So Zachary Maxwell does not match any existing user name and I have been discussing the recent uptick in overzealous newbies who post the entirety of their drafts to the forums, without using a sandbox. While usually these drafts aren't always the worst we see on the site, there seems to be a consistency in "not reading resources available" behavior in those who just dump a draft onto the forums.
As such, it's been suggested that for users who post full drafts to the forum, no feedback should be given until they put the draft in a sandbox and link it from the thread accordingly. This is to encourage people to follow the forum guidelines, as allowing feedback to continue even when people don't use the sandbox doesn't really demonstrate importance of following guidelines (and ultimately, using the sandbox will help everyone, both author and reviewers).
I've made a standard copypasta for staff to use in response to full drafts here: For ease of reference, it's in the stickied "How to" thread at the top of the Drafts forum listing. It's also got links to the sandbox, the drafts forum how-to, and the How to Write an SCP Guide.
mods and admins can use the collapsible blocks, OS/JS can copypaste the main body since they can't edit posts.