After repeated kicks and requests to calm the fuck down, I gave Kald a 24 hour ban for being an annoying fuck, spamming, yelling and basic trollery.
Admin, SCP Wiki
After repeated kicks and requests to calm the fuck down, I gave Kald a 24 hour ban for being an annoying fuck, spamming, yelling and basic trollery.
Admin, SCP Wiki
So, apparently last night, this happened.
[01:29] --]| Kald (~ten.tsacortem.epc.7B3D9449-CRInys|uksremmah#ten.tsacortem.epc.7B3D9449-CRInys|uksremmah) has joined #site19
[01:30] [Pig_catapult] Kald. Go to bed.
[01:30] [Super_Buick] OP ABUSE
[01:30] [Gerald] Hey, I'm only halfop.
[01:30] --]| Nioki (~PI.EB91A8C3.C6EC9755.1CD05829|alliztahc#PI.EB91A8C3.C6EC9755.1CD05829|alliztahc) has joined #site19
[01:30] [Kald] If you come with me
[01:30] [Super_Buick] HOP ABUSE
[01:31] [Pig_catapult] Sorry, Kald, but I've already got me a man
[01:31] [Kald] What if I told you I was a woman
[01:31] [Super_Buick] (no homo)
[01:31] [duncreek] then what use are you?
[01:31] [Super_Buick] It's not gay unless balls touch
[01:31] [Kald] You guys know Piffy is a girl, right
[01:31] [Kald] And that I´m bi
[01:32] [Pig_catapult] I identify as agendered, thank you
[01:32] [Super_Buick] …
[01:32] [Super_Buick] That's not a gender
[01:32] [Pig_catapult] exactly
[01:32] [duncreek] I knew neither, although it still doesn't influence the discussion, oddly enough
[01:32] [Kald] Yes well
[01:32] [Kald] You have boobs
[01:32] [Kald] Presumably
[01:32] [Kald] So
[01:32] [Kald] You're a girl
[01:32] [Super_Buick] I like boobs
[01:32] [Super_Buick] Kald: Could be a fat dude.
[01:32] [duncreek] or on roids
[01:33] [duncreek] or a tranny, you never know
[01:33] [duncreek] they have boobs
[01:33] [Super_Buick] Yeah, man.
[01:33] [Pig_catapult] I'm offended by your assertion that physical sex = gender
[01:33] [Super_Buick] Tits aren't a surefire way to tell anymore.
[01:33] [Super_Buick] Pig_catapult: Physical sex = gender
[01:33] [Pig_catapult] No, no it doesn't
[01:33] [Super_Buick] Yeah, it does.
[01:33] [duncreek] actually, online pig has a point
[01:33] [Kald] That ain´t a fuckin´ assertion, tha´s a biological fact.
[01:34] [Super_Buick] ^
[01:34] [Pig_catapult] ]:|
[01:34] [duncreek] our identity has nothing to do with our body in the context of a discussion maintained by word alone
[01:34] [Syka] okay
[01:34] [Syka] guys
[01:34] [duncreek] theoretically speaking
[01:34] [Pig_catapult] Duncreek is correct
[01:34] [Syka] gender is a sociological construct.
[01:34] [Syka] ]:l
[01:34] [Super_Buick] No.
[01:34] [Kald] It's too fucking late for this
[01:34] [Super_Buick] It's not.
[01:34] [Syka] fucking yes.
[01:34] [Kald] Isn't it like 3:22 where you guys are too
[01:35] [Super_Buick] Kald: 4:34
[01:35] [Gerald] 4:30, actually.
[01:35] [Syka] "females" do feminine things, "males" do masculine things.
[01:35] [duncreek] now, step into a face to face encounter and it no longer is the case, as percieved gender carries enormous signifigance with social interaction
[01:35] [PaulS] Syka: I know plenty of females who'd dispute that last statement
[01:35] [Harley_Glasgow] No. Physical sex does not equal gender.
[01:35] * Kald is omnivore anthro bunny with variouse abilities
[01:35] [Syka] so do I
[01:35] [Harley_Glasgow] Gender is a psychological concept.
[01:35] --]| Skyelyn (~ten.nozirev.soif.acnasl.A748E19A-CRInys|tpircsnn#ten.nozirev.soif.acnasl.A748E19A-CRInys|tpircsnn) has joined #site19
[01:35] [Syka] there is much mixing.
