Joined 19, got into a debate about what counted as real pain, was a vitriolic dick to the point of trolling. Perma banned with agreement from Tuomey.
21:39:12 <Tanta> I don't think most people have experienced real pain, InitHello
21:39:12 <@Tuomey> It's the difference between sitting still for a needle vs not realising you got stabbed with a needle
21:39:15 <Tanta> just normal everyday shit
21:39:28 <phyre> Not all of it, but my friend was really into it, so I read at least half a dozen of the books.
21:39:34 <Panteradactyl> A "pain-resistance" super power would be something like what the Krogan from Mass Effect have; they can feel pain, and register it, but it doesn't effect their mental or physical abilities.
21:39:41 <Panteradactyl> They just know that they're injured.
21:39:51 <phyre> *affect
21:39:54 <Hippo> Same! Well, not the friend part, just the half-dozen book parts. I thought it was kind of cool — I started reading more of Piers Anthony's stuff, though, and it weirded me out >_>
21:40:09 <Panteradactyl> phyre, I figured it'd be effect because it seemed like a verb?
21:40:13 <Modern_Erasmus> On
21:40:16 <@Lily> Tanta: what defines real pain?
21:40:19 <phyre> 'Affect' is normally a verb.
21:40:29 <Modern_Erasmus> On a pale horse was pretty trippy Hippo
21:40:30 <phyre> 'Effect' is normally a noun.
21:40:31 <Tanta> Lily, I'd go with levels of substance P in a spinal tap
21:40:37 <Tanta> if you want to quantify it
21:40:52 <@Lily> Tanta: pain is pain, it is all real; some is just more severe than others
21:40:59 <Tanta> that's a stupid view
21:41:02 <@Lily> And there are many types of pain, not just physical
21:41:06 <@Lily> Emotional pain exists too
21:41:11 <No0n3Left> It's more about how the brain reacts to pain
21:41:13 <Tanta> pain is the trauma (sensation) and the suffering (affective component)
21:41:17 <Hippo> modern_erasmus: I think I read that one!
21:41:21 <@Lily> Tanta: please tell me how realising pain is, in fact, pain, is stupid?
21:41:26 <@Lily> .def pain
21:41:27 <%jarvis> lily: pain - noun: 1. An ache or bodily suffering, or an instance of this; an unpleasant sensation, resulting from a derangement of functions, disease, or injury by violence; hurt. 2. The condition or fact of suffering or anguish especially mental, as opposed to pleasure; torment; distress; sadness; grief; solicitude; disquietude. verb: 1. To hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish; to afflict with
21:41:35 <phyre> Occasionally, one can 'effect a change' or something like that, but for the most part, you can affect events and events have effects.
21:41:36 <@Lily> It says nothing about spinal taps here
21:41:42 <Hippo> Lily: Oh man I think it would be super-interesting to have an SCP that's immune to all pain, even emotional pain. Just because I'd be really curious as to what that would look like.
21:41:54 <Hippo> Like I don't think it would be a *good* thing
21:42:01 <Tanta> Lily, you don't read neurophysiology journals
21:42:05 <Tanta> you are just a dilettante
21:42:08 <Tanta> play-acting on the internet
21:42:15 <Hippo> O_O
21:42:23 <@Lily> Don't be rude
21:42:29 <Tanta> hahah
21:42:29 <@Tuomey> Tanta: have you had a conversation with people before?
21:42:33 <Tanta> yeah
21:42:43 <Hippo> Tanta: Pretty sure we're all dilettantes!
21:42:46 <Modern_Erasmus> Reminds me of r/iamverysmart
21:42:54 <Hippo> I mean… unless there's a neurologist in the room. There might be! >_>
21:42:58 <Tanta> substance P is a new biomarker for people with chronic nerve pain
21:43:01 <@Tuomey> Going by your conduct thus far, you could've fooled me. Speaking as an operator, try to not be a dick.
