12:18 PM → msogg3298 joined (PI.66DB7C6A.28B01578.F22E87D7|tibbiM#PI.66DB7C6A.28B01578.F22E87D7|tibbiM)
12:18 PM <msogg3298> Hello
12:18 PM <@AidenEldritch> it is
12:18 PM <@AidenEldritch> glorious
12:18 PM <InitHello> http://imgur.com/gallery/JkBEX (content warning: weapons-grade adorable)
12:18 PM <msogg3298> Do you know when next patch of applicants are accepted?
12:19 PM <InitHello> whenever the site staff gets around to it, I imagine
12:19 PM → Alchemy, DogTeeth and MacLeod joined
12:20 PM <MacLeod> jar-jar, got anything for me?
12:20 PM <MacLeod> nope.
12:20 PM → Dr0Shadow joined (~ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.1D704A79-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.1D704A79-CRInys|alliztahc)
12:21 PM <MacLeod> !outbound —echo
12:21 PM <MacLeod> !outbound —purge help
12:21 PM <MacLeod> fuck.
12:21 PM <MacLeod> ok.
12:21 PM <MacLeod> hrm.
12:21 PM <MacLeod> ok.
12:21 PM <DogTeeth> Jarvis not working?
12:22 PM <Dr0Shadow> Is the naming convention for Operations in universe inaccurate to real life equivalents?
12:22 PM <MacLeod> .tell bryx in the offhand chance you have not been swallowed by the aether, hmu about the fred business next time we're both in IRC. if we don't run into each other again, safe travels, friend. fred's in good hands.
12:22 PM <%jarvis> macleod: Sent.
12:23 PM <Dr0Shadow> …
12:23 PM <MacLeod> DogTeeth: i checked my outbound tells then tried to delete a specific .tell and deleted them all instead.
12:23 PM <Dr0Shadow> MacLeod: What?
12:23 PM <DogTeeth> MacLeod ooh, shit.
12:23 PM <MacLeod> Dr0Shadow: never sent a .tell before?
12:23 PM <MacLeod> DogTeeth: i checked my tells so i was able to send the one that mattered again just now.
12:23 PM <@Tuomey> good thing you echoed them first
12:23 PM <Dr0Shadow> MacLeod: I meant the content.
12:23 PM <msogg3298> Hey I just wrote an SCP, and I was wondering if it's worthy to go on the main category (3000-3999) Need some general critique.
12:24 PM <DogTeeth> MacLeod that's good
12:24 PM <Dr0Shadow> MacLeod: You know, nevermind
12:24 PM <MacLeod> Dr0Shadow: bryx is my homeboi. the rest is sekrit.
12:24 PM <MacLeod> Tuomey: yes.
12:24 PM <DogTeeth> msogg3298, link your draft here!
12:24 PM <MacLeod> Dr0Shadow: re: operations, just follow this mantra.]
12:25 PM <DogTeeth> (Also, I was wondering if I could get help for the same thing.)
12:25 PM <MacLeod> .y ss make shit up
12:25 PM <%jarvis> macleod: [1/10] Voltaire- USS Make Shit Up- Lyrics - length 4m6s - 1327↑24↓ - 155,801 views - Storm .X on 2010-06-18 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=4bBD5yyT-s0
12:25 PM → Waterfire joined (~ten.nozirev.soif.dmmtlb.F0A28EC5-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.nozirev.soif.dmmtlb.F0A28EC5-CRInys|alliztahc)
12:25 PM <MacLeod> juuuuust
12:25 PM <MacLeod> bounce a graviton particle beam off the main reflector dish
12:25 PM <Waterfire> Hey guys
12:25 PM <DogTeeth> Heyo
12:25 PM <MacLeod> ohai dere
12:25 PM <AdrienLane> link ur stuff guys! I'd appreciate some critique as well http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/adrien-lane
12:25 PM <Waterfire> http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/c-50864/help:drafts-and-critiques
12:26 PM <DogTeeth> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/dog-teeth
12:26 PM <DogTeeth> Yes, I've used that forum
12:26 PM <msogg3298> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/msogg It's under SCP-3172 (Also, apologies for giving it a number, I remembered that I wasnt allowed to do that at the last second, will probably chance it to XXXX later) Thanks ~
12:26 PM <Waterfire> Just gonna note that a bunch of things ended up going to the fourth and fifth page
12:26 PM ⇐ Artoka quit (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.C0EC36FE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.C0EC36FE-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
12:26 PM <DogTeeth> I was hoping for some more immediate feedback here since my draft has a high reply count and is unlikely to receive any more critique there
12:26 PM <Dr0Shadow> MacLeod: This is the best
12:26 PM ⇐ Expletive quit (PI.F09989BD.2863B8D7.E5AF4D9D|tibbiM#PI.F09989BD.2863B8D7.E5AF4D9D|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
12:26 PM <Waterfire> OK, time to pick which one to critique
12:26 PM <msogg3298> Any feedback appreciated
12:26 PM <Joreth> I wrote a long lenghty paragraph submitting to the vox borders thing and I feel like they didn't even look at it
12:27 PM <MacLeod> and i said bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish, that's the way we do things lad, we're making shit up as we wish!
