Were both banned for 24 hours for some very inflammatory and off-topic posts in the comments to "The Red Woodsman." I think we might to delete the worst but they included such gems as:
a) fuck you, imperialist pigdog yankee goatfucker, the whole world doesn't fixate on tiny details of American political history
Of course I'm serious. I care about it, just as I care about everything to the core of my being. "Let it go"? "Just ignore it"? Those words are meaningless to me. True, I am getting overdramatic. I do indeed recognize this as a flaw of mine. I can't make him pay, and I suppose that even if I could, the trouble that would bring about would more than outweigh any benefit. I need to be free to do good.
But I believe that some thoughts are dangerous. Some thoughts should never, ever be thought. And one of these is the love of evil that is evinced by the posts of some people in this thread. People who make evil exempt from normal rules of practicality, human nature, and common sense do so because they think it is cool. And this is wrong. More fundamentally than you would believe. Everything, every little thing I do is about morality. Bringing about a less corrupted world.
Do you know: When I'm away from a discussion, I carry it on in my head. I can't help it, it's just what I do. No matter how much I hate the discussion, no matter how much I know my opponent will never listen to reason in his love of evil, I cannot help but bang my head against the brick wall of ignorance and stubbornness, whether in the real world or in my head. There is no escape for me.
I'm not making terribly rational arguments here. That's because I'm very tired and very angry and neither contributes to my rhetorical or logical skills in any positive manner. You represent a type. It's a type I know well because I run into people like you everywhere. You've never stopped to think about what you believe. Or if you did, it was so long ago everything has just recrystallized. I can't argue with you, especially not in the state I'm in. Just go away. Leave the site, or at least the thread. I really, really don't want to talk to you, and I can't ever give up. So please. Don't continue this. Don't respond with some mocking comment. Don't respond at all, in fact. Just go.
Bright, Dex, and I concurred on this, and I sent them a warning explaining that they were being banned for these comments (for 24 hours) for breaking the site rules regarding avoiding heated arguments, tolerating conflicting opinions, and not being a dick.
The bans will expire at approximately- uh, crap- approximately 3:40 AM (EST) on December 11th. Sorry about my timing, in retrospect.