I think these all need some major updating/joining together. Thoughts, volunteers?
Admin, SCP Wiki
I think these all need some major updating/joining together. Thoughts, volunteers?
Admin, SCP Wiki
Agreed. We could reshuffle what goes on which page, for one thing: there's a lot of overlap between the Newbie Guide and How to Write, for instance, and between the Guide and the Chat Rules. We might even consider breaking off things like the list of senior staff onto a page of its own, like we did with the big list of cliches.
Here's one way it could play out — just a thought, of course:
All of the above assumes that we won't be doing much by way of drastic rewrites, which may not be a justified assumption. If we decide on drastic revisions, I'd suggest a framework something like this:
All of the above should be heavily cross-referenced wherever appropriate. Heavy-handed, but hopefully effective.
(Also, I'm willing to help plan and write.)
I'm not sure we need quite that much changes. I am also STRIDENTLY against the whole style guide, and cementing things that are up to author decision.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Yeah, I agree that lots of the rule pages seem redundant… Some notes on the first set of plans:
-The Guide to Newbies page, and possibly the How to Write an SCP page (although less so), seem as though they could be trimmed back, a lot, to be more readable, and less repetitive… Suppose a couple of people get on doing some drafts, and we bat those around till they look? I can help out.
-How about splitting the chat room guide into "actual rules" and "good policy"- what will get you banned, and what is bad behavior- and putting the first part on the Site Rules page, and the second part on the Guide to Newbies.
-Agreeing on splitting off the Senior Staff page.
-I don't like the idea of the style guide either… Though a brief page/note regarding some metric conversions would not be out of place.
-All for the List of Cliches proposals.
I don't think we need huge changes either, but some things could stand the editting. Also, the new FAQ seems to discuss a lot of things covered elsewhere… We might, though, be able to expand it a bit and have it count as some other sections of newbie pages.
All right Light, take charge of this, do what you feel you need to, recruit who you need to.
Admin, SCP Wiki
We should do a movie called "The SCP wiki and you: A how to!" in the style of those terrible educational films.
I would love to help out and/or be a part of this. Maybe it could be disguised as a Foundation workplace training video too. (Hopefully nothing like the MS-DOS 5 upgrade rap)
“Now I'm sure you feel obligated to write up or update the file for the ess-see-pee that was just recently decommissioned but ask yourself this: Is it actually worth writing up a new set of containment procedures for something that is no longer contained when you can do something else of value to the Foundation?”
"Well, hello there. I'm Dr. Jones, and this is my assistant Billy."
"Today, we're going to learn how to make an SCP article."
"Gee willikerth, Dr. Joneth. Can I make an Eth Thee Pee article?"
"Sure thing, little guy. First, let's start with an idea. Do you have an idea?"
"It'th a thuit like Venom, only it'th green, and it let'th you fly!"
"Ooh, I'm sorry, Jimmy, but I'm afraid that's unoriginal horseshit. We're going to have to try a little harder."
"Aw, nutth."
"Don't be discouraged, Tommy. Unlike your parents' love, a good SCP article is attainable. You just have to think smart and not be a dipshit. Why don't we go step by step."
"Now, like I said, we need an idea. But there are some things you've got to be aware of. There are a bunch of ideas that we've seen done enough, you need to be careful about using them again. I'm not saying you can't, but you need to know what your competition is."
"Aw, no guyth who fight good? That wath gonna be my next idea!"
"And that's why nobody loves you, Joey, along with your personality, face, and everything else about you. Now, as you can see, we've got quite a list. But that's all right. There's a whole world of other ideas out there!"
"Hey! I jutht remembered a really good creepy-pathta thtory I read! Maybe that could be an Eth Thee Pee!"
"'Fraid not, Tony. See, we want good, original articles. If it was a good Creepy-Pasta story, not only will a lot of our readers already know it from there, but frankly, it's probably already done well enough as it is. But don't fret. Just keep swinging, slugger."
"How about hideouth parathite that turnth people into arthropodic nightmareth of pain and terror?"
"Now you're cooking with gas, Sammy! Now, the next step is to show it to people. I'm right here, so we've got that covered. Onto the writing!"
Since we're trying to cut back on the LOLstaff faggotry on the site, we could revamp the senior staff's profile pages to have a short bio of them IRL and a couple paragraphs about their OOC work around the site, then simply have whatever guides we come up with link to those pages.
Alternately, keep the profile pages but add seperate pages or expandable boxes with the OOC stuff.
