Joined 17 acting underage, turns out they were 13. Banned for 18 months.
15:19:16 <SCP-8178-A> can somebody create a SCP-601-B for me?
15:19:31 <SCP-8178-A> please
15:19:37 <SCP-8178-A> anyone
15:20:12 <%minmin> ???
15:20:14 <%minmin> how do you mean
15:20:25 <%minmin> this isn't a roleplay site anyway
15:20:28 <%minmin> pls change your nick
15:21:35 <SCP-8178-A> are you a staff
15:21:41 <%minmin> I'm a chat operator
15:21:42 <%LilyAFK> he's chat staff
15:21:50 <SCP-8178-A> ok sorry
15:21:53 <%LilyAFK> SCP-8178-A: change your nick to something not including SCP
15:22:00 ⇐ SCP-8178-A quit (ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.A11F2056-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.A11F2056-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
15:22:00 <%LilyAFK> Type /nick newnick
15:22:04 <%LilyAFK> Or do that
15:22:04 <%minmin> lel
15:22:06 <%minmin> gg
15:22:09 LilyAFK → %Lily
15:22:25 → Alexander joined (ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.A11F2056-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.A11F2056-CRInys|tibbiM)
15:22:41 <%Lily> Alexander: welcome back
15:22:48 <%Lily> now, do you have a question for staff?
15:23:23 ⇐ Hexi quit • Alexander → Guest19238
15:23:35 <Guest19238> no
15:24:00 <Guest19238> i want my name as Alexander
15:24:10 <%Lily> Alexander seems to be registered
15:24:13 <&Quikngruvn> Someone already registered it.
15:24:16 <%Lily> You'll have to pick another name
15:24:24 <%Lily> Type /nick newnick
15:24:26 <Guest19238> can i be Ash or Alex
15:24:32 <%Lily> yes
15:24:38 <&Quikngruvn> Depends on what's already registered.
15:24:42 <&Quikngruvn> You can certainly try.
15:24:47 Guest19238 → Ash
15:24:56 <Ash> done
15:25:08 <%ChaoSera> Ash is registered
15:25:09 <Ash> thanks
15:25:12 <%ChaoSera> Alex isn't, though
15:25:19 <%Lily> Ash: you can't use that nick either
15:25:21 <%Lily> It's registered
15:25:30 <%Lily> So you won't be able to get into 19
15:25:36 Ash → Alex
15:25:40 <Alex> better
15:25:49 <%Lily> yes
15:25:57 <%Lily> now, do you have a question for staff
15:26:53 <Alex> i have to work i am in school i may pause sometimes and if i do i am working
15:27:12 <%Lily> Okay :P
15:27:48 <%ChaoSera> Alex: Out of curiosity, how old are you?
15:28:02 <Alex> 13 but please dont kick me
15:28:15 <%Lily> Sadly the age limit is 15
15:28:24 <%Lily> You'll have to leave and come back when you're 15
15:28:45 <Alex> no please
15:28:51 <%Lily> That's the rules
15:28:57 ← TrennerD left (PI.6D8B8E56.AEB852FA.D4A5C43F|tibbiM#PI.6D8B8E56.AEB852FA.D4A5C43F|tibbiM)
15:28:59 <Alex> i am a big fan
15:29:06 <%Lily> You can still read the site
15:29:08 <%ChaoSera> Sorry, we can't make exceptions
15:29:13 <%Lily> Just not join it or chat
15:29:24 <Alex> i will do anything
15:29:26 <&Quikngruvn> We appreciate it, and with any luck we'll still be here in a couple years.
15:29:34 <%Lily> No exceptions
15:29:44 <&Quikngruvn> Alex, wait a couple years. That's what you can do.
15:29:52 <Alex> ok
15:29:58 <Alex> i will
15:30:11 <Alex> ;-; cya
15:30:16 <&Quikngruvn> See you then!
15:30:18 <%Lily> Goodbye
15:30:18 ⇐ Alex quit • KathsAway → Kath
15:30:18 ⇐ Alex quit (ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.A11F2056-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ssenisubtsacmoc.cfh.A11F2056-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
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