Artoax, as evidenced by logs below, is 13.
13:58 Artoax Um
13:59 Zyn Levi: thanks!
13:59 Levi you welcome boss
13:59 Zyn I'm gonna… shovel some deletion votes off the site
13:59 mlister Zyn Good luck
13:59 Artoax I just need some help on this
13:59 Zyn mlister: ;-;
14:00 Artoax ;-;
14:00 Artoax I don't know about my fridge SCP
14:00 Artoax The execution is terrible as fuck
14:00 Zyn .seen Sly161
14:00 jarvis zyn: sly161 was last seen 14 minutes ago saying: Zyn It's not even supposed to be that hot I have one that supposed to be like horrible
14:01 Zyn Sly161, whenever you get back, I've PMed you a conversation about the collab draft
14:02 Sly161 ye I've been reading ur fish collab, almost done
14:03 Artoax ….
14:03 Artoax yeah, um
14:03 Artoax my executions are terrible
14:04 QP Hey, all!
14:04 Levi hi!
14:04 Artoax is sad about making SCP's
14:04 Zyn Sly161: I mean our collab draft lolol
14:04 Zyn QP: WELCOME
14:04 Zyn hmm
14:04 Modern_Erasmus Zyn: you had me at nereids
14:04 Zyn .ch pasta, deletions
14:04 jarvis zyn: pasta
14:04 Zyn pasta it is
14:04 Zyn Modern_Erasmus:
14:05 Zyn QP picked that MTF
14:05 Modern_Erasmus Trying to bribe my upvote a with mythology references
14:05 Zyn brb really quick, going to get some pasta outta the fridge
14:05 Zyn am hungers
14:05 QP yeyy someone likes my MTF
14:05 Modern_Erasmus I wish I could say that wouldn't work lol
14:05 QP it's only way I know how to get an upvote
14:05 Modern_Erasmus Nice pick qp!
14:05 QP Thanks! ^_^
14:07 Sly161 Zyn Oh I know but I've been reading the one you linked since you linked it. I just posted crit on the thread. I really liked it I just had some minor nitpicks
14:07 Artoax I mean
14:07 Artoax I probably don't have time
14:07 Artoax And I always rush for some reason
14:08 Artoax That's probably the problem
14:08 QP Thanks, Sly! I'll write up a thingamabob in response.
14:09 Sly161 Oh I didn't see you joined QP lol I would have pinged you too
14:09 Zyn marpa
14:10 Artoax hey um
14:10 Artoax hello?
14:10 Zyn I am back, with pasta… that is kind of too hot.
14:10 Artoax shit.
14:10 Zyn Artoax: ?
14:10 Zyn Need something?
14:10 Artoax i can't write an SCP
14:10 Artoax i always rush
14:10 Zyn uh
14:10 Artoax and the executions are terrible.
14:11 Levi Self loathing doesn't get you anywhere man. I understand that feeling and pain (right now, in fact), but you gotta understand that it doesn't do much of anything
14:12 Artoax i know man…
14:12 Modern_Erasmus Zyn: QP the last bit of the table flows (no pun intended) a bit oddly. For one thing, I'd change the "establishment of" to some variant of "following this event the base was established." Also, the 3rd manifestation was deadly, which made it feel odd that the comparatively lower stakes (but weirder) fourth appearance prompted making the base. I'd suggest swapping 3 and 4
14:12 Artoax i just need help
14:12 Levi And we'll give you all the help you need.
14:12 Artoax and i don't mind if you can grammatically change my pange
14:12 Artoax page*
14:12 Levi No need to do this.
14:13 Zyn Artoax: what's the most recent writing class you've taken at school?
14:13 QP I don't want to interrupt this convo @Modern_Erasmus, can I shoot you a PM?
14:13 Zyn If you're unfamiliar with clinical tone (which tends to not get introduced until AP English in high school, or college upper-div) then you can look at school resources for tips
14:15 Artoax i don't think i take writing classes.
14:15 Modern_Erasmus QP: of course
14:16 QP Thanks!
14:16 Zyn Artoax: what grade are you in then?