I like the second idea, not so much the first. As much as LOLstaff stuff hurts the site, I think that completely removing their personas wouldn't really accomplish anything. Everybody knows Dr. Bright's immortal, Dr. Gerald catches on fire, Dr. Gears is emotionless and unfeeling, etc.
yeh, yeh. I was thinking of putting the OOC stuff in a Q box above the IC profile.
I don't think this is actually a horrible idea.
So, I did some drafts for the chat rules, newbie guide, and writing guide:
pastebin.com/VLNpKPaN Chat rules
Newbie Guide
Ah, so you found us. Great! If you're a casual browser and don't plan on joining the site as a member, that's cool; we have hundreds of SCP articles, incident reports, Foundation tales, and unrelated creepypasta pages for you to read, so why are you wasting your time reading this? But, if you're looking to become involved in the wiki community, whether it's because you want to get a closer look at the process, read the discussion pages, or because you want to write your own SCP article, there are a few things you ought to know first. Of course, first you need to join the site if you have not already done so!
So, apparently there have been some issues regarding the application process. The only place you need to go to join is here. Follow all the steps. Seems rather simple, yes? Well, let's reinforce a couple of points:
We really have surprisingly few hard-and-fast rules that you NEED to adhere to, but the following are certainly amongst them. Please keep the following in mind unless you want to be scolded, yelled at, or possibly banned.
++On Editing
*Ideas for site tools should be run by an admin or a mod before being implemented:** Preferably they should only be implemented BY an admin or mod. This is to stop the site from being broken and going all wahoonie shaped. We're still trying to hunt down a few "fixes" implemented by users, so this is important!
Read The Big List of Overdone SCP Clichés. If your idea falls under one of these, seriously consider not making it. If it's your first article, then DEFINITELY choose a different idea. If you have to justify it by saying, "My <insert cliché here> is different," then no, it is not different, don't do it, choose a different idea, good DAY sir.
Read The Guide to Newbies. This is your "New Hire Handbook", and you should treat it as such. This will teach you all you need to know for your first few weeks at the Foundation. Quick links to help files, a list of well-known staff, and lots of tips, this will make your transition much smoother.
Also, [joining the site] will help.
Now, you can start writing.
The basic idea, thinking up an interesting effect or object to write about, is often the hardest part. Here are some tips for getting ideas:
+++Drafts and Incomplete SCPs
It's not a requirement, but many people (especially for first SCPs) prefer to write a draft first, and have it peer-edited by the chat. DO NOT PUT INCOMPLETE WORKS DIRECTLY ON THE SITE OR FORUMS. For this, you have two options:
Each SCP must be assigned an Object Class based on how hard it is to contain. If, after reading up on Classes, you're still not sure what class to make your SCP, try the Locked Box test:
Humanoid SCPs tend to suffer from some common weaknesses, collectively known as the "X-Man Syndrome". Basically, it means that there is a fine line between a humanoid SCP and a comic-book superhero.
Take the example of Wolverine: he's indestructible, he's got razor-edged claws in his hands, and he has the senses of an animal. The Foundation would have a hell of a time containing him. Would he make a good SCP? No, because all those things that could be creepy are played for camp. His mutant healing factor gets used more to explain how he gets out of situations than for real horror effect. His claws are played more for coolness than for creepy. His mutant senses are mostly used to let him do things like outwit shapeshifters.
Okay, now take Wolverine and make a simple change: turn him from a wisecracking, teeth-gritting superhero into a fifteen-foot long hard-to-destroy reptile that hates humanity. Notice how some of the same powers have a much different effect.
The thing is, there is no set way to determine whether your humanoid SCP really fits the site, or whether you've created an X-Man. But over time, a bunch of common signs have become apparent that point decidedly towards the latter. Before you post your humanoid SCP, look down the list below: if you answer "yes" to a large number of these questions, you are probably writing an X-Man, not a humanoid SCP, and should make changes as necessary.
Finally, here is a hard-and-fast rule:
A few examples from the archives:
This is SCP-10101. It is a joke SCP. Your SCP should look nothing like 10101. If it starts feeling the same? You need to rethink your SCP. On that same note, any SCP that refers to being better than more than one other SCP is likely going down the bad road. It's fine to include references to other SCPs, but the new one shouldn't have this list about how and why he's better than old ones.
++On Joke SCPs
Joke SCPs should be funny. Although references can be funny if done right, with a flair of originality, your favorite book/tv/game character is probably not a good idea for a joke SCP. If you're still not sure, run your idea by the chat first.
