I don't know if anyone remembers DragonBoots or Kimiro, but they were among the users unbanned when the list got full … but he came back.
He was banned in the first place for spamming guro out of sheer boredom, soooooo I banned that right on sight.
Also he kept making threats after;
<Paradox> I'm not personally butthurt
<Paradox> but you did troll the channel once remember~
<Paradox> and spammed guro
<DragonBoots> Ages ago.
<Paradox> ban stands though
<DragonBoots> Eh.
<DragonBoots> If I felt like it I could flood the channel with dozens of drone proxies through about 800 IP's.
<DragonBoots> But why? What would it prove?
<Paradox> well, if you wanna make my life hard, go ahead. but I can't just lift a ban because you threaten me out of it.
<DragonBoots> Eh.
<DragonBoots> I'm not making threats, I'm mearly stating a fact.
<Paradox> of course
<DragonBoots> But I guess since you will not have anything to do with me, 272 shall have to go.
<Paradox> sure, that's your perogative
<DragonBoots> Kind of a shame, though.
<DragonBoots> Or I suppose I could do the opposite; spam countless SCP's into existance as a shot-in-the-dark-hope-I-get-lucky-without-feedback dealio.
<Paradox> I suppose you could!
<Paradox> Well, up to you sir.
So yeah, watch out for this kid.