He said two things, both were 1) useless and 2) unamusing, so I banned him. It's also really early in the morning and my patience is a bit thin, so if someone reverses this, whatever. Felt like a troll to me so I swatted him.
04:27 *** Omar_Rodriguez_Lopez joined #site19
04:28 EponymousRex an SCP related to…. Scientology.
04:28 Marr What about as SCP-J: It's a yawn virus.
04:28 Pig_catapult Weiss: We were discussing ideas for SCPs that are based on non-Abrahami— NO
04:28 Malign Rex: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2383-j
04:28 Pig_catapult Rex, just no
04:28 Malign SCIENCE
04:28 EponymousRex I expected that recation.
04:28 EponymousRex *reaction?
04:28 Pig_catapult <3 2383-J
04:28 Pig_catapult Reaction, yeah
04:28 EponymousRex MAKE SCIENCE!
04:29 Malign I could write a pretty decent Scientology related SCP. I'm not going to, but I could.
04:29 EponymousRex don't.
04:29 EponymousRex That's a line we shouldn't cross.
04:29 ServOS Which one is 343 again?
04:29 EponymousRex "God"
04:29 EponymousRex !scp-343
04:29 tbob EponymousRex, it is if you want to get sued.
04:29 Nala EponymousRex: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-343 - "God"
04:29 ServOS Ah.
04:29 X_Stickman tom cruise could be an scp
04:29 Pig_catapult 343 is, potentially, God.
04:29 Pig_catapult And Rex beat me to it by a mile
04:29 tbob shhhh stickam
04:29 EponymousRex Heh, got that command right.
04:29 tbob stickman
04:30 ServOS If we made a Scientology SCP, they would sue the crap out of us and I doubt 4chan is going to stand up for us.
04:30 Malign Hey, I came up with my own interpretation of Scientology that was pretty sweet. Unfortunately, I feel as if starting a cult branching off of such a stupid group would be a waste of my time and talent.
04:30 X_Stickman I doubt they'd sue
04:30 tbob they might if it promised enough lulz
04:30 Pig_catapult Stickman, they sue EVERYONE
04:30 Malign a cult of a cult, not that such an occurance is rare or anything.
04:30 tbob aye
04:30 tbob and against our site
04:31 Malign My version of Scientology is closer to some of the foundations of Hinduism… and that's where I lose most people in the explanation.
04:31 tbob they wouldn't even have to win the case. just taking such a small organization to court would basically destroy the site.
04:31 X_Stickman I doubt they'd sue.
04:31 X_Stickman They haven't sued encyclopaedia dramatica
04:31 tbob malign: so the body thetans are sacred bull ghosts?
04:31 Malign tbob: *cough* Creative Commons *cough*
04:31 X_Stickman Who are probably better known (for better or worse) than scp
04:31 Malign and no, not that particular foundation
04:32 Pig_catapult Anyways, we have a rather surprising lack of SCP items based on Ancient Egyptian mythology.
04:32 EponymousRex … What about the Grand Galactic Inquisitor as a joke SCP
04:32 ServOS True.
04:32 tbob fuck that
04:32 tbob lets get vikings
04:32 X_Stickman Malign, there *are* breakaway groups of scientology
04:32 ServOS Isn't there that one cat SCP?
04:32 EponymousRex Just… kept in a room.
04:32 tbob how come there's no SCP giant hammer
04:32 Malign It has more to do with the (somewhat self abusive) practices of seperation from worldly attachment that eventually turned from hinduism into buddhism and jainism.
04:32 ServOS The one where you look at it and turn into one?
04:32 EponymousRex Shouting "IGNORE ME" at the security cameras.
04:32 Pig_catapult might or might not have kinda had a crush on Thoth as a kid
04:32 Malign You following me in how all this relates to scientology
04:32 EponymousRex Wait…
04:32 Malign ?
04:32 EponymousRex A specific object I just had in mind.
04:33 Omar_Rodriguez_Lopez Hey everyone I have an idea for an SCP. His name is SCP-FAG, and he mutilates people's bodies so they can suck their own dicks.
04:33 EponymousRex What abotu that blanket that Thor used to resurrect his gats.
04:33 weisswritter oh my
04:33 EponymousRex *goats
04:33 Malign heh, gats
04:33 EponymousRex When he ate them
04:33 tbob so you're saying that the fact that scientology takes all your money is really just their enforced form of aestheticism?
04:33 Taveena shit lets be santa
04:33 Malign tbob: yes
04:33 tbob wat
04:34 ServOS 239 already wished Santa into existence.
04:34 EponymousRex You do at least see what I'm getting at though, right Malign?
04:34 Malign It's a good thing I'm a firm agnostic, because that mean's I don't have to give a shit about any of these religions.
04:34 tbob also, that wasn't the word I meant.
04:34 Omar_Rodriguez_Lopez 239 ALREADY WISHED MY DICK INTO HIS MOUTH
04:34 Malign yes, I see what you're up to.
04:34 —- Baird has banned *!*@B6EB435E.33D72ADC.D107D358.IP
04:34 *** Omar_Rodriguez_Lopez was kicked by Baird (Baird)