14:16 Levi I've never taken any. Other than one, but I only went there once or twice a semester
14:17 Levi It was extracurricular creative writing
14:17 Levi but whateves
14:17 Zyn My parents put me through creative writing summer school every year of elementary school lol
14:17 Artoax Hm
14:18 Artoax I just don't know
14:18 Levi I never really got into writing till I started on this site
14:18 Levi Never had any experience up to that point
14:18 Artoax I can't write because I mostly draw
14:18 Zyn Artoax: Nearly everything I know about writing I learned in a classroom.
14:19 Zyn If you didn't get enough material in school, there's still school stuff you can look at
14:19 Zyn study guides for in-class essays, that sort of thing.
14:19 Levi Zyn is it weird that most of my writing experience comes from doing hand on stuff instead of classroom material?
14:20 Levi fictional writing, I mean
14:22 Zyn Levi: nah. Remember, I took a bunch of extra classes, and I had more textbooks than I had friends.
14:22 Levi Dang
14:24 Levi also, sorry for not critiquing anything zyn. Had some summer work to do and all. Will be doing it now
14:27 Zyn Levi: no worries. IRL always comes first.
14:28 Artoax hm
14:28 Artoax I probably am in 7th grade but I don't think it has writing
14:29 Artoax I think it probably does, but I'm just not good at it
14:29 Zyn …
14:29 Zyn Artoax: how old are you?
14:39 Artoax 15
14:39 Artoax I just need to practice on how to make a good SCP
14:40 Levi Isn't the average age for seventh grade 12 to 13?
14:46 Artoax Oh.
14:46 Modern_Erasmus Levi: in the us it definitely is
14:47 DrChandra Anyone on here looking to read my SCP Draft before I post? It's a Herman Fuller SCP about Sugar Golems.
14:47 Artoax Can you please let it slide? I actually try my best to make these SCP's and I'm handling this very maturely.
14:47 Artoax DrChandra Okay
14:47 Modern_Erasmus Artoax: just give yourself a few years to mature as a person and a writer. There's a reason there's an age limit
14:47 Modern_Erasmus The wiki will still be there in 2 or 3 years
14:47 DrChandra I thought you read it already Artoax.
14:48 Artoax Oh yeah I did
14:48 Artoax I read the thing DrChandra
14:48 Artoax I want to try and see if I can read any articles and see if I could write like that
14:49 Artoax because it's detailed and nice
14:51 Artoax Will you let it slide though?
14:52 Zyn Artoax: I don't believe you're 15, sorry.
14:52 tretter sleepily blinks
14:52 tretter When was I pinged?
14:53 tretter Oh, critstuff
14:53 tretter Carry on
14:53 Zyn tretter: earlier, when QP and I had a draft.
14:53 Zyn go back to sleep if you need
14:53 tretter Right
14:53 tretter Nah, doing May news
14:53 tretter Just tired from work.
14:53 Zyn k
14:53 Tufto tretter when's that likely to be up, out of interest?
14:53 Artoax Well I mean
14:53 Sly161 tretter yaaaaay May is when I started posting stuff
14:53 Artoax I'm 2 years away from being 15
14:53 Artoax Will the Foundation still be up in 2018?
14:53 Zyn Artoax: yeah, and uh
14:53 Zyn it kind of shows.
14:54 Artoax And by the time, could there be Series 6 SCP's?
14:54 Zyn Definitely, at the rate we're going at.
14:54 Zyn Hmm.
14:54 Zyn Probably Series V, but not sure.
14:54 Sly161 We've been up since 2008
14:54 Zyn I think we get through a series every… 1.5 years?
14:54 Zyn it's been getting faster since we've grown much more in the last few years.
14:54 * Sync quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
14:54 tretter 2.5, Zyn
14:54 tretter I counted
14:54 Zyn Ah, right.
14:55 Zyn Artoax: I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
14:55 Zyn We have an age limit here that the site is very strict on.
14:55 Artoax Okay I guess.
14:55 * Artoax quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
2-year chatban. Will pull this up on the wiki if they have an account there.