User was banned by dox for being a general nuisance. Among other things, he impersonated Gerald, then would sit around saying only his name over and over. When asked why, he would insult the questioner.
Some kind of bad troll, I guess.
User was banned by dox for being a general nuisance. Among other things, he impersonated Gerald, then would sit around saying only his name over and over. When asked why, he would insult the questioner.
Some kind of bad troll, I guess.
I did make him lose his chex mix, so I feel kind of bad.
03[00:47] * consuelo (~moc.rr.ser.lfc.38E1118A-CRInys|alliztahc#moc.rr.ser.lfc.38E1118A-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined #site19
[00:47] <Gwendolyn> They must be pretty easy to push over
[00:47] <consuelo> ouch my ribs
[00:48] <The_Tailor> Reminds me of those cartoon skeletons used in plagiarism lawsuits
[00:49] <%cuttlefishyoric> consuelo. who the fuck are you and why are we expected to care about your ribs?
though for the record, if I ever see you greet a new user into the chat like that, yoric, be prepared for a few day's ban and to lose your % permanently.
That was after he rejoined post imitating metaphorphosis, I think, though I may be thinking of someone else.
that was the first time he ever came into the room.
Okay, I went through the logs and read -every single thing- this kid said, and has said about him, ect.
except for occasionally talking about his ribs (wtf?) and saying his own name a lot, he was a generally interesting member of the chat. And the gerald thing, it seems, was probably just a misunderstanding, from what both Light and gerald himself have told me.
SO, I'm amenable to the possibility that he could be unbanned under probation, but I'm giving this a day so I can hear any opinions if they're here to be had.
I seriously thought he was a bot for the longest time.
I just banned "PhillipMan", "MoroseMan", and "whig" from site19. they all came from "#morosemotherfucker" and/or "#ragsnarok", the same channels consuelo usually inhabits. Here's a transcript
<Trace>: E.T.
<whig>: consuelo
<MoroseMan>: knew about consuelo except us
<PhillipMan>: you get to me an idea consuelo was a fake account for amusing inane comments
<exitStrategy>: "Also, I wish FamilyWatchdog didn’t have everything in capital letters, because the tone is important."
<MoroseMan>: what, you are a fish, and as you might see this is evidence of that inane sherlock holmes book now
<exitStrategy>: Nice.
<PhillipMan>: sounds amusing inane comments
<PhillipMan>: also, do not have an idea consuelo was a long, long time trying to get other people may decide not to hear god rest ye merry gentlemen
<MoroseMan>: merry gentlemen
<MoroseMan>: organization, really inane comments
<PhillipMan>: of that inane sherlock holmes book now
<MoroseMan>: not really inane comments
<PhillipMan>: merry gentlemen in every comic or would somehow talk to MoroseMan for the gcf files
<MoroseMan>: merry gentlemen
<PhillipMan>: i, really inane comments
<PhillipMan>: merry gentlemen time
<MoroseMan>: merry gentlemen
<PhillipMan>: gentlemen
<MoroseMan>: wink's account for amusing inane comments
<MoroseMan>: merry gentlemen time
<PhillipMan>: merry gentlemen time
<PhillipMan>: tried the mouse, really inane comments
<Trace>: I hurt yourself
<whig>: what is up, my friends
<MoroseMan>: what up, my man
<PhillipMan>: they would take a break up, and that actions speak louder than words
<PhillipMan>: shit sails in the middle in my head hurt
<MoroseMan>: clunky to play is going to include mouse, keyboard you should be ashamed
<MoroseMan>: a lot of things wildly here to hurt you, man
<MoroseMan>: merry gentlemen in every comic or would somehow talk to PhillipMan while shouting you!!
<MoroseMan>: speak louder than words
<PhillipMan>: in one sitting up, or evolve
<PhillipMan>: merry gentlemen
<PhillipMan>: great, brain hurt
<Dr_Kens>: …
<MoroseMan>: brain hurt
<PhillipMan>: it feels clunky to play with it
<MoroseMan>: ye merry gentlemen
<PhillipMan>: ye
<MoroseMan>: ye
<PhillipMan>: blast ye
<MoroseMan>: ye
<MoroseMan>: douchebag in one sitting up, or evolve
- A_Fat_Ghost has banned *!*
*** MoroseMan was kicked by A_Fat_Ghost (A_Fat_Ghost)
*** PhillipMan was kicked by A_Fat_Ghost (A_Fat_Ghost)
<Dr_Kens>: What the hell was that?
<Quinsisdos>: A bot, by the looks of things
<whig>: i don't know
<A_Fat_Ghost>: more consuelos
<AncientHistory>: "South of the border/down Mexico way…"
<AssertiveRoland>: I return!
<A_Fat_Ghost>: for that matter, who's whig?
<exitStrategy>: MegaHAL bots.
*** Kaos-Machina is now known as Dr-Machina
<Quinsisdos>: This thing is so much fun
--- A_Fat_Ghost has banned *!*
*** whig was kicked by A_Fat_Ghost (A_Fat_Ghost)
whig pm'd me with the standard "i am not a bot", to which I replied that I don't care, and he pretty much said "damn" and gave up.
consuelo has been banned *AGAIN*.
