So… this is the announcements forum:
This is the (hidden) deleted threads forum:
In the last week alone, we've had at least two single-announcement threads be posted in announcements almost every day (June 6 had… five such threads?)
Given that staff has been deleting these (and in my case, PMing the original poster since sometimes we get people who just create duplicate threads when the first one goes missing) and it takes time and effort, I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just lock the forum from non-mods/admins from making new threads (the way we did for the Introductions forum)? That'll make it more obvious to people attempting to jump the gun that there are directions to follow (i.e., use the collective threads).
If any non-mods/admins need to make an announcement threads, they can create the thread in General and someone will move it. I'd rather just have staff need to move one thread (or less) a month or something than the 15-20ish we've been getting lately.