Basically, idiot came in, was annoying, and apparently already evading a previous ban. Then he started spouting a bunch of bullshit about how he invented the SCP Foundation.
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<DrWarsaw> Boom?
<pokemon_are_racists> howdy
<%MrUnimport> Oh my.
<%Quikngruvn> Afternoon. Um.
<Sparks> EX-PLAIN!
<pokemon_are_racists> hows everyone goin in here
<Strife> I need an "other" box.
- DrWarsaw was kicked by MrUnimport (MrUnimport)
- DrWarsaw (PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM#PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<DrWarsaw> I like the kick reason
<DrWarsaw> "MrUnimport"
<pokemon_are_racists> MY favorite scp is scp # 1
<Sparks> ERROR! THERE IS NO 001!
<%Quikngruvn> p_a_r, please identify yourself.
- Sparks turns off capslock
<Strife> There's probably a copy of my ship orders somewhere in this stack.
<%MrUnimport> That's the default, Warsaw.
<Strife> It'd probably be good to find out when I leave …
- %Quikngruvn snickers.
- Ravinoff (~PI.C3683202.3B278FC2.5C5CAB67|alliztahc#PI.C3683202.3B278FC2.5C5CAB67|alliztahc) Quit (Quit: Don't rape each other without me!)
- pokemon_are_racists afsd
<DrWarsaw> What the hell
<DrWarsaw> NSFW, heart attack on site
<DrWarsaw> *sight
<Strife> I love that animation.
- pokemon_are_racists casts level 3 eroticism
<%Quikngruvn> pokemon_are_racists, who the hell are you?
<Strife> But nothing happens!
<Pig_catapult> and how did you find the site?
<%MrUnimport> Wait, hold on.
<%MrUnimport> Aren't you banned or something?
<%MrUnimport> I remember you.
<pokemon_are_racists> what
<Strife> What box does the cat go in?
<pokemon_are_racists> i made this site bro
<Pig_catapult> You're seriously The Administrator?
<%MrUnimport> …of course he isn't.
- Dr_Fences (ten.labolgcbs.iwlppa.lsd.0F7DC30C-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.iwlppa.lsd.0F7DC30C-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<pokemon_are_racists> no man i had the orginal idea they just stole it from me
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by Quikngruvn (The Administrator would use caps and punctuation.)
<Pig_catapult> I was trying to convey incredulous disbelief
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Fullforce> I am the Broministrator
<pokemon_are_racists> uh i never claimed to be the administrator broski, just said i made this site
- DrWarsaw sighs and readies his cattleprod
<Dr_Fences> Um…what have I stepped into?
<%MrUnimport> It's this guy again.
<Pig_catapult> Troll in the dungeon
<Dr_Fences> huh?
<%MrUnimport> Honestly.
- Aesop (moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> I don't frequent this place so I wouldn't know
- DrWarsaw was kicked by MrUnimport (ONCE IS ENOUGH)
<%Quikngruvn> Oh. Welcome, Fences.
<Pig_catapult> don't worry about it, Fences. :3
<Sparks> They're invading! From outer space!
<pokemon_are_racists> wow mods are kick happy here
<that_tall_fellow> Yay, trolls!
<that_tall_fellow> :3
<Dr_Fences> well I was here yesterday
<%Quikngruvn> p_a_r, have you read the Chat Guide?
- DrWarsaw (PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM#PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<pokemon_are_racists> i wrote it
<DrWarsaw> Aww, okay
<that_tall_fellow> Trolls make me happy.
<that_tall_fellow> …Hahaha.
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by Quikngruvn (You are not funny.)
<that_tall_fellow> Even the sections that Clef wrote, he wrote.
<that_tall_fellow> This man truly is the MAster of Disguise!
<that_tall_fellow> …
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<that_tall_fellow> *Master.
<Pig_catapult> Wowwwwwww, this troll is low quality
<Dr_Fences> Trolls are great when sauted with onions
<pokemon_are_racists> how is the chat these days
<that_tall_fellow> Ona capital is enough.