[01:35] [Pig_catapult] Kald
[01:35] [X_Stickman] Gender is a social/psychological concept more than anything
[01:36] [Syka] physical females can be "males"
[01:36] [Super_Buick] No it's goddamned not.
[01:36] [Pig_catapult] I'm going to hit you IN THE FACE with a link now
[01:36] [Pig_catapult]
[01:36] [Super_Buick] OH GOD
[01:36] [Super_Buick] WIKIPEDIA
[01:36] [Kald] Leave me alone I'm tired and confused D:
[01:36] [Super_Buick] I'M FUCKIN' SHAKING
[01:36] [duncreek] yes, but so is everything else, and sociological structure is the entire basis of all human interaction… I wouldn't fight it
[01:36] [Syka] they are still female for all intents and purposes
[01:36] [Pig_catapult] Shut up, Buick
[01:36] [Kald] Indeed Buick
[01:36] [Kald] Shut your pustulous farthole
[01:36] [Syka] Super_Buick: I am rather involved in this subject, so stfu.
[01:36] [Harley_Glasgow] Yeah. Seriously. Buick. You're just being a 'tard.
[01:37] [X_Stickman] It says right there that there are social factors in gender
[01:37] [Super_Buick] I'm trying to find a study that disproves your point
[01:37] [duncreek] I am going to get on the fuck buick bus, just to be a sheep
[01:37] [Syka] good luck
[01:37] [Super_Buick] But my internet is slow as hell right now.
[01:37] [Syka] you will need it
[01:37] [duncreek] fuck you
[01:37] [Harley_Glasgow] Good luck.
[01:37] [Super_Buick] Basically.
[01:37] [Kald] Oh fuck
[01:37] [Kald] Oh God-damn
[01:37] [Super_Buick] This baby goes in for a circumcision
[01:37] [Kald] Do not make me use my variouse abilities
[01:37] [Super_Buick] Doctor botches it
[01:37] [Kald] I swear to God
[01:37] [Super_Buick] And then tells the parents they can make him a girl
[01:37] [Pig_catapult] Buick, SHUT. THE FUCK. UP.
[01:37] [Super_Buick] So they do
[01:38] [Super_Buick] And they raise him as a girl
[01:38] [PaulS] I swear, I will never have any son I have circumcised
[01:38] [Super_Buick] And then he ends up acting like a boy.
[01:38] [Harley_Glasgow] This isn't an opinion thing. This isn't a "We're being liberal hippies thing", this is you being a goddamn 'tard.
[01:38] [Super_Buick] Because I'm arguing against you?
[01:38] [X_Stickman] Right because it's psychological/social
[01:38] [Kald] Fuck off Buick
[01:38] * Syka is an expert on liberal hippyism, but this isn't in her field.
[01:38] [Kald] Goddamn
[01:38] [Kald] Fuck off
[01:38] [X_Stickman] Not just "you are what you're told"
[01:38] [Kald] I hate your face
[01:38] [Syka] Super_Buick: tomboys, explain them.
[01:38] [Super_Buick] No?
[01:38] [duncreek] I wouldn't advice fighting the idea that gender and gender identity isn't the result of sociological imprinting, I would fight the notion that sociological imprinting isn't the natural way of things
[01:39] [Pig_catapult] Buick, I don't identify as a guy. I don't identify as a girl. I have two X chromosomes, a vagina, and boobs.
[01:39] [Kald] Shut up
[01:39] [Kald] YOu are all terrible
[01:39] [Harley_Glasgow] Buick, no, because you're basically pouring shit out of your 'tard hole and trying to call it fact.
[01:39] [Syka] they are physical females who are "male" - because their behaviour is masculine
[01:39] [Super_Buick] We are all terrible
[01:39] [X_Stickman] Gender isn't solidly linked to sex, that's all
[01:39] [Super_Buick] Uh, Harley_Glasgow
[01:39] [Super_Buick] You are too
[01:39] [PaulS] I would propose the notion that sociological imprinting is how humans get shit done, due to the whole "gotta mate to reproduce" thing
[01:39] [Kald] Pig_catapult: You ARE a girl, even if you don't identify as one
[01:39] [duncreek] it is linked to perception
[01:39] [Super_Buick] ^ That's the point I'm making
[01:40] [Pig_catapult] Kald, shut up. Buick, go fuck yourself with a rsty rake sideways
[01:40] [Pig_catapult] rusty, even
[01:40] [Super_Buick] u mad
[01:40] [Kald] Vaginas, boobs, that's a girl. If you don't want to identify as a girl but as uh…nothing, I guess, well, good for you
[01:40] [Kald] I personally like being a man
[01:40] [Kald] On account of having a penis and lots of body hair
[01:40] |[-- Break has left (Ping timeout)
[01:40] * Super_Buick flexes
[01:40] * Syka identifies in a mix
[01:40] * PaulS agrees with kald on the awesomeness that is being a dude
[01:40] [Syka] pff.
