Projekt just sent me a PM asking why he was banned from chat. Can anyone weigh in on this?
The email I received from him.
So Waxx banned me from the chat for trolling? I guess? He wasn't terribly clear and I'm honestly unsure as to why it happened. It's not like he gave me a warning or anything. So instead of potentially making things worse by bothering him about it, I figured I'd ask another admin.
Regardless, I obviously pissed him off, so a few points of clarification would be appreciated:
1. Why was I banned? I'm reasonably sure that Waxx took something I posted, unrelated to him, as a personal insult (the message went through a few seconds after he logged on, which I can understand) but I'd like to be sure.
2. Temporary or permanent basis? I'm figuring a permanent ban based on the site rules for "trolling" but who knows? It's not like Waxx told me anything.
I'll admit I can be pretty caustic at times, but I'm really puzzled as to how I went from "no warnings whatsoever" to "banned immediately"
Admin, SCP Wiki
According to Unimport: "He was banned for saying "if you think the US had ANY hand in winning WW2 then you need to read some history books that weren't written by Americans" in front of Waxx."
…uh-huh. Ok… That's apparently a bannable offense, now?
Admin, SCP Wiki
Playing devil's advocate: Projekt has had a history of confrontational behavior. This might have been a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing.
I got tired of hearing about how everything in the world was racist, and so was everyone else.
That, and he hasn't ever read a history book.
This is why we're supposed to make a post here on the forums after banning a user.
Waxx, we really do need you to post this stuff over here in O5, so everyone can stay up to date.
That said, do you wanna perma ban him, or just 24 hours?
Admin, SCP Wiki