12:27 PM <msogg3298> Spent a lot of time on SCP-3172, and tried my very hardest, please don't bully me too hard
12:27 PM <%ARD> !SCP-3172
12:27 PM <%jarvis> ard: Page not found.
12:27 PM <MacLeod> Dr0Shadow: literally my motto when it comes to writing for this site
12:27 PM <Dr0Shadow> XD
12:28 PM → SpookyBee joined • Decibelle → Deci|Dinner
12:29 PM <MacLeod> you laugh, i'm dead serious. I don't ever look at anything besides my own work and stuff i want to shout out for reference.
12:29 PM <Photosynthetic> msogg3298, if anyone bullies you — and I mean *bullying*, not critique — please let the mods know.
12:29 PM — SpookyBee lies on the floor
12:29 PM <DogTeeth> SpookyBee you have the best name
12:29 PM <SpookyBee> ok
12:29 PM <MacLeod> Photosynthetic: i think they're just a precocious newbie, no need to polish eviction mjolnir just yet.
12:29 PM <msogg3298> oh, alright
12:30 PM <DogTeeth> Eviction mjolnir has to be the most prestigious term for ban hammer I've ever heard and I love it
12:30 PM <Photosynthetic> MacLeod, no banhammer here! Just trying to communicate our bullying policy. :P
12:30 PM <MacLeod> aye
12:30 PM <MacLeod> o7
12:30 PM <Photosynthetic> Which basically boils down to "don't".
12:30 PM ⇐ Gaffsey quit (seye.ruoy.ni.regnarts|ees.i#seye.ruoy.ni.regnarts|ees.i) Ping timeout: 180 seconds
12:30 PM <DogTeeth> Alternatively, we can simplify it down to "the kick stick"
12:30 PM <Photosynthetic> Sayonara sledge?
12:31 PM <MacLeod> DogTeeth: i hearby release "eviction mjolnir" under creative commons 3.0 sharealike license.
12:31 PM <MacLeod> plz credit pl0x
12:31 PM <Waterfire> AdrienLane which tab was it
12:31 PM <Photosynthetic> Fuck-off mallet?
12:31 PM → LarryBroggs joined (moc.retrahc.ac.kptm.citats.829FF43-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.retrahc.ac.kptm.citats.829FF43-CRInys|tibbiM)
12:32 PM <Photosynthetic> Shillelagh of Proscription?
12:32 PM <Photosynthetic> …okay, I'll stop.
12:32 PM <MacLeod> Photosynthetic: i'm sticking with eviction mjolnir, thx
12:32 PM <DogTeeth> Shit's Outta Here-Slammer
12:32 PM <msogg3298> is anyone critiquing my work?
12:32 PM → Artoka joined (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.C0EC36FE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.C0EC36FE-CRInys|tibbiM)
12:32 PM <Waterfire> Msogg3298 I'll take it
12:32 PM <msogg3298> take it?
12:33 PM <Waterfire> As in read it over
12:33 PM <msogg3298> you liked it? :DD
12:33 PM <DogTeeth> Critique here would be much appreciated as well! I'd like to know what I should tweak, and if/when it could be considered ready to post.
12:33 PM <Waterfire> BTW, you know the image formatting
12:33 PM <msogg3298> not too much
12:33 PM <msogg3298> i tried doing the one image format
12:33 PM <msogg3298> where it's smaller
12:33 PM <Waterfire> Ok, one moment,
12:33 PM <AdrienLane> Waterfire it's under Wantstone
12:33 PM <@ProcyonSick> It's… pretty bad, msogg3298
12:33 PM <msogg3298> and you can place a caption
12:34 PM <msogg3298> Oh? Why's that?