21:43:03 <Tanta> it's not in clinical practice yet
21:43:11 <weryllium> .def dilettante
21:43:12 <%jarvis> weryllium: dilettante - noun: 1. An amateur, someone who dabbles in a field out of casual interest rather than as a profession or serious interest. 2. A person with a general but superficial interest in any art or a branch of knowledge. (Sometimes derogatory.). adjective: 1. Pertaining to or like a dilettante.
21:43:21 <NineVolt> Hippo Something that can't feel any pain at all would have a major disadvantage at survival
21:43:36 <Hippo> NineVolt: Yeah, I'm just thinking of applying that, like, emotionally
21:43:43 <NineVolt> Hippo Hmm
21:43:45 <Tanta> I don't follow rules or listen to people who try to boss me around
21:43:45 → surbet joined (moc.rr.ser.yncwt.0329BB2F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.yncwt.0329BB2F-CRInys|tibbiM)
21:43:52 <Hippo> Like physical pain is obviously for determining your current physical state
21:43:53 <phyre> Tanta, very few people read neurophysiology journals. If you do, yay for you. I'm sure there's something else you know very little about that someone here is an expert on.
21:44:08 <Hippo> So how does that apply to emotional pain, what happens when you can't feel emotional pain; you become oblivious to your emotional state, in some sens?
21:44:09 <Tanta> I've spent about 8k hours reading medical literature, phyre
21:44:11 <No0n3Left> You don't have to read insertlongword to know that the spine isn't what registers pain
21:44:15 <@Lily> Tanta: you have to follow the rules here, or you'll face disciplinary action
21:44:19 <Tanta> then boot me
21:44:22 — Tanta shrugs
21:44:23 <Tanta> your loss
21:44:26 ⇐ @Tuomey quit (sedillort.sospi.teillort|siuq#sedillort.sospi.teillort|siuq) Quit: ajax IRC Client
21:44:31 <Tanta> I am fearless
21:44:33 → @Tombstone (opped) joined
21:44:38 <@Lily> Good for you
21:44:41 <Hippo> Tanta: Why are you here? O_O
21:44:41 <phyre> Tanta, I hope you're not planning to be a doctor, because you seem like an arrogant asshat.
21:44:41 <Modern_Erasmus> Hippo: the karcist who lives in multiple bodies kinda reminds me of what you're talking about
21:44:46 <@Lily> Follow the rules in the future
21:44:48 Tombstone → @Tuomey
21:44:56 <Hippo> karcist?
21:44:59 <Tanta> hahaha
21:45:15 <stormfallen> scp-2075
21:45:15 <%jarvis> stormfallen: SCP-2075: The Way of All Flesh (written 2 years ago by Metaphysician; rating: +172) -
21:45:15 <Modern_Erasmus> Hippo: a Sarkic bishop basically
21:45:15 <Hippo> Tanta: You clearly already know more about this than anyone else here; you don't need advise, so…?
21:45:16 <No0n3Left> .def karcist
21:45:17 <%jarvis> no0n3left: racist - noun: 1. An advocate of racism. adjective: 1. Of, relating to, or advocating racism.
21:45:21 <NineVolt> Hippo That could be interesting. Just an emotionless unfeeling shell of an entity
21:45:23 <Tanta> I'm just seeing what you're made of
21:45:25 <Hippo> I am unfamiliar with sarkics!
21:45:31 <Tanta> hard to find conversational partners
21:45:34 <NineVolt> .s sarkicism
21:45:34 <%jarvis> ninevolt: Sarkicism Hub and SunnyClockwork's Artwork - CotBG and Sarkicism.
21:45:35 <mlister> Tanta You don't follow any rules? I take it that you ignore red lights?
21:45:35 <weryllium> Hippo: you've got some fun ahead
21:45:37 <NineVolt> .sm 1
21:45:38 <%jarvis> ninevolt: Sarkicism Hub (written a year ago by Metaphysician; rating: +135) -
21:45:48 <InitHello> Tanta: now there's a shocking revelation
21:45:54 — Hippo will check the Sarkic hub!
21:45:56 <ghostpage> decorating my backpack
21:46:09 <NineVolt> ghostpage Nice
21:46:21 <surbet> Evening guys, what's up?