- DrWarsaw yawns and watches the troll
<that_tall_fellow> *One
<pokemon_are_racists> god damn when will you people shut up about trolls this isnt even trolling
- that_tall_fellow is approaching Syka-level typo density
- Strife26 (ten.ocdim.3C27D24-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ocdim.3C27D24-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> well I'm clueless
<%Quikngruvn> ttf, put your glasses back on.
<DrWarsaw> "A majestic, if lumbering creature, the troll is a strong beast but incredibly dim-witted.
<pokemon_are_racists> if i wanted to troll i would do it properly
- that_tall_fellow tosses a pool cue to Dr_Fences
<that_tall_fellow> Want to play?
<Pig_catapult> p_a_r is either delusional, or a troll
<@DrMann> He's right. This isn't trolling.
- Strife (ten.ocdim.3C27D24-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ocdim.3C27D24-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<that_tall_fellow> o: Mann!
<Pig_catapult> And probably an idiot
<@DrMann> He's obviously just a moron.
<that_tall_fellow> You're here!
<@DrMann> We should pity him.
<@DrMann> Not scorn him.
<Strife26> Okay, that was a dick move by the cat.
<Dr_Fences> okay…with what? all I see is text
<%Quikngruvn> Can I do both?
<pokemon_are_racists> i've come here to tell my story
<@DrMann> There there, Pokey. You can't help that you're "special."
<pokemon_are_racists> i've come here to tell my story
<Dr_Fences> where's the pool table?
<that_tall_fellow> :o
<DrWarsaw> It apporaches the Optimatus Proconsul, or 'OP'
<that_tall_fellow> Is it a scary story?
<%MrUnimport> Please, tell us your story.
<Dr_Fences> or am I supposed to whack someone with it
- that_tall_fellow directs Fences to the pool table
<Pig_catapult> The pool table is in your mind
<Dr_Fences> oh
- Dr_Fences wires table with C4
<DrWarsaw> It is quickly slain, and the carrion animals devour the remains"
<that_tall_fellow> :c
<that_tall_fellow> Dr_Fences…
<Dr_Fences> what?
<that_tall_fellow> Now we can't play anymore!
<Dr_Fences> its in my mind
<pokemon_are_racists> in 1992 i was working at a wendys with a man named lawson sonham nader
<Dr_Fences> I just wired it
<Strife26> Found my orders!
<Dr_Fences> I didn't blow it up yet
<Dr_Fences> okay fine
<pokemon_are_racists> he liked to call himself lord silly nipples because the initials were LSN like his name
- Dr_Fences hands detonator to that_tall_fellow
<that_tall_fellow> Ooh!
<that_tall_fellow> It's shiny!
<Dr_Fences> go nuts *puts on hard hat*
<MisterFlames> Ecks isn't here, so I suppose I'll have to be the one who asks. Is there rape in this story?
<that_tall_fellow> p_a_r: Go on…
- that_tall_fellow shushes MisterFlames
<%Quikngruvn> Dammit, Flames, don't spoil it!
- that_tall_fellow misterflames it is storytime
<pokemon_are_racists> i was dropping acid one night with him after work
<Strife26> Awesome, money!
<pokemon_are_racists> we were in the wendys all alone after closing
<Dr_Fences> acid…like HCl
<pokemon_are_racists> and i saw this frying machine that looked like a robot
- Agasa (~ti.ailatimocelet.liater.8995A3B7-CRInys|asaga#ti.ailatimocelet.liater.8995A3B7-CRInys|asaga) has joined #site19
<MisterFlames> Fuming sulfuric!
<%Quikngruvn> Aqua regia.
<Dr_Fences> Hydro Chloric acid FTW!
<pokemon_are_racists> so i thought aloud "what if here was a whole laboratory filled with robots controlled by government and stuff."
- that_tall_fellow envisions dropping sulfuric acid and cringes
<Pig_catapult> This is a stupid story
<@DrMann> Did the robot touch you, Pokey? In bad places?