[01:40] [X_Stickman] The idea that gender is nothing but an expression of biology/genes is like saying a man with one arm cut off still has two arms
[01:41] [Syka] breasts ] all.
[01:41] [Syka] :B
[01:41] [duncreek] everything comes down to how things are percieved in the context of the social structure that the individual has adapted to fit into
[01:41] [Super_Buick] X_Stickman: That's a terrible argument.
[01:41] [Kald] Stickman: You do not know how logic works. Fuck off.
[01:41] [PaulS] Syka: I don't have to shave anything. Ever. Thus, being a man = awesome
[01:41] [Syka] lol.
[01:41] [X_Stickman] It works, though. Genetically he's got two arms
[01:41] [Syka] PaulS: …well, shaddap.
[01:41] [Super_Buick] No
[01:41] [Super_Buick] Because physically he doesn't.
[01:41] [Super_Buick] There's a difference
[01:41] [X_Stickman] So?
[01:41] [Syka] it's like this
[01:42] [duncreek] with the introduction of faceless media, such as the web, actual physical traits can begin to lose signifigance in determining that role that must be filled
[01:42] [X_Stickman] So a man gone through intense hormone therapy and sex changing operations now has breasts, a vagina, and no testicles/penis
[01:42] [Kald] Will everyone please fuck eachtoher in the ass until we're satisfied enough with this bullshit to get to a different, less retarded topic.
[01:42] [Syka] masculinity and femininity are what translate to "gender". your bits translate to sex.
[01:42] [Gerald] I swear to 013, if this argument keeps up, I am going to find Kondraki and beg him to give me the masskick script.
[01:42] [Kald] Especially you Stickman, you portentatiously oversized cunt.
[01:42] [Syka] …looooooooool
[01:42] [Super_Buick] duncreek: I usually assume everyone's a guy until they claim to be a woman or use a ton of emoticons
[01:42] [X_Stickman] Well *that* certainly came out of nowhere
[01:42] [X_Stickman] My feelings are hurt
[01:42] [Syka] ^.=.^
[01:42] [Syka] :B
[01:43] [Malachai] XD
[01:43] * Nioki assuages Stickman's feelings.
[01:43] [duncreek] that is sort of sexist, and I'm a hyper conservative asshole
Seriously, why do we keep Kald around? Can I request a ban on the kid?
Admin, SCP Wiki
That whole line of conversation should not have ever happened, but if anyone I would honestly blame buick and duncreek for both getting way too intense over a line of argument that's frankly idiotic.
I don't really see where kald was in the wrong here. Any more in the wrong than everyone who was part of the argument, anyway. I'm disappointed in pig.
Why disappointed in pig? She was defending her ability to not choose a gender, which is within her right, and Kald and Buick were being douches about it.
Admin, SCP Wiki
I think it's a really stupid thing to get into an argument about, and am disappointed in all of them. Pig, though, I would have expected not to get caught up in it.
Kald was abusing bold face, something he knows is not kosher. Granted, he stopped when Dr Mann pulled the serious face, but the serious shouldn't have to be pulled, Kalds been here for long enough. I banned him, if anyone wants to unban him, feel free. I don't wanna do it.
Admin, SCP Wiki
<Kald> Mann.
<Kald> Are you there?
<DrMann> Yes, Kald?
<Kald> I was just horsing around.
<Kald> You know this, right?
<DrMann> That works about the first few dozen times. However, after a time, it grows /tiresome/.
<Kald> It has not been a dozen times.
<Kald> By my knowledge, it's only been one time.
<DrMann> For this /particular/ incident, yes, one time. But we are not goldfish. We remember things longer than five seconds. We notice trends, Kald.
<DrMann> And you have a tendency to be, well, irritating. And to keep on being irritating after being told to stop.
<Kald> So you're banning me for using bold.
<DrMann> Bright is. And it's not for using bold.