12:34 PM Soulless → &Soulless|Dreamin
12:34 PM <@ProcyonSick> You flood the description with useless crap instead or actually describing it, for one
12:34 PM <Waterfire> Msogg3298, http://www.scp-wiki.net/how-to-write-an-scp under the tab "Formatting", use that image template
12:34 PM <%jarvis> waterfire: How To Write An SCP (written 8 years ago by The Administrator; rating: +65) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/how-to-write-an-scp
12:34 PM <msogg3298> also DogTeeth critique (SCP-3172) if need something to critique: http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/msogg would help me out a lot
12:34 PM <@ProcyonSick> I want to know what it is before I know what its weight is.
12:35 PM ⇐ MacLeod quit (~PI.1E38B9A7.4D6CF259.E7CD02AD|doeLcaM#PI.1E38B9A7.4D6CF259.E7CD02AD|doeLcaM) Ping timeout: 180 seconds
12:35 PM <msogg3298> but it says it's an old car radio like right after that?
12:35 PM <@ProcyonSick> Don't lead by calling it 'it'
12:35 PM <DogTeeth> msogg3298, I'm seeing a lot of its/it's spelling errors
12:35 PM <msogg3298> and i dont know how else to describe it, it's a fairly basic item
12:36 PM <@ProcyonSick> Start with it being a car radio
12:36 PM <@ProcyonSick> That should be the first thing
12:36 PM <msogg3298> what else should I call it? saying SCP-3172 over and over again makes it look very messy + longer
12:36 PM <@ProcyonSick> And don't say resembles, it either is or isn't
12:36 PM <msogg3298> well, it's a car radio, but it doesn't act like a car radio…
12:37 PM ⇐ @Wogglebug quit (ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW#ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW) Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 53.0.3/20170518000419]
12:37 PM <@ProcyonSick> Have you, like, read any other articles? That's what we do
12:37 PM <msogg3298> i've read a couple
12:37 PM <AdrienLane> Msogg3298 generally saying SCP-XXXX does make it a little repetitive, but clinical is kind of what most people go for
12:37 PM <@ProcyonSick> Read more.
12:37 PM <@ProcyonSick> A lot more.
12:37 PM ⇐ @Silber and Artoka quit
12:37 PM <@ProcyonSick> You're not going to be successful until you read. A lot.
12:37 PM <@ProcyonSick> No way, no how.
12:37 PM <Larpnochez> I read most of series 1 before I even joined.
12:37 PM <Modern_Erasmus> If you must, you can also refer to it as "the object" for variety's sake
12:37 PM <Waterfire> AdrienLane The formatting of this needs to be cleaned up
12:37 PM <msogg3298> DogTeeth can you point out the its/it's errors for me or even just edit it? im having trouble noticing them
12:38 PM → @Silber (opped) joined
12:38 PM <Modern_Erasmus> And ProcyonSick is right
12:38 PM <DogTeeth> Does anyone have the link to the its/it's site?
12:38 PM <Waterfire> A lot of the formatting is disorganized at the moment
12:38 PM <@ProcyonSick> Don't even bother writing an article until you've read a shitton more
12:38 PM <AdrienLane> dude ProcyonSick I think he gets it
12:38 PM <DogTeeth> Hold on, my bad; my eyes crapped out and thought one of the its was a typo
12:38 PM <msogg3298> how many have you read then?
12:38 PM <AdrienLane> Waterfire which things need fixing?
12:39 PM <msogg3298> i don't feel like reading 000-3999 tbh
12:39 PM <Waterfire> So like
12:39 PM <msogg3298> that's gonna be a long time :(
12:39 PM <Waterfire> OK, so first the thing above the containment procedures,
12:39 PM <@ProcyonSick> AdrienLane: let me critique. When you've critiques as many people as I have, then you can tell me what and what not to do.
12:39 PM <Waterfire> It;s just kinda floating there, for lack of a better word
12:40 PM <msogg3298> ProcyonStick ego's is so high it's almost hilarious
12:40 PM <msogg3298> ego*
12:40 PM → @Silberescher (opped) joined
12:40 PM <Dr0Shadow> What iphone app would you guys suggest for IRCing
12:40 PM <Waterfire> I;ve seen warnings like that in previous articles; they generally go in a box above everything else
12:40 PM <msogg3298> the containment procedues are nicely detailed
12:40 PM <@Tuomey> msogg3298: if he was wrong one of us other staffers would step in
12:40 PM <msogg3298> procedures*
12:40 PM <Modern_Erasmus> Dr0Shadow: I'm using IRCCloud
12:40 PM ← msogg3298 was kicked by @ProcyonSick: or, you know, I don't like people who don't know what they're doing bossing me around. Or people begging for help insulting me
12:41 PM <Waterfire> Msogg3298 Procy has been here for at least 3 and a half years
12:41 PM <Waterfire> …nevermind then
12:41 PM <AdrienLane> Waterfire so just box them? is it fine to leave it at the top
12:41 PM — Iodacted claps
12:41 PM → msogg3298 joined (PI.66DB7C6A.28B01578.F22E87D7|tibbiM#PI.66DB7C6A.28B01578.F22E87D7|tibbiM)
12:41 PM <DogTeeth> May I submit my SCP for critique?