<Dr_Fences> I concur
<pokemon_are_racists> lord silly nipples didnt say anything so i thought he wasnt listening but he actually was
<%Quikngruvn> I dropped sulfuric once. Ate through the floor.
<MisterFlames> Consider the source.
<Strife26> I should probably fill this form out some time …
<@DrMann> Show us on the doll where the robot touched you.
- @Imants (~PI.BC394DA2.F688BA77.1502C95|alliztahc#PI.BC394DA2.F688BA77.1502C95|alliztahc) Quit (Ping timeout)
<Dr_Fences> who votes to designate this guy as a Class-D?
- Sparks raises hand
<pokemon_are_racists> anyway later that night i went home and wrote down in a book my idea for the SCP foundation and all that jazz
<Pig_catapult> *raises hand*
<pokemon_are_racists> i was going to write a script and sell it
<DrWarsaw> Woah, RAGE is looking to be awesome
<Strife26> Considering it's the form that actually lets the Army pay me.
<that_tall_fellow> Okay, yeah, trolling.
- pooryoric (||tibbiM) has joined #site19
<%Quikngruvn> Ooh, sounds important.
<that_tall_fellow> Oh! Hi, Piffy!
<pokemon_are_racists> the next day i was working with lord silly nipples when i spilled hot grease on him permanently disfiguring him
<MisterFlames> Yoric! We've got a new friend for you!
<Pig_catapult> yo
<Strife26> Same folder as my W2 …
<Dr_Fences> actually the SCP foundation is well…them…
<%MrUnimport> …how is this trolling?
<that_tall_fellow> Sort of.
<%MrUnimport> It's just being an idiot.
<DrWarsaw> Oh, Yoric's on
<pokemon_are_racists> he tried to murder me and i fled the country. he mustve went in my apartment and taken my notes on SCP
<that_tall_fellow> I mean, it's the closest verb I can think of.
<Dr_Fences> he's just spouting nonsense
<%MrUnimport> It's only trolling if it irritates you.
<pokemon_are_racists> he sold the idea to the admins of the site
<Sparks> ./ignore is great
<Dr_Fences> ignore him if you don't like him
<%Quikngruvn> Semantics aside….
<that_tall_fellow> I don't miond him. I think he's funny. :)
<that_tall_fellow> …
<Dr_Fences> if you talk to him you encourage him
- DrWarsaw (PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM#PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<that_tall_fellow> MIND. I don't MIND him.
<that_tall_fellow> God dommot.
- Aesop (moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<NekoChris> mIND WHO?
<that_tall_fellow> :<
<that_tall_fellow> PikaChris is making fun of me.
<Dr_Fences> the psychics are loose again
<that_tall_fellow> …Who the hell?
<pokemon_are_racists> so idc if any of you were listening but that is the story of how i came up with the idea for this site and it got stolen.
<NekoChris> No I am late to the conversation
<that_tall_fellow> Who's fun?
- Aesop (moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<NekoChris> oh
<NekoChris> that guy
- Taeke facepalms
<Strife26> It's my debit card too …
- @DrMann gives Pokey a gold star for his creative writing project.
<Dr_Fences> suddenly I had an idea for an SCP that turns people into pirates
<Dr_Fences> specifically a Parrot
<Dr_Fences> when it sits on your shoulder you slowly turn into a stereotypical pirate
<that_tall_fellow> That'd have to be a -J if anything.
<%MrUnimport> I don't think you should write that up.
<Dr_Fences> probly
- that_tall_fellow gives DrMann a gold star for Valor in Distribution of Gold Stars
<Dr_Fences> well it was a funny thought
<pokemon_are_racists> does dr. light ever still go on here
<pooryoric> that's a terrible idea
<pooryoric> >:|
- NekoChris gives tall_fellow a curious rash that blooms at night.