21:46:27 <@Lily> ghostpage: gay
21:46:33 <Modern_Erasmus> Hippo:
21:46:34 <%jarvis> modern_erasmus: SCP-2075: The Way of All Flesh (written 2 years ago by Metaphysician; rating: +172) -
21:46:38 <SpookyPizza> ghostpage: neat
21:46:41 <Modern_Erasmus> This is the one I was talking about
21:46:44 <Hippo> Tanta: It sounds like we aren't made of the stuff you're looking for! Good luck finding partners to converse with!
21:46:49 <weryllium> surbet: stressing over unimportant skip backstory
21:47:00 <Tanta> you're made of soft serve and maggot spew
21:47:03 <Tanta> like most people
21:47:04 <ghostpage> SpookyPizza: shits gay fam
21:47:04 <stormfallen> .gis ultragay
21:47:05 <%jarvis> stormfallen: [1/10] ULTRA GAY (@Ultraagaay) | Twitter -
21:47:12 <InitHello> Tanta: and good luck keeping them, with that attitude
21:47:17 ← Tanta was kicked by @Lily: seriously, stop with the snark and dickery
21:47:19 <ghostpage> Tanta, edgy
21:47:23 <stormfallen> uh, why hasn't Tanta bee- oh
21:47:24 <weryllium> too slow, ghost
21:47:25 <ghostpage> Aww
21:47:25 → Tanta joined (~moc.swanozama.1-etupmoc.6F5246E5-CRInys|atnat#moc.swanozama.1-etupmoc.6F5246E5-CRInys|atnat)
21:47:25 <@Tuomey> Guys, enough dogpiling
21:47:39 — Hippo did not mean any of that sarcastically! >_
21:47:41 <Hippo> >_>
21:47:45 <Tanta> keep attacking me, it only feeds into my hatred
21:47:45 <phyre> Yeah, fair enough.
21:47:48 <Scented_Shadow> why is it called dogpiling, like what do dogs have to do with it
21:47:51 <Tanta> I don't mind
21:47:53 <Tanta> come on chlidren
21:47:54 <stormfallen> it's like seeing someone from /r/iamverysmart in IRL
21:47:55 <Scented_Shadow> sorry to just butt in
21:47:59 <SpookyPizza> Let's talk about puppies.
21:48:08 <SpookyPizza> .gis cute puppy
21:48:08 <Modern_Erasmus> stormfallen: I made the same comment earlier lol
21:48:09 <@Lily> Tanta: anyway yeah start acting mature right away or you'll get a ban
21:48:09 <%jarvis> spookypizza: [1/10] 25+ best ideas about Cute Puppies on Pinterest | Cute baby dogs … -
21:48:12 <surbet> weryllium sounds like either hell, or a gun time. Depending on how long it takes
21:48:13 <Scented_Shadow> but this is an important issue
21:48:13 <@Tuomey> Tanta: Op order. Start acting like an adult.
21:48:17 <stormfallen> Modern_Erasmus: I've been afk
21:48:18 <@Tuomey> Oops, sorry Lily
21:48:22 <surbet> fun not gun
21:48:29 <@Lily> Tuomey: pls no dogpile
21:48:30 <@Lily> Tuomey: <3
21:48:35 <stormfallen> orp abuse
21:48:38 <Tanta> Lily, the only thing smellier than your intellect is your mother's rotten cunt that birthed you
21:48:41 <weryllium> surbet: both, actually
21:48:44 <@Lily> lmao
21:48:45 <Tanta> eat that bitch
21:48:50 <phyre> Very mature, Tanta.
21:48:50 <@Lily> Smooth
21:48:52 <Modern_Erasmus> Jfc
21:48:57 <surbet> Sounds right
21:49:01 <stormfallen> this is gonna be a fun 05 log
21:49:05 @Lily banned *!* (+b)
21:49:06 <phyre> I must admit it was descriptive, though.
21:49:08 <Hippo> Also, NineVolt, I'd want to avoid, like — the 'cold unfeeling shell' idea like
21:49:10 ← Tanta was kicked by @Lily
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~