<DrMann> It's for continuing to do so /after being told to stop/.
<Kald> Nevermind the fact that I make it a point to help more-newbie-than-I-am-newbies when they need it and an admin doesn't respond…
<Kald> I stopped when you fucking told me to.
<DrMann> Kald, what did you think those kicks were about? I saw plenty of bold after you returned. At any rate, I'm not the banning authority in this case. You'll need to take this up with Bright.
<Kald> I did. He told me to take it up with Dox, Dox isn't responding, I come to you. Actually, hold on:
<Kald> <Kald> Gee well -shit-, man, I was under the impression Mann was just participating in the usual fooling around, and when I realized he wasn't because he asked me to stop, I -stopped-.
<Kald> ^From my conversation with Bright.
<DrMann> 'Dox probably isn't on right now. You'll need to PM him over the forum.
<DrMann> He rarely actually logs out of IRC. This is for logging purposes.
<Kald> I did that, too.
<DrMann> Then you'll just have to wait a little while longer, won't you?
<Kald> This is bullshit, Mann. I stopped after you warned me to stop.
<DrMann> Well, tell that to 'Dox when you hear back from him.
<Kald> Why do I have to wait for Dox? I was under the impression you were playing along, I stopped when you told me to, Bright banned me a good few minutes after the fact.
<Kald> Bulllll
<Kald> ssssss
<Kald> hiiiiit.
<Kald> This is injustice.
<Kald> I expected better of you than to not realize this.
<DrMann> Kald, again, it's not just this situation. This was annoying. If it was the first time you did things like this, Bright probably would have unbanned you after a few minutes. But you've had a /history/ of things like this.
<DrMann> Here's one. Given that using bold is the equivilent of all-caps, there's even a bit of irony.
<Kald> Okay, alright, I'm not proud of that. But I don't see how it relates to this particular instance.
<Kald> Similarly, I have no fucking idea how using bold is the equivalent of all-caps.
<DrMann> Or right here. Incidentally, gender /is/ the social construct which is often /based/ around sex. The two are not interchangeable. That's sociology 101. I'd give you a pass, since English isn't your first language, but you kept /arguing/ about it.
<DrMann> They're equivilent because they are considered the textual equivilent of shouting. That's why people get annoyed at all-caps, Kald.
<DrMann> And it relates because it's another example of, well, troubling behavior.
<DrMann> It's a pattern of behavior, Kald.
<Kald> Okay, I'm calling bullshit on the thing with Piffy! People get into arguments over shit like that all the time on here!
<Kald> Besides, from my part, it wasn't even a God-damn argument, it was a discussion.
<Kald> Hell, I don't even fucking see what I did wrong in that discussion. Piffy argued "No, I'm neither because I don't identify as either", and I argued "Could be, but biologically you're still a girl". If I'm going to get chewed out because I prefer science over philosophy in some matters, well, drag me out into the fucking street and shoot me, because apparently this is a facist regime where you-
<Kald> can't express your opinion.
<Kald> Incidentally,
<Kald> 155.[01:42] [Kald] Will everyone please fuck eachtoher in the ass until we're satisfied enough with this bullshit to get to a different, less retarded topic.
<Kald> I was trying to get OFF the subject because there were newbie retards involved in the argument.
<DrMann> And you felt that was the best way to do it, eh?
<Kald> I was annoyed and tired. At that time? Yes. At this time? No.
<DrMann> Anyway, I'm done here. You'll have to wait until 'Dox can hear your case. Even if I felt the ban was nwarranted, I can't override Bright's ban.
<Kald> Do you have to say "Even if I felt" because Bright makes you grovel under his Mighty Boot Of Bullshti?
<DrMann> No. I have to say "even if I felt" because I don't feel that the ban was unwarranted.
<DrMann> I'm sorry. I thought that was clear.
<Kald> Fair enough then. I'd hoped there was more rationality in you than that blithering, oversexed asshole, but apparently not.
<Kald> Very FUCKING well.
He appealed to me to lift the ban. I didn't really feel the ban needed to be lifted, and didn't feel like countermanding an admin's ban. So, here you go.
Honestly, I've never seen Kald as anything worse than just an incredible twat, but I doubt he's going to get any better with this. Either ways fine with me, but I'd say to at least up the ban length and let him know this is his last chance before he gets perma'd.
He's been banned a couple times before.
He's going to be banned for a month. If I remember to unban him on Sept. 1st, anyway.