<Dr_Fences> stupid idea, but funny
<that_tall_fellow> :|
- that_tall_fellow gives Chris back his rash
<Dr_Fences> then there was that thing I though of…basically a swarm of bees that turns animals into living beehives
- DrWarsaw (PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM#PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> can work on people too
<@DrMann> We already have the bonehive, Fences.
<Dr_Fences> bonehive?
<DrWarsaw> Hurf Durf Internet
<%MrUnimport> Yes, she does, pokemon_are_racists.
<that_tall_fellow> !search bone hive
<Nala> that_tall_fellow: - Bone Hive
<pokemon_are_racists> if you ask her she can tell you all about how this site ripped me off
<that_tall_fellow> Doesn't have bees, but…
<pokemon_are_racists> i think
<@DrMann> Unlikely, since you're pretty obviously lying, and Light's an honest person.
- Tice (ten.htuoslleb.xaj.pis.AC8F4C0A-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.htuoslleb.xaj.pis.AC8F4C0A-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<that_tall_fellow> inb4 "im not lying"
<~Paradox> hey, anyone know a bit of java?
<that_tall_fellow> Hi Ducks!
<@DrMann> Hey, 'Dox, Pokey says he came up with the Foundation, and we're ripping him off.
<%Quikngruvn> Only enough to brew it.
<~Paradox> what
<DrWarsaw> Hour ban?
<Fullforce> Paradox: I used to but I have forgotten everything.
<@DrMann> Because he came up with the idea of a government laboratory filled with robots, apparently.
<~Paradox> bullshit
<@DrMann> Pretty much.
<that_tall_fellow> We know.
<~Paradox> we've talked to the original writer of 173 before
<Fullforce> hey, that idea is ripped off of me! I came up with the idea of a Honda Factory filled with Robots.
<Dr_Fences> ….ouch
- Vaatix (||xitaaV) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> that thing is nasty
<DrWarsaw> SCP-106
<Nala> DrWarsaw: - The Old Man
<that_tall_fellow> No, the idea was ripped off from me! I came up with the idea of a factory full of Hondas.
<DrWarsaw> Ew
<@DrMann> Plus, the idea of a government facility secretly experimenting on things Man Was Not Meant to Know has been around since at least the fifties.
<~Paradox> also, 173 was -the only thing- the original creator made
<Fullforce> God damn it that_tall_fellow!
<~Paradox> and that had no robots :|
<that_tall_fellow> >:|
<that_tall_fellow> Clearly we must duel.
<~Paradox> wtf, at least do some research for such a tall claim
<that_tall_fellow> !roll 1d20 QUICKDRAW
<Fullforce> >¦|
<Nala> that_tall_fellow, QUICKDRAW: 1d20=8 (8)
<@DrMann> It's not his fault, 'Dox.
<that_tall_fellow> D:
<@DrMann> He can't help that he's "special."
<Fullforce> shit!
<%Quikngruvn> Yay Dox, fighting idiocy with logic!
<Fullforce> !roll 1d20 Draw!
<Nala> Fullforce, Draw!: 1d20=2 (2)
<Fullforce> Shiiitt!
<that_tall_fellow> :D
<@DrMann> So, Pokey, any rebuttal?
<that_tall_fellow> Somehow I win anyway!
<@DrMann> Or have we destroyed your claims well enough?
<pokemon_are_racists> oh
<pokemon_are_racists> yeah, the guy you talked to
<pokemon_are_racists> he was lord silly nipples
<@DrMann> Of course he was.
<Strife26> I've finally dug deep enough to retrieve my e-tool!
<Dr_Fences> I think he's drunk
<Strife26> Really needs to get cleaned though.
<pokemon_are_racists> the name of my movie script was THE SCP FILES
<that_tall_fellow> Also, Mardi Gras is a government conspiracy to get us to buy beads.
<Dr_Fences> yup he's drunk
<@DrMann> So, you're basically angry at him for taking the letters "SCP" from you.
<Dr_Fences> and spontanious human combustion is part of the government LSD tests
<@DrMann> Since that's essentially the only thing you're claiming to have come up with that he used.