He has been constantly ban evading frequently over the past few weeks. This time, he was using the “whig” name again.
I'm getting so fed up with him.
[01:16:23] < whig> consuelo
[01:20:11] *** mode/#site19 [+o Johnson] by ChanServ
[01:20:34] *** mode/#site19 [+b *!*] by Johnson
[01:20:49] *** whig was kicked from #site19 by ChanServ [Requested (Johnson)]
Could have sworn there was a more recent thread about this dude, but unable to locate. In any case, he's been re-banned by Echo under the hostmask *!*@1BF2BD2C.C0017F6.F09CBE48.IP
He stated that he needed to get back into the cool IRC room site19 for urgent reasons, pleading for several minutes, and stated in South Park Saddam-like fashion that he had changed, so he's currently un-b& at the moment.
Military Consultant, SCP Wiki
User showed up again, and, surprisingly, refused to say anything but Consuelo, (besides acknowledging me when I warned him not to say repeat Consuelo).
Discussion with present ops determined that we'd ban him if he did it again (I'd warned him this was a possibility previously). And then he did it again:
<consuelo> consuelo
- Superblobby (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.A29D10F7-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.A29D10F7-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Metaphysician> Activate a reality anchor? Oh fucking god…
<Superblobby> Hai
<R-Reach> Reject: Copy. Don't know where I heard that.
<R-Reach> consuelo: hush now.
<Metaphysician> …We've been invaded without knowing it;p
<Superblobby> Can you help me edit my scp
<Reject> like if you wanted to document SCP-1451 for example, and didnt want a reality bender to fuck with your documentation, you'd put a hard copy in an SRA
<Silber> ProcyonLotor
<Wcctnoam> SCP-1451
<Alexandra> Wcctnoam: SCP-1451 (Sunken Children's Perimeter, Written by Reject, Rating:+92) -
<Superblobby> [[>]] [[module rate]] [[/>]] item # SCP-2175 special containment procedures:SCP-2175 must be kept at zone 19 in a metal box and may only be accessed by level 2 clearance or more, due to the fact that it causes extreme trauma when it enters the body. It must be changed monthly. Object Class: Safe Description Once the worm enters the body, t
<Reject> superblobby pls
- Superblobby has quit (Quit: Superblobby)
- nbb (moc.retrahc.iw.nsdm.pchd.82FACC1B-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.retrahc.iw.nsdm.pchd.82FACC1B-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*@46730DD7.3B923A65.306722CC.IP
- ProcyonLotor has kicked consuelo from #site19 (You have been warned. You can enter #site17 to appeal.)
- consuelo (~PI.CC227603.56A329B3.7DD03764|giw#PI.CC227603.56A329B3.7DD03764|giw) has joined
<consuelo> hello friends
<ProcyonLotor> Hello.
<consuelo> what is up
<Tombstone> consuelo: do you have an appeal
<ProcyonLotor> This channel is not for general discussion.
<consuelo> damn
<ProcyonLotor> If you're not going to appeal your ban, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
- consuelo (~PI.CC227603.56A329B3.7DD03764|giw#PI.CC227603.56A329B3.7DD03764|giw) has left
also if he actually appeals feel free to commute the ban to 24 hrs or … not commute the ban at all, because lol.
After sitting in 17 not appealing for a long time this happened I told him to come back when he could actually talk
Dude's just fucking with us
I should point out that this was after he told us about going to get Arby's, which enforces my point that he's just fucking with us
00:16 consuelo hello friends
00:17 Tombstone consuelo: ok, do you actually have anything to say in appeal
00:17 consuelo yes
00:18 ProcyonLotor Go on.
00:18 consuelo i must cook dinner first
00:18 Tombstone No
00:18 ProcyonLotor You just had dinner. Try again.
00:18 ProcyonLotor You get right now.
00:18 Tombstone You say it now
00:18 Tombstone Or you leave
00:18 consuelo i am cooking up a chorizo stew
00:19 ProcyonLotor It will wait. We're not going to anymore.
00:19 consuelo what do you mean it will wait, i have to be attentive to the cooking process
00:19 Tombstone consuelo: you can come back when you're ready to talk
00:19 * consuelo was kicked by Tombstone (come back when you can talk)
00:22 * consuelo joined #site17
00:22 ProcyonLotor You ready now?
00:22 Tombstone consuelo: are you ready to talk
00:22 consuelo the chorizo stew is almost finished cooking
00:22 * consuelo was kicked by Tombstone (come back when you're ready to appeal)
00:24 * consuelo joined #site17
00:25 consuelo i cannot just stop cooking my chorizo stew in order to talk to you about an i.r.c. channel, friends
00:25 consuelo it is a time-sensitive process
00:25 * consuelo was kicked by Tombstone (then don't return until it is finished)
00:34 * consuelo joined #site17
00:35 consuelo shit i am sorry i did not mean to rejoin
00:35 * consuelo left #site17