedneck 24 May 2012, 10:26 GMT-07
I haven't upvoted any of my submissions.
Dwarfio 24 May 2012, 10:31 GMT-07
Congratulations, I believe you have managed to respond solely to the one point which I didn't actually make.
ChazzK 24 May 2012, 10:28 GMT-07
Your ideas are fine. Hell, I love the idea of "can of hairspray that makes hair randomly go apeshit." That's the kind of safe thing I like on this site. It's the way you write them up that puts people through conniption fits.
As a point of reference, I'm currently 31 years old. (No I don't care if people know my real age, or that people nearly half my age have written better stuff on here) I've been doing various forms of creative writing since I was 12. If I never accepted any form of outside help or criticism, I would still be writing exactly as I had been back then, wondering when something would "stick."
It's honestly starting to seem like you either think people are trying to somehow look down on or judge you, or that you have an over-inflated self-image when it comes to your actual writing talent. Without having spoken to you in person or having any lengthy correspondence, I'm going to assume the first, and I assure you that even the BEST writers on this site have gotten help to get there, and still need help from time to time.
RandomRedneck 24 May 2012, 10:35 GMT-07
Again, if I want help, I'll ask for it.
Solan625 24 May 2012, 10:40 GMT-07
Okay, fine, but let me put it this way. If you don't ask for help, your articles aren't going to be good no matter how many times you try. If you fire a bow a hundred times without even looking at the target, you're not going to hit the bull's-eye no matter how good you think you are.
QuackOfaThousandSuns 24 May 2012, 10:45 GMT-07
I feel like you don't understand the point with what everyone is saying:
This is not a place for everyone to submit whatever they want. A wiki is, almost by definition, a community setting. That means that everyone helps everyone else. It's the foundation (ha) of this site.
If you were a published writer, that'd be one thing. You would write as you please, and get your work published (or not). But that's not the case.
Some Most of the best articles on this site have been collaborations. There is absolutely no shame in getting help. But I can tell you now that this article isn't going to stay up as it is. If you want this fantastic idea to stay, you need to figure out what's wrong with it.
I don't want to be "that guy", but get help, man. You have good ideas, it's only the execution of those ideas.
RandomRedneck 24 May 2012, 10:50 GMT-07
I. Don't. Need. Help.
QuackOfaThousandSuns 24 May 2012, 10:53 GMT-07
Articles get nominated for deletion when its raging gets to negative 5. Your article's current rating is negative 16. If you don't change it, it's going to be deleted. That's the bottom line.
Mod Post
Sorts 24 May 2012, 10:59 GMT-07
Calling for a stop on all offers or recommendations that RandomRedneck get help or feedback for his articles. That's not because you guys are doing anything wrong, the site rules require RR to be open to criticism, but that's just getting us nowhere right now.
For now, just downvote this so staff can delete this.