Lied about his age a while ago, came back today, was kicked.
10:52:00 <Benjamin> Please can i do one question
10:52:06 → %Lily (halfopped) joined
10:53:58 <Benjamin> Please
10:54:09 <Benjamin> Just one
10:56:17 <Benjamin> Fine
10:56:18 <BoogeyMan23> go ahead, I guess. if it's not something that necessarily requires staff to answer, maybe i can
10:56:34 <Benjamin> Oh sorry
10:56:37 <Benjamin> Yes
10:56:53 <%Lily> Benjamin: I was under the impression you were told to leave
10:57:01 <%Lily> How old are you really?
10:57:15 <Benjamin> 11
10:57:22 <BoogeyMan23> :/ oh,
10:57:28 <Benjamin> Sorry
10:57:30 ← Benjamin (ten.58231sa.A7D08E53-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.58231sa.A7D08E53-CRInys|tibbiM) was kicked by %ChaoSera: Come back when you're 15