You can start writing your SCP by copying the code between the double lines below into a new document:
[[module Rate]]
[[div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"]]
|||| [[image COPY-AND-PASTE-IMAGE-URL-HERE width="300px"]] ||
**Item #:** SCP-XXX
**Object Class:** Safe/Euclid/Keter (indicate which class)
**Special Containment Procedures:** [Paragraphs explaining the Procedures]
**Description:** [Paragraphs explaining the Description]
**Addendum:** [Optional additional paragraphs]
Alternatively, you can also download the RTF file.
There are two ways to add formatting to text. First, you can format text by highlighting it and clicking one of the buttons at the top of the edit box. This will add the proper syntax that will bold, italicize, underline, etc., text when the page is saved.
Secondly, you can manually type in the characters necessary to add formatting to your article. Formatting syntax is generally pairs of symbols around the text to be formatted. Some of the most common text formats, and how to get them to show up, include:
**bold** -> bold
//italics// -> italics
__underscore__ -> underscore
--strikethrough-- -> strikethrough
A complete list of supported formats and how to get them to show up can be found on the Wiki Syntax page.
Since links are just a special type of formatting, they can also be added by either the formatting buttons or by typing in the proper format. The format of the link will depend on where the target page is, and what you want the link text to be. Some examples:
[[[SCP-173]]] -> SCP-173
[[[SCP-173|that creepy statue]]] -> that creepy statue
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_vertebrae neck bones] -> neck bones
A complete list of link formats can also be found on the Wiki Syntax page.
At the bottom of the page, click Files, click "Upload a file from your computer", click "Select Files", browse to the folder with the pictures to upload, select your picture, and click Open. You can upload multiple files at once; when all the files to be uploaded have been selected, click Upload Files. When naming your image files, make sure that the filename doesn't have any spaces and that it ends with a valid extension, such as .jpg. Also note that filenames are case sensitive.
Next, copy the image template into your article:
[[div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"]]
|||| [[image COPY-AND-PASTE-IMAGE-URL-HERE width="300px"]] ||
Since the picture was uploaded directly to the page, you can replace the words "COPY-AND-PASTE-IMAGE-URL-HERE" with just the filename of the picture. Otherwise, you would need to include the entire URL. Add a caption below the pic by replacing "TEXT-DESCRIBING-THE-PIC" with your own words.
Keep your article pictures SFW. No, really.
Disturbing pictures are fine, but try not to use overly gory or violent pictures just for shock value. Anyone can find bloody images of murders or accidents, but it takes real talent to put that same horror into writing.
Don't use a drawing or illustration and call it an "artist's rendering" unless there is a clear in article reason that the Foundation could not get a photograph. Even then, if you can help it, don't do it. It's tacky and damages suspention of disbelief.
The rating module is what allows site members to upvote or downvote a page. You can also rate by clickng on the “Rate” button in red at the bottom of every page, but the module is more handy. Every SCP article should have one. Just copy and paste this at the top of your page:
[[module Rate]]
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Safe/Euclid/Keter (indicate which class)
Special Containment Procedures: [Paragraphs explaining the Procedures]
Description: [Paragraphs explaining the Description]
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]
If you would like to add fluff to your article in the form of a log, incident report, or interview, there are templates for those, too.
Log Template
Incident Report Template
Interview Template
Test logs are great for showing off aspects of an SCP's effect not shown by the writeup. SCP-093, for example, is pretty boring until you read the test logs, which open up literal worlds of information not addressed by the article proper. SCP-914, meanwhile, is basically made of test logs. The reason the Foundation continues testing 914, though, is that it doesn't do the same thing every time.
For some SCP articles, though, test logs can weaken the article and damage suspension of disbelief. For example, if an SCP object creates two apple seeds when Dr. King puts a dollar in, and four when he puts two dollars in, it's not likely that the Foundation would continue testing. If your SCP has a consistent effect, test logs are unnecessary.
Once you've written your masterpiece and are ready to show it off to the world, follow these steps to add your SCP to the list:
Never ever upvote your own SCP. Ever. This will result in rage and a rash of angry comments and cold shoulders. If you feel that people are downvoting your article for malicious reasons, talk to a mod instead.
Your first SCP stands a better-then-likely chance of being deleted. We don't like to sugarcoat things here, and if your article is stupid, we will tell it like we see it. That said, we admire people who can fix their ideas, or know when to drop a bad one and start on new material. Sulking does not earn you points.
However, if your SCP does survive the gauntlet, congratulations! Go back in a few weeks or months anyways and reread your SCP. You may discover a way to improve your article that you hadn't considered before.
Looks good to me.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Da. All seems to be in vorking order.