12:41 PM <DogTeeth> It'
12:41 PM <@ProcyonSick> Five+ actually
12:41 PM <msogg3298> go ahead
12:41 PM <DogTeeth> oops
12:41 PM <@ProcyonSick> Are we quite clear, msogg3298?
12:41 PM <Waterfire> AdrienLane, hold on, let me find an example of what I was talking about
12:41 PM <DogTeeth> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/dog-teeth
12:41 PM <@Tuomey> > five+
12:41 PM <@Tuomey> > not seven+
12:41 PM <Modern_Erasmus> Rule 0, don't mess with the mods
12:41 PM <@Tuomey> fucking newbies
12:41 PM <msogg3298> yeah but it's a little sad when you kick someone for questioning your epic regime
12:42 PM <Waterfire> Procy I was just going off the fact that you've been here at least as long as me
12:42 PM ← msogg3298 was kicked by @ProcyonSick: wrong answer.
12:42 PM <@AidenEldritch> Tuomey: wew
12:42 PM <Waterfire> …
12:42 PM → msogg3298 joined (PI.66DB7C6A.28B01578.F22E87D7|tibbiM#PI.66DB7C6A.28B01578.F22E87D7|tibbiM)
12:42 PM — Waterfire sighs
12:42 PM <@minmin> on one hand ProcyonSick I think you're being a bit of a dick
12:42 PM <@minmin> on the other hand procyonsick is right
12:42 PM <msogg3298> Yeah sorry, but im not going to suck up to some random stranger on the internet
12:42 PM <Waterfire> Msogg3298 be nice
12:42 PM <@minmin> so im gonna go with the latter lmao
12:42 PM — Dr0Shadow ducks for cover
12:42 PM <msogg3298> I haven't done anything lmao
12:42 PM <@ProcyonSick> Minmin: after his performance yesterday I am not going to give him any slack
12:42 PM <@Tuomey> msogg3298: you don't need to suck up
12:43 PM <@minmin> oh alright
12:43 PM <Waterfire> You're being a bit rude atm
12:43 PM <@Tuomey> you need to stop being like "you're wrong"
12:43 PM <@Tuomey> Dropping it would not be sucking up
12:43 PM <@minmin> I only started sucking up once I got promoted
12:43 PM <@ProcyonSick> msogg3298: you've been here two days. You have been banned for an entire half of that. Bull. Shit.
12:43 PM <msogg3298> I said his ego was high because he was all like "no one has ever read as many SCP's as me!" its sorta cringey man, relax
12:43 PM <@Tuomey> That's not what he said
12:43 PM <msogg3298> it was some what implied
12:43 PM <@Tuomey> He said that once someone has criticised as many skips as him they can tell him what to do
12:43 PM <@ProcyonSick> That was at no point what I said or implied
12:44 PM <@Tuomey> We put a /lot/ of work into our criticism here
12:44 PM <Waterfire> Like I do a lot of critique, but nowhere near Procy's level
12:44 PM <@ProcyonSick> I was saying that someone who's been around a week should probably not be guiding my own critique
12:44 PM <DogTeeth> I have to agree with ProcyonSick, that was nowhere said or implied
12:44 PM <msogg3298> yeah i know, too much in fact
12:44 PM <Iodacted> msogg3298, tell me, even if that WAS what they said, would you want someone giving you advice who hasn't ready any at all before? Why do you act like its bad?
12:44 PM <@Tuomey> Too much?
12:44 PM <Waterfire> The only person who I think compares is Zyn
12:44 PM <@Tuomey> Cool
12:44 PM <Waterfire> …
12:44 PM <@Tuomey> You're on my blacklist for crit
12:44 PM <@ProcyonSick> msogg3298: you're free to leave any time.
12:44 PM <@Tuomey> I wouldn't want to put in unncessary effort
12:44 PM <@ProcyonSick> Feel free.
12:44 PM <@ProcyonSick> Please, by all means.
