he's been mentioned previously in the trolls/new users thread, but earlier this morning [about a quarter past nine]:
a) started a debate about racism in a very unsubtle way, with a [very] new kid [spekkio]
b) made an outright racist remark about said new kid's country
c) complained about the new kid when told to stop, demanded that they be banned
d) ragequit under the guise of "<tbob> you're boring. i'm leaving."
log here:
[during a brief discussion about the current situation in Libya]
tbob> i'd say we're more of a good guy nation than people who plants bombs by the side of the road in family neighborhoods, hoping it might kill someone for being a different race, and not caring if it kills a kid instead.
<A_Fat_Ghost> morning, brand
<Branded> :)
<Shebleha> I got your birthday present today
<Sophos> Clef: I don't think Sunrise is cool enough to do a G Gundam remake
<Spekkio> tbob dude
<Sophos> Clef: I want to see an unrushed version of Gundam X though
<Spekkio> the racism on your country is ridiculous
<Spekkio> even today
<tbob> spekkio: as opposed to which other country?
<Shebleha> Is it antarctica that is around the south pole?
<Spekkio> mine doesnt have racism
<Clef> hey Sophos
<Spekkio> classism, sure
<Spekkio> racism, no
<A_Fat_Ghost> yes, sheb
<Magnus> OH MY GOD
<tbob> spekkio: which country are you in?
<Clef> READY… GO!!!!!
<Magnus> You think that your country has no racism?
<Spekkio> Brazil
<Magnus> Holy shit, you say I'M deluded?
<tbob> hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
<tbob> brazil doesn't have racism
<Clef> hey Spekkio
<Shebleha> Okay then, Antarctica is the good guys, cus no-one lives there
<Magnus> Every country…every PERSON has racism.
<Clef> .y everyone's a little bit racist
<Magnus> Shebleha: I can get behind that assumption.
<Grapewhistle> Clef: Everyone's a Little Bit Racist - length 5m 41s - rated 4.90/5.0 (122) - 33,805 views - LadyLizard on 2008.07.11 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=be-h0eevE_E
<A_Fat_Ghost> sheb, people from multiple nations live in antarctica
<Spekkio> tbob, it does
<Branded> james, wanna come rnd for a bit?
<A_Fat_Ghost> on research bases
<Spekkio> of course it does
<tbob> <Spekkio> mine doesnt have racism
<Shebleha> Well, at least they havn't blown anyone up
<tbob> wat
<Spekkio> not so much is a problem
<Shebleha> Nah, i'm goods Alex
<A_Fat_Ghost> well
<A_Fat_Ghost> kind of?
<Branded> :(
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<A_Fat_Ghost> the russians are apparently drilling down into potentially explosive submerged waters
<tbob> spekkio, you know that the portion of americans who are actively and openly racist
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<E4D> "potentially explosive … waters"
- Magnus is racist against white people.
<E4D> O_O
<Magnus> God damn honkies.
<Spekkio> unlike most countries, brazil didnt justify slavery with some ideology that blackies were dumb
<E4D> I just simplify things and hate everyone
<tbob> hey brazil
<Spekkio> we needed servants
<A_Fat_Ghost> pressurized underground lakewater several millenia old
<tbob> how are your indigenous peoples doing?
<Magnus> Okay, so? You hate on Americans all the time, by nature of the fact that we're americans.
<Shebleha> Can't be racist against white people, it's cus we're such a good race
<tbob> still killing them off with accidental first contacts?
<Magnus> Shebleha: I'm a self-hating cracker :(
<Spekkio> I dont hate america
=-= Mode #site19 +m by A_Fat_Ghost
<A_Fat_Ghost> enough
<A_Fat_Ghost> with the racism debate
<A_Fat_Ghost> it's over
<A_Fat_Ghost> stop it now
=-= Mode #site19 -m by A_Fat_Ghost
<Magnus> I like turtles :D
=-= Magnus was booted from #site19 by YOU (A_Fat_Ghost)
<tbob> I like turkles
<Shebleha> Can we be racist against pinecones?
<A_Fat_Ghost> no
<PureLocke> ninja turtles
—>| Magnus (PI.0E1E1E0B.DB6267E9.B11F4A2D|tibbiM#PI.0E1E1E0B.DB6267E9.B11F4A2D|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Shebleha> Aw
<A_Fat_Ghost> unless you're cyril sneer
<tbob> pinecones are gay.
<Magnus> OKay, see that was supposed to change the subject, ghost.
<Shebleha> cyril sneer?
<A_Fat_Ghost> magnus, you weren't helping to begin with
<tbob> we should round up all the pinecones and put them in camps to help them becomes straight.
<Spekkio> i just think you view that you are somehow the good guys is skewed
<Spekkio> you are the guys with the big guns
<tbob> spekkio is trolling.
<Spekkio> no, im not
<Shebleha> I just don't like pinecones cus they're pointless
<tbob> ban him please so we can have intelligent conversations :/
<Clef> It's so good not to be in charge… wait
<Heiden> :|
<Heiden> act like adults
<Clef> why is there a symbol next to my name? D:
<A_Fat_Ghost> you still have op, dingus
<Magnus> Because you're a winner Clef
- Shebleha attempts to steal Clef's star
<A_Fat_Ghost> and sheb
<Clef> D:
<A_Fat_Ghost> http://i.imm.io/4xDP.jpeg
<Clef> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<tbob> you're boring. i'm leaving.