<%Quikngruvn> p_a_r, how old are you?
<@DrMann> Wow. I mean, even if you were telling the truth, that's pretty goddamned pathetic.
<pokemon_are_racists> im 46 kid
<that_tall_fellow> Hi Yoric!
- +Preachieved (~moc.rr.ser.ynts.D77673EF-CRInys|eed_noloc#moc.rr.ser.ynts.D77673EF-CRInys|eed_noloc) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Dr_Fences> and the world is in danger of being taken over by two super intelligent lab mice
<Dr_Fences> and he's drunk
<that_tall_fellow> And you work at a Wendy's?
<%Quikngruvn> Really. So where were you when Kennedy was shot?
<that_tall_fellow> At 46?
<pooryoric> strife26, nicks with numbers in them are against chat regulations as outlined in the chat guide. please use the command "/nick name" to remove the numbers from your nick
<pooryoric> hiya tall
<pokemon_are_racists> no i worked at a wendys with him in 1992
- Strife26 is now known as Strife
<Dr_Fences> Lay off the alcohol!
<Dr_Fences> booze isn't cool!
<that_tall_fellow> So, you're a 46-year-old who is all about some pokemon.
<Strife> Sorry, the 26 is set as my mibbit username, so it defaults back to it.
<%Quikngruvn> p_a_r, where were you during the first moon landing?
<Strife> My bad.
<Dr_Fences> he's drinking I tell you!
<that_tall_fellow> I don't think he's drinking. Most people don't do that when they're twelve.
<pokemon_are_racists> dont really remember it
<Dr_Fences> good point
<that_tall_fellow> …
<pokemon_are_racists> 1969 was when i first started smoking and drinking
<Dr_Fences> then he's just nuts
<that_tall_fellow> Yeah, he doesn't remember the moon landing.
- Aesop (moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sregor.elbac.ten.epc.188002F8-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<%Quikngruvn> And thus demonstrating you are a liar.
<@DrMann> You started smoking and drinking at age nine?
<Dr_Fences> cause he was drunk
<that_tall_fellow> Age 5, I think.
<pokemon_are_racists> i was 5 dumbass
<@DrMann> Ah, right, five.
<Dr_Fences> wow
<Dr_Fences> poor math skills
<%Quikngruvn> Every five year old was glued to their TV.
<that_tall_fellow> Mann! Unimportt! Quik!
<%Quikngruvn> As was everyone else.
<that_tall_fellow> …Unimport!
<%MrUnimport> Quik: not if they're smoking and drinking.
<@DrMann> Well, that's enough of this, I think.
<that_tall_fellow> With one t!
<%Quikngruvn> (Not that I was there.)
<pokemon_are_racists> i grew up in baltimore
<that_tall_fellow> Want to play tetherball?
<Dr_Fences> or to their chair when they started misbehaving
<that_tall_fellow> …With him, not me?
<Dr_Fences> huh?
<Dr_Fences> I usually use an exploding baseball
- wildweasel (ten.nozirev.soif.rodltp.12BE0BC6-CRInys|lesaewdliw#ten.nozirev.soif.rodltp.12BE0BC6-CRInys|lesaewdliw) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> makes the game more interesting
- Timer 1 activated
- Timer 1 halted
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by DrMann (You're a liar, and not an especially good one. Enjoy your ban.)
<Dr_Fences> never know when it will go BOOM!
<%MrUnimport> …do you really need to call him a liar?
<Pig_catapult> Well, he was
<Dr_Fences> he's just nuts
<%MrUnimport> Well, obviously.
<Dr_Fences> or he just wants attention
<%MrUnimport> It's not like it's worth mentioning, that's all.
<%MrUnimport> And calling him a liar is giving him attention.
<DrWarsaw> Bang.
<Dr_Fences> so is acusing him of being drunk
<that_tall_fellow> Doesn't much matter, if he's banned.
<that_tall_fellow> Just sayin'.
