So, new guy called bland, kinda brimming with unwarranted self importance.
He posted a rewrite of a decomissioned article in the sandbox then announced it on the wiki. I deleted it and sent him a PM telling him that -ds were archived and not to be edited without admin permission. Here's the exchange:
Mod message (SCP wiki)
Users are not allowed to edit or add to -d articles without administrative approval. Those pages are archived, and may only be altered by direct assignment from bright or another admin. Stop now.
his reply:
That was why I wrote it in the sandbox.
Don't get snappy. The link has been removed from the SCP wiki forums, and the sandbox page will be deleted when I get around to it. Don't write, edit, or mess with decommissioned pages.
His reply to that:
I wasn't getting snappy. I was stating why I did something.
I am curious to know what's wrong with it. Other then the number and the "It's a guy in a concrete block" there's not really anything related to the original.
So yeh. Kid thinks he can do no wrong. His posts in the forum lately back up that analysis.