12:44 PM ⇐ @Silberescher quit (~PI.75544BD2.82B3EE7.BF5C3DDA|alliztahc#PI.75544BD2.82B3EE7.BF5C3DDA|alliztahc) Operation timed out
12:45 PM <Waterfire> Msogg3298 you're being a bit of a jerk right now
12:45 PM <@minmin> kk
12:45 PM <Waterfire> Just
12:45 PM <Waterfire> Please, be nice
12:45 PM <Waterfire> Don't lash out like this
12:45 PM ⇐ @Silber quit (aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop#aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop) Ping timeout: 360 seconds
12:45 PM <@Tuomey> AidenEldritch: is it a reasonable time for you
12:45 PM <@Tuomey> I'd like to hand off tbh
12:45 PM → @Silberescher (opped) joined
12:45 PM <msogg3298> You must have a lot of time on your hands if you do nothing but sit around and read SCP's all day. And he hasn't even answered my question. Why should i listen to you if you haven't even told me how many SCP's you've read?
12:45 PM <@AidenEldritch> go sleep Tuom
12:45 PM → nulljellyfish joined • mode: Tuomey (de-opped)
12:45 PM <msogg3298> Listen to your critques*
12:45 PM <@AidenEldritch> msogg3298: a) stop being a passive-aggressive snit when
12:45 PM <@ProcyonSick> 2000+
12:46 PM <@ProcyonSick> I've long since lost count.
12:46 PM <Tuomey> not yet but I'm officially in "speaking as a user not an op territory"
12:46 PM <@AidenEldritch> *when people are trying to tell you "stop being a dick"
12:46 PM <msogg3298> do you work?
12:46 PM <@ProcyonSick> I do
12:46 PM <@ProcyonSick> I'm a paralegal.
12:46 PM <@ProcyonSick> A law professional.
12:46 PM <Tuomey> msogg3298: are you 12 fucking years old
12:46 PM — Waterfire sighs again
12:46 PM <@ProcyonSick> I'm working on my JD now.
12:46 PM <msogg3298> amazing
12:46 PM <@ProcyonSick> Now how about you tell me what the fuck you do, friendo
12:46 PM <Waterfire> OK, I was helping AdrienLane before
12:46 PM <msogg3298> hey dont cuss, that's offensive
12:46 PM <@AidenEldritch> b) if any part of your argument is 'do you even have a life' you've lost the debate, because what are you, seven fucking years old
12:46 PM <Tuomey> for the love of god "tell me how many skips you've read" "tell me you work"
12:46 PM <AdrienLane> msogg3298 you don't have to sit around and read SCP's all day. I joined just the other day and I've lurked the site for 1 1/2 years off and on. its just about getting a feel for what the content's like.
12:46 PM <Waterfire> Right, example of a infohazard warning
12:47 PM <@ProcyonSick> I'll say what I fucking like
12:47 PM → tawny- joined (2.0.ynw|t#2.0.ynw|t)
12:47 PM <Tuomey> You have't read the chat guide, msogg3298
12:47 PM <Tuomey> Do you know how I know this?
12:47 PM <AdrienLane> yes thx waterfire
12:47 PM <Tuomey> It has cursing in it
12:47 PM <msogg3298> i know Toumey
12:47 PM Silberescher → @Silber
12:47 PM <@ProcyonSick> Oh hey, Tuomey, is that not a bannable offense?
12:47 PM <msogg3298> i say it ironically
12:47 PM tretter → tretterSleep
12:47 PM <@minmin> ProcyonSick: Wheaton's rule
12:47 PM <Tuomey> It's only ironic idiocy when it is distinct from your normal behaviour
12:48 PM → Chords joined (~ten.nozirev.soif.apalhp.63DD6C71-CRInys|rohC_emoS#ten.nozirev.soif.apalhp.63DD6C71-CRInys|rohC_emoS)
12:48 PM <msogg3298> ok well, i guess i'll just ignore critism from procyonsick since it's impossible for someone clearly as dumb as me to write something good enough from him
12:48 PM <msogg3298> now Waterfire
12:48 PM <Dr0Shadow> brb Imma try to make IRCCloud work
12:48 PM <msogg3298> where were we
12:48 PM <msogg3298> what parts did you not like
12:48 PM <msogg3298> also
12:48 PM <msogg3298> for the testing
12:48 PM ⇐ Dr0Shadow and tawny quit
12:48 PM <@AidenEldritch> …dude.
12:48 PM <msogg3298> i always put "individual"
12:48 PM @ProcyonSick banned *!*@7D78E22F.87510B82.A6C7BD66.IP (+b)
12:49 PM <@ProcyonSick> See you in a week
12:49 PM ← msogg3298 was kicked by @minmin: bye