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> couldn't he come in under another name?
- Preachieved (~moc.rr.ser.ynts.D77673EF-CRInys|eed_noloc#moc.rr.ser.ynts.D77673EF-CRInys|eed_noloc) has joined #site19
- ChanServ sets mode: +v Preachieved
<that_tall_fellow> IP bans.
<pokemon_are_racists> why am i getting kicked?
<that_tall_fellow> The best.
<Nioki> …Well.
<AliceMargatroid> Anybody here want to play Minecraft?
<pokemon_are_racists> is "lying" (implying i am) not allowed
<that_tall_fellow> Ugggggh Mann I thought you banned him.
<+Preachieved> alice, what a coincidence
<Dr_Fences> pokemon_are_racists: guess
<@DrMann> You're actually being banned, we're just experiencing some technical difficulties. Bear with us, and we'll have you properly banned in a moment.
<+Preachieved> I was just getting started for today
<pokemon_are_racists> I'LL BE BACK
- %Quikngruvn snickers.
<Pig_catapult> XD
<AliceMargatroid> Preachieved, =D
<pokemon_are_racists> with vengeance
<AliceMargatroid> Come to the "SCP Foundation" server then.
<NekoChris> Can I kick him?!
<+Preachieved> he finnaly added dynamic lava height
<AliceMargatroid> pokemon_are_racists, expect to have a banhammer dropped on your head.
<AliceMargatroid> With no mercy.
- Retrieving #site19 modes…
<pokemon_are_racists> i would sue but idk how
<%MrUnimport> " <Dr_Fences> so is acusing him of being drunk"
<that_tall_fellow> Hahahaha
<NekoChris> /sue_channel
<Pig_catapult> PAHAHAHAHA
<%MrUnimport> Well, yes, which is why I'd prefer you not do it.
<pokemon_are_racists> lololol banhammer w/e
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by Quikngruvn (Biding my time.)
<AliceMargatroid> Quikngruvn, one more return, and ban?
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<%Quikngruvn> Mann's on it.
<Dr_Fences> MrUnimport: why were you quoting me?
<that_tall_fellow> Trollollollollo lololo lololo yayayayayaaaaa
<pokemon_are_racists> >he still thinks banning people on the internet works
- DrWarsaw (PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM#PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by DrMann (DrMann)
<Nioki> Honestly.
- that_tall_fellow was kicked by MrUnimport (IT'S CALLED NOT GIVING HIM ATTENTION)
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by Quikngruvn (Biding my time.)
<%MrUnimport> Fences: I was responding to what you said.
- DrWarsaw (PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM#PI.9685138E.0C17268A.C11E59FD|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<DrWarsaw> I hate timing out
- pokemon_are_racists (ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.llebws.xtnans.lsd.AABD4CDA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Fences> huh
<pokemon_are_racists> i'd like to say farewell
- that_tall_fellow (ten.xoc.rh.rh.EAE701DD-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.rh.rh.EAE701DD-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<%MrUnimport> That's enough of that.
<Dr_Fences> oh
<pokemon_are_racists> it's been a nice time
- Sparks (~PI.F007D6C3.445AE746.EC4E3F2|skrapS#PI.F007D6C3.445AE746.EC4E3F2|skrapS) Quit (Ping timeout)
<%MrUnimport> Please don't spam the chat with kick messages.
<AliceMargatroid> Can somebody +o me?
<pokemon_are_racists> idk when i'll be back
- DrMann sets mode: -b *!*
<AliceMargatroid> I would like to test my "erase" script.
<%Quikngruvn> Never.
- DrMann sets mode: +b *!*
<that_tall_fellow> Sorry about that.
<%MrUnimport> See you around, Pokemon_are_racists.
<AliceMargatroid> Wait, that's MIRC. Never mind.
<Dr_Fences> huh the ignore function doesn't seem to work
- pokemon_are_racists was kicked by DrMann (Buh-bye.)
Also, the banlist is full. This is worrying.