I recently got a chance to register a domain for a year and so I just registered www.scp-wiki.net . It can be used immediately since I already set up the nameservers to point to Wikidot. Somebody with admin powers or Gears (I'm not sure) just needs to go to the “Custom Domains” menu in the Site Manager and then type “www.scp-wiki.net” into the box at the top and save. A couple of minutes later, accessing the wiki through http://www.scp-wiki.net/ would become possible (theoretically, it'd be instantaneous).
I just thought that an aesthetic change in the URL would come in handy since there are plans to upgrade the wiki to a Pro account, and I didn't have any other uses for a domain.
If the domain name itself is undesirable, then I could trade it in for something that's not taken yet (just thought scp-wiki.net would be the logical choice for a domain name), and if people like it I can pay to keep the domain around longer (no strings attached). Just throwing it out there.