Voct noticed this comment on SCP-107. He interpreted this to mean that the testing log on SCP-107 was open for other people to edit. He went to confirm this. First, he messaged Decibelle, who told him no.
[18:07] <Voct> hey, you got a moment?
[18:07] <Decibelle> yea
[18:08] <Voct> I just want to get your opinion on something
[18:08] <Voct> http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-210460/scp-107#post-672856
[18:08] <Voct> would you say that this counts as "it's open for anyone to add to" ?
[18:08] <Decibelle> 107?
[18:09] <Voct> yeah
[18:10] <Decibelle> i dont think so, no
[18:10] <Decibelle> looking at the history, people who added their own stuff got the page reverted by staff
[18:10] <Decibelle> so i think unless staff said otherwise, it is its own thing
[18:10] <Decibelle> or, unless staff says otherwise
Then he went to me. I also said no.
<Voct> hey
<Voct> got a moment?
<Riemann> maybe, what's up?
<Voct> minor
<Voct> http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-210460/scp-107#post-672856
<Voct> would you say
<Voct> that this is equivalent to saying that 107 has an open test log?
<Riemann> I don't think it is, no
<Riemann> Given that it's 5 years old now and has no additions other than the original author's, as far as I can tell
<Riemann> Lots of revisions though
<Voct> well
<Voct> no, my point is that maybe people missed that
<Voct> actually, I'll talk directly to Troy
<Voct> I made several additions, and the original writer approved them
<Riemann> mkay
My client does not have timestamps enabled. However, I sent TroyL a tell that Voct wanted to talk to him after I had concluded my conversation with Voct. This tell was sent at 18:13 EST.
He claimed he was going to Troy. Troy was not on (note, Troy did he actually talk to you?), so he went to thedeadlymoose instead.
[15:13] <Voct> hi
[15:13] === Voct <~PI.E25BA0CA.67F7B03F.F75EC65F|tset#PI.E25BA0CA.67F7B03F.F75EC65F|tset> “:emaN lluF”
[15:13] === Voct is identified for this nick
[15:13] === Voct: member of #site19
[15:13] === Voct: attached to logik.ca.us.synirc.net “FooNet Server”
[15:13] —- End of WHOIS information for Voct.
[15:13] <Voct> got a minute?
[15:13] <thedeadlymoose> sure
[15:13] <Voct> http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-210460/scp-107#post-672856
[15:13] <Voct> note that the original author says
[15:13] <Voct> If you have an interesting idea, please feel free to add to the reports!
[15:14] <Voct> would you say that this is equivalent to "it's an open test log that anyone can add to" ?
[15:16] <Voct> waits politely
[15:29] <thedeadlymoose> sorry!
[15:29] <thedeadlymoose> checking
[15:31] <thedeadlymoose> Yes. With the caveat that the author is absent, so staff can revert any edits judged to be low quality
[15:34] <thedeadlymoose> http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-210460/scp-107#post-2269994
[15:36] <thedeadlymoose> I am informed that you were already told "no" by other staff, and that it was already being discussed by those staff.
[15:36] <thedeadlymoose> I am not exactly happy, now.
Note that thedeadlymoose is in PST, as opposed to Decibelle and I in EST. He initially PM'd thedeadlymoose 3 minutes after being told no by Decibelle, and immediately after the conversation with me had finished.
Each time he neglected to mention that he was previously denied in his attempts to open 107 to contributions.
Because of this, thedeadlymoose commented on 107, opening it up to contributions. After discussion in staffchat, it was revealed that Voct had repeatedly messaged different members of staff and rewrite in order to get his desired answer after being repeatedly denied.
Due to a history of this behaviour, a new policy for Voct is being put into effect. All staff and members of any teams are to redirect Voct to either thedeadlymoose or TroyL upon any requests for staff action from Voct.